A Chapter by Mr. Revan

the starting episode of the series, in which we learn of the city's corruption and crime, and realize that there is someone looking to end the darkness.


"I can't tell you how many times I've looked at my newspaper in the morning and read about a murder or two. Its absolute chaos out there at night, and even in the daytime, when we watch out, things are still on the verge of collapse".

"Mayor, I understand your concerns. We are trying to maintain society.."

"Listen Shrimp, you may be the Chief of Police but I don't see any reason why you should hold that title".

Police Chief Arnold Walbern felt chills in his spine, fear of being demoted, or even being out of a job. The mayor, James Patters sat in his large brown leather chair, ridiculing Arnold for his lack of control on the city streets.

"Damnit Arnold, I can see fires burning from my office window. you think you're maintaining it?" Arnold attempted to answer, but was silenced again by the mayor's bellowing. "I was elected to make this eruption of anarchy a page in history, and I elected jerk-offs like you to do it. Now, have you done it?"

Arnold responded to the verbal abuse with his lack-of-a -reason answer. "Sir, this is a new era in law enforcement. People are, well, sir they've gone insane. We get too many reports every day that we can't even file them for a week. There are some serious wack jobs out  there, and it seems to be more and more.."

"You're not explaining why you FAIL to control the populace". The mayor was getting more infuriated every second, and didn't want to hear any explanation about how its getting worse. 'If you had been doing your f*****g job it wouldn't be getting worse' he thought. "Look at this", the mayor said. He turned his chair to the right, and aimed a nearby remote at a television. "Vigilantes are doing more work than the law in these times. I recorded this to show you how clueless you are with the current situation". He pressed play, and a news report came on the screen.

"This is Laura Cambell reporting. Just moments ago, yet another criminal act, the third one this morning, was reported in South District. This follows the three week explosion of violence against civilians all across the city. Just before eight this morning, witnesses were called out of their shops by the sound of an alarm going off from the guns and ammunition armory in the Palmer shopping center. Witnesses also said that the suspect was seen running away, and quickly disapearing without a trace. Officers recently arriving on the scene announced that two guns were stolen in addition to several magazines for a 9mm pistol and cartridges for a Remmington 700 sniper rifle". The reporter, now discussing the rest of the details with the newscaster, looked very tired. She had multiple scratches on her face and she hadn't taken the time to do her blonde hair, from what it had appeared. Arnold listened intently, glad that the mayor was temporarily silenced.

The reporter continued, "In fact, just last night, I was attacked by two men, but fortunately, a masked person saved me, which leads me to his name. He calls himself The Dark Savior, and it seems that this is not the first occurence where a vigilante has taken control of the situation. Does this mean that we may have heroes of our own? Or are we just looking at more people taking advantage of the neglect of law enforcement in the city? One thing is for sure, this reign of terror by anarchists will not end slowly. Laura Cambell, Channel 17 News".

Then the mayor paused the recording. "I suggest you come up with a solution to our problems quickly. I got a call from the National Guard, they are preparing to move into the city should this uprising become an all out revolution. Now, I don't want any civilian blood being spilled over a bunch of lunatics thinking that this isn't the United States of America. Now get out, and go do your damn job, or I'll call the Guard back and tell them to take over now".

"Yes sir", Arnold said reluctantly. He walked out of the mayor's office, and left the building. He was walking to his squad car, when he was grabbed suddenly, pulled back by an extremely powerful man. He was dragged into an alley, with a knife to his throat. "Talk", the man said, his face hidden by a hood and mask. His voice was an inhuman sound, and it had a bit of a hissing in it, like a snake. "What do you want to know?" Arnold questioned, hiding the fear for his life. "I know that the city is going to be put under martial law by the army, and I need to know my time window". Arnold, looking with a bit of confusion, answered, "1 week, 2 weeks tops. If the city becomes the site for a massive revolution, the entire area will be put under martial law. And its the National Guard, not the Army". "Same damn thing", the masked individual said. "Can you help me, Arnold?" Arnold was shocked by his words. "You know my name?" The man nodded. "Well, what could I do for you?" The man began, "the video you saw, in the mayor's office.."

"How the hell did you.."

"Shut it, I know everything, lets just say. In the video, there was a robbery.. those items that were taken I now have. I robbed the store to continue my work. You later saw her talk about a masked man, I am him". arnold stared at him, but all he saw was a dark figure, like a shadow. "I need you to try your best to help clean the streets, stop the news from reporting anything, whatever you need to do. If the army moves in.."

"National Guar--"

A heavy fist struck Arnold's face, silencing him again. "Don't interrupt. If the Army moves in half the city will be a warzone. I can't promise much, but I know there is a leader to this anarchist movement. I know there is, somewhere here. Now, you are going to go to to your police station, and clean those streets, and keep them clean". Arnold nodded, with a plan in the works in his head. With that, the figure slammed Arnold into an inlet in the brick alleyway. Then he turned and walked down another alleyway, intersecting the one they were talking in. With Arnold's back, still near the wall, he pulled out his handgun, and aimed. "Freeze!" he yelled. The man kept walking.

One shot rang out from his gun, hitting the man in the back. Sparks errupted from the impact point. Like a flash, the man turned, throwing two blades at Arnold, both pinning the left and right shoulders of his coat to the brick behind him. "Don't f**k with the Savior", the man said, and turned back, and continued on. A haze began to settle over the alleys, and when it dissipated, he was gone. And Arnold was all alone, with two blades dug deep into the wall, and the sounds of the city echoed around him.

© 2009 Mr. Revan

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I would reformat this using the editor in the manage writing tab. Sort of confusing in this format. Sounds cool, just a bit confusing how it is posted.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2009
Last Updated on July 27, 2009


Mr. Revan
Mr. Revan

Green Pond, FL

i've lived so many lives, its hard to separate the fact from the fiction. reality versus imagination. I think Im far more comfortable, forever dreaming, inside the skin of a thousand personas. They.. more..

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