My Other Pair of White Wings

My Other Pair of White Wings

A Story by India Damaris

an excerpt from my first novel titled, "Till You and I Found Us", written by one of the main characters when he was a young man.


“My Other Pair of White Wings”

By Jessie Wind



           To my soul


Preface:           I am a young tree, just able to seek, and I am yearning to peak.

Be me I say, be many of me, as I extend far into the world of wonder and encompassment. My arms reach out to the hopes of a friend, a friend that may embrace me as I intertwine upon friend’s fate with mine.


Part I

Forest for the Sky


Last moon I dreamt I was sitting high in a tree, so high I felt I could almost reach a star. With my arm outstretched, I tried to touch one. Yet I could not reach. I questioned in my mind if the star would be warm and soft, or hard and cold.

Maybe the stars aren’t to be touched.

As I sat high up in the tree, I listened to all the insects and animals introduce themselves. An owl was in a tree across from me stating the fact I was ‘who’.

I thought my name was Wind, perhaps owl knows something I’ve not discovered yet.

I started to get sleepy again, and then something tickled my nose. All I could focus on was a blurry white spot. Then the white spot grew larger and I realized it was no longer upon my nose, it was fluttering around in front of me. A gray butterfly, fluttering around, looking at me like it had a secret to share, yet could not speak it. Then the glorious butterfly flew to the star I was trying to reach.

Now I cannot see it anymore. The star is getting bigger and brighter though. I wonder what makes the stars so bright. As I’m pondering, the butterfly comes back yet it is no longer the gray it was, it is pure white like the stars. It comes back to rest upon my nose, I laugh and in the process the butterfly flutters off and goes over to the end of the branch I’m resting on and stares at the stars as if their keeper.


Part II

My Fate


I must have fell asleep high up in the tree, and for how long I can never know. Upon waking, I looked for the white butterfly on the end of my little branch and it was gone. In its place was a red flower. The stars are even brighter and I can hear the crickets chanting from below like a fire snapping in a cold air. Would the flower let me reach it I wonder, or as the star, it may need a butterfly, a butterfly to spread it’s wings, spread them far, so I may reach the very edge to touch and see if it is warm and soft or hard and cold.

I do not try, just sit and admire the red flower, as it is. To my pleasure the white butterfly returns and sets upon the middle of the red flower, seemingly enticing me and at the same time challenging me. Suddenly the white butterfly flutters off, the flower turns white, and all the petals separate and flutter about me like snow. Snow as bright as the stars.

The petals dance around me and lift me up, floating me deep into the indigo sky. Petals carrying me like butterfly wings. The wings that light the stars brought me my other pair of white wings, the flower.

…The Beginning of Fate





India Damaris

© 2010 India Damaris

My Review

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Quite a facinating and heart felt read... your descriptions through out were lush and concise.. I felt invigorated after reading this gem. Thanks for sharing your talent!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 11, 2010
Last Updated on January 17, 2010
Tags: short stories, fantasy, childrens book, fiction, Till You and I Found Us


India Damaris
India Damaris

Orlando, FL

About the author: I am 46, from Montana US. I've been living in Florida for the last 16 years. I'm an artist, writer and enjoy every minute of what I do. I grew up being outside mostly with no cell p.. more..
