

A Chapter by Strawberry Rouge

“Right foot forward … left step back and arms up. And then swing? Spin? Whatever just let him lead me.”


“You’re left foot is too far back, bring it forward. … Not that far forward.”


“Is this correct?”




The girl on the balcony danced around in circles always doing the same motions almost as if she couldn't grasp what she was doing wrong. The young boy sat still with making the slightest movement and watched. She was reaching the point where she no longer cared if her movements were right or wrong.


“Why must dancing be so difficult! I hate dancing why must I learn it! I don't want to dance anymore!” the girl screamed at the top of her lungs.


“You must learn to dance or that woman with scold you again.” The young boy answered his voice carrying a chilling effect to the girl’s body.


The moment that his words reached her body she felt cold, no that was not the correct way to describe it. It was better to be said that she felt frozen to her core. Breathing out slowly as if she would be able to see her breath she spun around once more before looking up to the sky.


“I don't know how to dance! I don't want to learn how to dance! Why must I be forced to learn! If they want someone to dance with that man they can just give him my sister! She would be more than happy to dance with him!”


“Yes but he wishes to dance with you. So you must learn or do you wish to be scolded again?” the young boy mused.


Once again she started spinning in circles only this time she did not follow any rhythm or reason she was just spinning. The young boy mentioned being scolded a second time no doubt he wanted to make sure that she understood that she did not have a choice in the matter. She was to learn to dance; if she refused she would be punished and then put to dance once more only this time under supervision.


“I hate dancing.” She spoke in a murmur.


If it had been anybody else other than that boy they would have taken her comment at face value. They would have all just gone about their day stating that the reason that she was in such a bad mood and the reason she just couldn't learn to dance was that she hated dancing. But the truth was all too easy to see with the esteemed eyes of the young boy.

“Then let us not dance anymore. How about I tell you a story?” the young boys voice was calm almost airy and drifting in the wind.


“Us dance? You were never dancing to begin with.” The girl stated flatly


“Do you want to hear the story?”




“The nine families hold more power than any other organization in the world. They rule with absolute power over everything and everyone. Even species out side of vampires fall to their knees in respect for them. Within each family they have a representative, or that is to say a Head of the Family. That one person holds full command about how the family will operate. But no one ever said that the nine families were created equal. They are all known for different aspects of their families, one is known for power, another strength, some for their wit it really just depends on what family you are talking about. However there is one family that stands worlds above the rest.

Even the heads of the other families bow to that family. The head of that family … perhaps it is better said that he is the King. A king that is resisted by no one.”


“That story is not a story you’re just telling me things I already know. This is common knowledge. How boring.”


Smirking the boy titled his head to look at the sky, then he shifted his gaze back to the young maiden.


“…. But hey … do you really think that there was only ever nine families?”

© 2019 Strawberry Rouge

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Added on April 11, 2018
Last Updated on April 3, 2019


Strawberry Rouge
Strawberry Rouge

I just love to read and write! My stories have a big range of different things that I write about. Hope you all enjoy. more..
