We Did It All For You

We Did It All For You

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

It's a response to a one "Crowned Court Censored poet" who stated that Marines were "Gullible" for fighting. I know a Marine corps vet isn't as cool as a banned poet. I'll have to live with that


Don't forget us on this day

For what we went through

The Price we paid for what we did

Cause we did it all for you


Away from home

Away from our lives

Losing loved ones

Losing Wives


The tears the blood

The pain the heartache

The boredom the misery


Now all we ever came to be

was a footnote to history


Maybe we were all suckers

For signing on that line

Maybe we were sacrificed

For the 1000th time


So you all say thankyou

That's what you people do

Sometimes We get tired of it

Sometimes we're humoring you


Sometimes we have trouble

With that big war hero label

Sometimes we just wish

We had a better place at the table


While some of you were in college

preparing for your careers

Some of us were miles away

Fighting back the tears



Just a friendly message

From a veteran with issues

It's OK baby

I don't need a tissue


Just remember what we did

Because we were ordered to

cause in the end no matter what get's said

We were protecting all of you








© 2012 Baby Ricochet

Author's Note

Baby Ricochet
Kind of a crappy poem. I wrote it in about 15 minutes. Ricocet's nose got a little bent out of joint over "Obama the Bomber" by Crown Court censored poet. I sacrificed years of my life and a marriage to the service of this Nation and I don't like seeing it dumped on, let alone by a European. Remember when we bailed Europe out of WWII and kept the Soviets at bay for over 40 years? Wasn't that nice of us?

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honesty at its finest. my respect for you has grown even more. good write man. wasn't crappy at all bro.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Thanx man
Not 'crappy,' as you refer to yourself. You stayed true to your thought and concept, well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

thanx TAI
Fifteen minutes, fifteen hours, fifteen years... doesn't matter. You made it clear and honest. You did well, sir.
Most soldiers know where and when to pick fights, and know if the adversary is really a serious threat. A "censored poet" doesn't really deserve your time, IMHO. I've read some of his stuff. Doesn't equal yours... doesn't come close. Yet it does sting at times, and gets under the skin. You wore a uniform once and inside you still do. (All vets still do.) And you could tell who was who just by looking around you. Here, you can't tell who is who. And since they can only snipe with words, does it really matter?
This poem's content was well written and it flowed extremely well. A well polished poem, sir. Well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Yeah. THat's true. In a lot of ways I'm still a Marine.
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"Now all we ever came to be was a footnote to history"
~i like this and very much true of what life of a soldier is...

like everybody said its not crappy, its not raw either...
this is really well written poem of what you felt its like to be one of the pawn in the big chess called life and war...

A wonderous write of your life my friend.
keep on writing...

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

.. .well, I can say is
you had the courage to make such poem
..cool man!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

I love this poem1 Thank you for your service, sir! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

thanks for bailing us out.......We are ever grateful......lousy no good load of wimps that we clearly are

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Britian was a great empire and handed the Luftwaffe's a*s to them after they kicked the crap out of .. read more
Dr. Wood ?

11 Years Ago

thanks for that
It is NOT a crappy poem! I think it is extremely well written and thought out. There is an undeniable truth in it - The troops make huge sacrifices that no civilian could possibly ever hope to fully understand - More poems like this need to be written - You have a great talent with expressing your thoughts through your pen - well done - I loved it :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

This is lovely. Be proud of your words and yourself. You all are severely overlooked and it's frustrating. I have a good friend over seas right now... just know that there are people that think of you all very often and truly appreciate the scarifice made. Ignore the dumbass who made that comment. Thank you.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago

Oorah! Hooah! Hooyah!

Semper Fi~

Thank you for protecting my family & others.

We remember. ~pat

Posted 11 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

11 Years Ago


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24 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 11, 2012
Last Updated on September 11, 2012


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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