

A Poem by Baby Ricochet


The prosecution couldn't prove it's case
The liberals want to make it about race
Pundits have different opinions to spout
in the media blitz post trial fallout
Eighty thousand experts have their say
So we're dazzled by the flying bullshit ballet
It's really just a tragic case of wanna be
by one tiny dick complex man's fantasy
Carry a weapon you don't know how to use
Instant bad a*s with offers you can't refuse
A weapon doesn't give you a set of balls
Just the one who makes the bodies fall
Once bullets fly you can't apologize
So let this be a word to the wise
The lesson learned is but a simple one
Never leave your house with a f*****g gun

© 2013 Baby Ricochet

Author's Note

Baby Ricochet
For your consideration. The US is the world leader in weapons systems manufacturing including everything from Trident missile systems fully capable of launching a nuclear payload up Kim Jong un's Communist ass to the .22 caliber starter pistols they fire at the start of a foot race. Weapons manufacturing giants, like the fuel, gas and coal industry have a huge vested interest what sort of legislation gets passed on behalf of their interests and bottomless pockets to pay for whatever they want. Do you really think the US government would do anything to curtail that kind of financial power not to mention the political muscle the US has enjoyed abroad from the trade and sales of US made weapons systems. So go ahead and feel free to argue about second amendment rights while our government ease drops on the conversation.

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I must admit I was puzzled by the verdict, if he had stayed in his car like he was told to do none of it would have happened. I don't think Trayvon was an angel, but he shouldn't have died that way.

I was unaware of the facts in your author's note so I learned something here. The fact that corporations hold so much weight through the all mighty dollar appears to be an immovable force.

Good points of view on this Ric.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Relic. It's great to see you
Thanks for tackling this passionate story with such a colorful choice of words.
It makes the point unforgettable my friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

thank you Doug.
Interesting poem I didn't really follow the case much but personally I feel like he should have at least gotten time in jail simply because no matter what the situation was he did kill someone whether or not it was self defense. But aside from that awesome poem :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you for reading Ankara
Baby Ricochet makes a valid point.

But...... Companies aren't going to stop manufacturing guns simply because civilians can no longer own them. They will most likely just distribute to another consumer. As in our government, military, and "Allies" I feel very much at ease knowing that we have several firearms in our house and my dad never fails to take one with us on our trips, never know what kind of psycho you'll come across. I just believe that a dispute lasting for months, (years?) in which nothing has been done and no actions have been taken should soon come to an end. There's no point beating a dead horse, here, guys

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

That's for sure. Thanks for stopping by Annabelle
Well done. In Tune and On Time, great rhyme scheme and a story to be told add up to a poetry that all should know.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Many thanks sethnicity
I was waiting for this...very cool my friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Jack
i have so many feelings about the multiple issues you've touched on, maybe one day i'll rein those feelings in and write something semi-coherent about them

not sure it's possible today

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

thanks for stopping by Emily
Gutsy write BR. I grew up with guns, at 17 I was a crack shot and by the age of 21 I was over the whole damned shooting thing. I at least do feel rather comfortable that I never see guns day in day out here in Aus.

So, whenever I visit the US, I am totally blown away with the number of guns clearly visible, and shocked at the attitude of so many US citizens who expressed the view that they must have their guns for their own protection! Many also ridiculed the Australian tight gun laws citing their right to bears arms as a manadory for their way of life?

On this subject, by far the wisest words that I have heard yet. Bloody good work BR!

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Keith
The right to bear arms .. For sure the abolition of this constitutional freedom would sent libertarians into a rabid frenzy, particularly on the grounds of protections ourselves. Really, if they believe we should be free to do whatever we like on the grounds of our natural rationality then there is no need for them to begin with. With respect to brave men such as yourself, who bravely took the responsibility of using weapons, I am firmly against them altogether.. Anyway, this is a confident and assertive poem with some lovely rhymes Mark. In particular, I loved the phrase "flying bullshit ballet", satirically clever my friend. Good job

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Willow. I appreciate it
I am going to try and pen a review free of political ranting, but that is doubtful.

You've painted a picture of what this case is truly about: stupidity and guns. It's not about race or people or circumstance; it's about a stupid wanna be cop with a handgun. While it brought up debates of gun control and racial profiling, it was never about that. It was always about this baboon Zimmerman gallivanting about, fancying himself a vigilante. Foolishness cost a young man his life, not race.

You also bring up good points about race and gun control. Not everything is about race, although most is, but we can't make everything into that. When it comes to police profiling against minorities, the fact is, they need to. Statistics show that more blacks and Hispanics commit crimes than caucasians, hence why more of the, get stopped and questioned. It's logical and not racist. Sorry to break it to you.

Gun manufacturers do have much too much sway over our political system. By allowing such loose gun laws, we only enable the criminal and the mentally disturbed to commit fallacious acts with guns. We need tighter background checks and mental assessments to protect our citizenry. The only people whose guns we need to take away are criminals and the mentally unstable, not good, law abiding citizens. Organizations like the NRA try to paint gun control as "THEY WANNA DISARM US ALL." No. Just make sure that the people getting guns are of sound mind and are not criminals. That's all.

Back to the poem. You cover a lot of ground with such a short piece, and you make some very clear and reasonable points. Nicely penned, BR.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Will

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33 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on July 22, 2013
Last Updated on July 22, 2013


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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