Karmic Justice

Karmic Justice

A Poem by Baby Ricochet

Something I pulled out of my a*s. The Photo is Madonna. Lady Gaga has nothing on her


Sometimes I wonder to myself
Is there karmic justice
A universal vengeance squad
when your sins are countless

See the good ones get fucked over
See the bad ones prosper
on population ignorance
So we all stay paupers

The ruling class does evil s**t
They always get their way
A simple fact of history
They always get away

We could start a revolution
and overthrow the state
Get the liberals and the hippies
The ones Fox say we hate

We could deal them all mob justice
Like Marie Antoinette
Reality television
A guillotine event

When blood is flowing through the streets
it means all bets are off
The violence feeds upon itself
when vengeance is payoff

When your weapon's wielding justice
there's nothing to decide
Just blow the mother f***s away
before they kill your side

So is there karmic justice
or is it hippie s**t
If you've seen what I have seen
You wouldn't question it

© 2013 Baby Ricochet

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You are such a rare find, Baby. The retired, body building soldier with such intellect, perception, sharp humour, and most importantly, and perhaps the truly rare part, a willingness to share. I often laud your work but no matter what you make an impression. You always say something and you say it with strength and insight. Rock on; rock on.

(Particular fan of the social commentary pieces, like this one.)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Pryde. I appreciate it
your poems are raw and fresh

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Sakshi
The violence feeds upon itself
when vengeance is payoff
For me - when ever I do something rotten - the karmic snapback is usually instant and unmerciful.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Play safe and thanks for reading
Let the cards fall where they will...injustice deserves the same, it's only polite. Very cool my friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Jack
I tend to think of Karma as being something that happens to others when they are bad to me. "They'll get theirs.." I might say to myself. When I am knee-deep in lifes quagmire I often ask "What did I do to deserve this?"
You could say Im kind of a believer then.
I liked this poem BR because it made me think

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you ANTO
Nice piece,
quite invoking and makes one consider the circle that is almost all things.
What we give is what we in some turn ask for, be it violence or peace.
Quite the interesting write bringing the idea of vigilante justice to the whole of the karma idea.
Very clever also in it's turn of play, causing one to consider is it really a karma we want when think justice. the circle gets larger or faster and is outside the control of the one who starts it. Nice play with the careful what you wish for. As always nice read, thanks friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you unsavable soul. It's good to hear from you

10 Years Ago

Good to be friend,
I miss being here. i need to write something meaningful again.
Be wel.. read more
I believe Jefferson said "When the government fears the people, it is democracy. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny." This poem made me think of that quote. You paint a picture of truly just how much power the general population has if we band together. You also question if there is truly justice in this great big world of ours, a question I often ponder myself. Great concept and emotion behind it, well done.

That said, a few grammar catches:
-First line, second stanza, it should be "ones" rather than "one's." You're trying to use it in the plural form, whereas you write the possessive. An apostrophe can be quite the b***h.
-Second line, third stanza, it should be "their" rather than "there." Basically, this is how it goes: there is location (it's over there), their is possession (their heads), and they're is the contraction of they are (they're in the store).
-Fourth line, fourth stanza, it should be "ones" rather than "one's" for the same reason as previously mentioned. Also, capitalize Fox, as it's a proper noun. Same line, it should be "says" rather than "say," because Fox is the one speaking, not the ones.

Sorry to nit pick, but I know you wanna improve as much as possible, and I'm a horrible grammar nazi.

Very good poem, and I'm glad to see you writing. Keep it up.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Will. I fixed them

10 Years Ago

Anytime. Looking good.
I really like this poem it makes you think and wonder awesome write :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you Ankara
As usual, you have expressed yourself truthfully and in a most colorful and dramatic way. That's why we all enjoy following you my friend. Thanks

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

Thank you doug
If a just revolution started tomorrow and the ruling class was blown away, it wouldn't be long before things were in the same state they are now.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Baby Ricochet

10 Years Ago

The more things change the more they stay the same.

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26 Reviews
Added on August 7, 2013
Last Updated on August 8, 2013


Baby Ricochet
Baby Ricochet

Tampa, FL

I write just for the hell of it A way to spend some time Blurting out in cyber space Whatever's on my mind Maybe funny maybe tragic Emotional and raw Politi.. more..


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