We The People

We The People

A Poem by deadlife

what have we made of ourselves...

We raped her.
One by one
all of us.
She was crying..
She was bleeding tears,
and we were laughing.
Now she's dead.
We've killed her.
She's no more.

I heard her screams
but I didn't move,
cuz I was told - We are right!

Who are we?
What are we?

I'm lost in this mob.

I see people fighting.
I see people crying.
I see people blaming.
I see people dying.

I've heard of Heaven and Hell.
I've heard of God.
I've heard of different beliefs.
I've heard of love.
Uh.. I've heard of all these myths...
Word of God; said by humans.
Books of God; written by humans.
God; made by humans.

I don't see God.
I don't see love.
I don't see respect.
I don't see humanity.
But. . .
I see deaths.
I see hatred.
I see people dying for myths.
I see people love these myths, more than God.
I see discrimination.
I see disgust.
I see burned churches.
I see destroyed mosques.
I see smashed temples.
I see borders, stretched in the hearts, where love could never trespass.
I see the end.
I see excuses.
Vague reasons.

We are no humans.
We are mere Colours.
We are Christians, Muslims, Hindus etc.. etc...
But we are no humans.

We have our own Gods, own beliefs, own lives... Everything.
But it's not enough.
Even it is not enough.
We want more.
We are hungry.


We the (DASH) People!

© 2010 deadlife

Author's Note

I've not written it for reviews but to share my feelings. So please please please if you feel anything that relates to some sort of sadness.. Then please try to make a little change in yourselves. Use your heart. Contribute your smiles to save humanity. What you've been giving to this world is greatly appreciated but all I ask for One Extra Smile. We are human before anything else. Accept it.
There's never a wrong time to do the right thing. I beg you all. . . Please love.
Try to spread this feeling of love in your daily lives.. It would heal the wound..Or at least won't make it worse.
It's a request, do anything.. Anything that you are capable of to spread love around you. It's in dire need. Every smile would count. We need love.
And if you cannot do anything, then please don't do anything. Kindly don't make the condition worse.
Thank you.

To all who believe everything is not lost, yes everything is not. But do we need to wait, till we lose everything? No. Certainly not.
You may think I'm only focussed on one side of the story.. So let me confirm that, yes, I am; because that's the side which needs to be taken care of.
Love. Laugh. Live.

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what can i say ,you said it all loud and clear,every word you said i agree with you ,i wanted to put some of your lines that i liked but then really i would have to put all your writing in my review area,i just loved and respected every word you said ,they were so deep cry to the world ,i know it may not change anything,but you have spoken yourself and thats quite good for we all hear ,only some deaf ears will never hear and i am sorry for them

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


The saddest thing about this write is that it vividly demonstrates that you do not beleive in the one and only God...and it may be because you are looking in the wrong place. You talk to us about opening up our hearts and learning to love for the sake of love and compassion...please take your own advice. God is Love.

Posted 15 Years Ago

"I see"... a messed up person. I dont care whether you are writing about your feelings or not, that was freaky. As I do feel some sadness, as do all people at some point, I do not express it through "We raped her". Try doing something alittle up beat next time. Have a nice day!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

very powerful.....
just the emotion thru this was phenomonal.
very moving..

Posted 15 Years Ago

Much emotion, power and a longing for change in this very deep write...
TY fd=for making a difference with this poem well crafted in metaphor and feeling

ty for entering!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Sadly, what you have written there echos truth...the way that you have personified "Humanity" and have shown that people, across the globe, have treated her poorly. The worst part...this is in our nature...we are not a species that thrives on peace, it shows across the ages. Still, it takes, as you said, a group of people who simply understand that to heal we need to love, and perhaps this group will grow and grow until it is larger than those you write about. Well written...well spoken...

Posted 15 Years Ago

This brought tears to my eyes. Its a beautiful plea and cry from your loving heart mourning the loss of "Humanity"

But all is not lost you know dear friend. While there are people such as you, penning your soul, grieving for what we have lost and getting the message "out there" the world does have a glimmer of hope, I truly believe that.

Peace starts with the individual, in the homes and "ordinary" people may think what can we do? Well, we don't loose hope, and hang on to our truth and one day, just one day our words may indeed be heard by the so called "World Leaders" that we have had enough! We don't want the wars, the killing, the maiming, the poverty, the worship of money (which I believe is the source of all the evil in the word.)

Bravo for sharing your thoughts and "spreading the love" and here's a great big smile for you dear friend :)

Hugs Helena

Posted 15 Years Ago

Very powerful write and perceptive too.
It seems that we have now descended into the "Me Generation", where identities are overly accepted as a need. There's no we anymore, there's only I.
I need distinction...
I need love...
I am great...
I am better...
The way things are going, we are pretty much spiraling down.
Of course, that's pretty much on the case of morality and stuff.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Good guilt trip for those who realize the abuse they have done to others. This piece serves its job really well. And that is good.

A piece that meets is purpose is a well written piece of art.

Posted 15 Years Ago

thank you for writing this, i think that we as humanity really need to open our eyes to whats going on around us, be a liitle more accepting of each other, help one another, if not for ourselves but for our children that will have to grow up in this world. You said it all! keep on writing!

Posted 15 Years Ago

This reflects more truth than I would like to admit.
I only hope that more people will begin to think of others as well, in the future.
Great write.


Posted 15 Years Ago

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30 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 5, 2008
Last Updated on April 20, 2010



New Delhi, India

I was born. I live. I'll die. I know nothing. Where I came from? Where will I go? I'm ignorant of my existance. I'm uncertain of myself. No beliefs. No religion. No god. Know Go.. more..

I Believe I Believe

A Poem by deadlife