Bye Eva

Bye Eva

A Chapter by ehyld

1. Bye Eva

At first, it was not like something I had ever tried before. It was a feeling of control and power, and I felt strong. Not strong, as those fitness guys, who don’t do anything besides lifting weights - but strong, as from deep insight my mind and out to every last fiber of my body. I was in charge, I made the calls. It wasn’t like anything else.
But again, there is always a bad part. I didn’t even remember my own damn birthname. Only the name they gave me, which was Loki, was what I knew. But when I met her, it all just slowly came back, and I started seeing these weird things. Like deja vus. I started feeling bad about myself and what I did to all those people. The way I killed them, just because I was told to do so. The way they begged for forgiveness, hoping that god would be with them. But he wasn’t. I was, and I was more like Satan, taking them away from their lives. But I couldn’t stop. Not because I didn’t want to, but because it was them or me. I had to choose myself.


Norris Hill was just like all of the other cities. Lots of work, girls, alcohol and fun. Whenever I came to a new city, I had a hell of a lot of work to do. If I did it probably, I was allowed to stay there as long as I would. Normally I would stay for about three or four years, which was absolutely nothing for a guy like me. I would pick a school to attend or I’d find myself a prober job. I usually preferred the latter, because repeatedly going to school was a pain in the a*s. But in Norris Hill there were no good jobs to find, so I chose a school and started as a 17 year-old boy, who just looked kind of old of his age. Well, my body is technically 24.
The first days of school were fine, even though I found it very uninteresting to hear about global warming. I was impatiently waiting for my next job. I hadn’t done any for over three days, so my body was weak and I had a hard time keeping myself from wanting to go kill some of the students. I couldn’t control my temper, so I stayed home from school.
Then, one afternoon when I was taking a nap, I dreamed about a blond, skinny girl with freckles and light blue eyes. She was sitting at a bar, surrounded by some of her friends, I assumed. I knew the bar. It was a bar in Norris hill, where all the students seemed to hang out, when they had time. The girl from my dream was laughing at a joke one of her friends said, and then she caught my eye. I found myself, sitting at a barstool in my dream, looking at her. She smiled, blinked at me, and then I knew it. This was my job. She was my job.
I woke up only a few seconds after I had smiled back at the girl. A feeling of joy ran through my body, and I could feel the hunger burning insight. Finally, I was allowed to kill someone.
If there were too much time in between my killings, my temper would take over. At first I would get angry, aggressive and if more than two weeks went by, I would get weak. I wouldn’t be able to think straight, and it would hurt like hell. The pain was probably the worst part. If I hadn’t turned in a couple of weeks, the turning would happen in the worst pain. So I had to turn once in a while, to keep my body from killing itself or killing someone not meant to be killed.

Later that day, I went to the Grill. I sat down on a barstool and ordered a drink. I knew the blond girl would be here in a few minutes, - I preferred to see my victims, before I killed them - so I wanted to know why, she was my job.
I am only allowed to kill the one I am supposed to kill. So one could say that we in fact are the good ones. The ones, who make sure that those, who have done something wrong, will be punished. That is the reason why I want to get an idea of whom my kill is. What they have done to deserve my punishment. I want to know that, before I take their lives.
I the beginning, it was the only way I could survive. I had not ever killed someone before, so I had to make sure they had done something to deserve it. What if they were innocent? Then I would kill an innocent person, and that would be the worst possible thing, that could happen. But now I knew they never were. Neither was this blond girl.
She came through the door, into the grill, and sat down at the exact table as in my dream. She was followed by her friends, who were all good looking. They were probably the popular group, I thought.
Just like anyone my kind, I was able to see my target’s sins, whenever I looked at them, just like a movie playing inside my head. I didn’t really care about what I saw. It was mostly pain, crying, yelling and things like that, and I was used to it. I became immune to all of those feelings a long time ago. Now I didn’t care at all. I knew, what I had to do, and I never hesitated.
Whenever I looked at the blond girl, I saw a boy, giving her flowers in her doorway. They were much younger, than what she now was. The boy wore glasses and was obviously into her. She laughed, and closed the door in his face. Episodes like this, where she humiliated this boy in front of everyone at school, were many. Then I saw the boy alone in a room. He was now older, the same age as her, and I knew what he was doing. He was about to kill himself, because of her. He was into the blond girl, she bullied him and didn’t care s**t about him, so it was her fault. It was her fault he committed suicide, and that was her sin. I had to kill her.
The blond girl and her friends were talking about a party, which they would attend later that night, so she told them that she was going to get a drink at the bar. She walked towards the bar, so I turned around so she wouldn’t see me looking at her.
“Can I get a metropolitan? “ she asked the boy behind the bar, who started to mix up a drink with vodka, juice and orange liqueur. I knew my drinks perfectly.
“That’s a funny choice, “ I laughed, trying to get her to talk. She turned around and looked at me, already a little drunk from what they had been drinking before they came to the bar.
“And why is that? “ she asked me with a cute smile, obviously checking me out. I laughed again and bit my lip. Girls are easy targets.
“I thought you would be more of a… maybe a strawberry daiquiri kind of girl. “
“And why is that so?” she asked me again, moving a little closer. Her left arm resting on the countertop, her shoulders back, head up and a good posture. She was undeniable delicious, which was just making this a lot easier.
“Pretty girls always seem to drink daiquiris. “
“Are you saying I’m pretty? “ She giggled and blushed a little. How easy could she do this?
“Yes, I am. “
The boy behind the bar gave the girl her drink and I gave him a 10-dollar bill, and told him to keep the change. All girls love that.
“Oh… you don’t have to…”
“How come you don’t have a boyfriend to pay for your drinks? “ I interrupted. I had to find out, how to do this. Her friends would soon notice, that she had not returned, so I had to do it fast.
“I do. But I don’t know where he is right now, “ she said and shrugged her shoulders, while looking down her feet.
“That is a shame. I was hoping, you would be chatty, but that’s okay. ” I knew she didn’t want to leave, not yet. Her boyfriend was probably a douchebag, who treated her like s**t. I couldn’t complain, because that just made it easier for me. She smiled at me.
“We can chat, “ she assured. Obviously she had forgotten all about her friends now.
“I believe your friends will miss you. Don’t you think? “ Her eyes burned into mine, and I knew I had her exactly where I wanted her to be. She took a deep breath. I knew she was thinking about staying here with me, so I made it easy for her.
“You could stay here and talk with me, but then your friends and boyfriend would notice. Or you could make me a very happy man, and tell your friends that you have to go, and then leave this bar with me instead. “
“Leaving you completely alone isn’t a choice, I suppose? “ she laughed. Obviously she was a smart girl.
“No. It’s not. “
Suddenly she rose, took her drink and walked towards her friends, wo hadn’t yet noticed her talking to me. She didn’t even look at me.
“Guys, I am so sorry, but I have to leave. I forgot I had promised my mom to help her with something at home. I am really sorry. “
“Seriously? You’re way too drunk to drive, Eva! ” a girl said, and she was probably right. I couldn’t help but smile, when she turned her head around and looked at me with burning eyes. She didn’t know that I was able to hear what she had just told her friends, so I just played along. I walked out the door and listened to her friends complaining to her, and her trying to tell them that her mom really needed her. I thought it would be a piece of cake, when she came out the doors, almost unable to stay on her feet. She almost fell, so I rushed to catch her.
“Here you go, “ I said to her and she giggled, while I carried her towards the parking lot.
“You’re so strong. And fast. How is that possible? “ she asked. I kept going, while she was studying my face from her place in my arms. I was sure, she wasn’t as drunk as she seemed, but just needed an excuse for going with a stranger.
“You’re tiny. And drunk, “ I said softly and placed her on her feet, her back against my car. She threw her hands around my neck and I placed mine on my car on either side of her head. Our noses almost touching.
“I’m not that drunk, “ she mumbled and I felt a slight pull, as she wanted me closer to her. I leaned in and stopped when my lips were less than an inch from hers. Her fingers found the back of my hair, and as she pulled it softly, I could feel my body responding to her touch. She was lovely, that I could not deny. I could hear her heart pumping blood in her veins. I could smell her sweet, delicious scent.
“Do you want to kiss me? “ I wanted so much more than that…
“I want to do so much more to you. But here isn’t the place. I want to take you to a place not far away. “ She nodded silently, and I opened my arms, so she could get free. I laid one hand on the small of her back and directed her down a small path into the wood. Her heart was pumping fast, as she began to wonder where the hell we were going.
“Don’t you think this is far enough? “ she asked me in a nervous tone. I tightened my grab around her waist and fastened up our speed.
“You don’t want anyone to find us, do you? ” It didn’t sound like a question, so she didn’t bother to answer me, which was fine, since I didn’t feel like talking. I was thinking about what was about to come. It had been so long since my last kill, so my body was starving and weakened. I looked around and saw a little tree house, probably used for camping. It was perfect. I made sure no one was there, and then I stopped. She looked surprised, obviously fighting with her feelings. She wasn’t sure if she should feel afraid or excited, I could tell by just breathing in her scent.
I grabbed her arms and slightly pulled her into me, until my mouth found hers. With one hand in her hair and the other on the small of her back, I let me tongue in and played with hers. Her breath got heavier intact with my hands over her entire body - feeling every inch, craving everything she had to give me. She pulled the back of my hair and my hands found her sweet behind. In one move, I lifted her up, her legs wrapped around me and to a few steps towards the tree house. I pressed her back the wall and forced my body against hers. I could feel my erection getting stronger, but it wasn’t entirely because of her. My teeth started to hurt, which meant it was time. I bit her under lip and she made a little scream.
“God you’re wonderful, “ I told her, and bit her again, now even harder. This time she didn’t just made a noise, instead she screamed.
“Bye Eva… I mumbled,and tasted the sweet blood coming from her lip.
“What the he… “ she began, but she stopped when she saw my face. I knew how it looked. My eyes were even greener than before, almost lightening in the dark. My upper lip raised, exposing my fangs, like an animal, ready to kill his victim.
Well, I’m not just any animal.
I’m a Were Jaguar.

© 2014 ehyld

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Added on November 16, 2014
Last Updated on November 16, 2014



I am a Jaguar I am a Jaguar

A Book by ehyld