A Poem by Cassie Fraga

cuz you inspire me...


Where my love drifts to beyond its height

Aspirations are touched upon without wish

Where findings are found within sight

Embraced and protected through the complexity of what exists

Into the kneeling golden rays of infinity

Into the indigo stained nowhere of serenity

As far as I can go

Let me stay- 

© 2012 Cassie Fraga

Author's Note

Cassie Fraga
a simple piece, with a simple purpose... = )

((thank you Aaron for the beautiful view!!!))

My Review

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Beautiful... evocative. I love "the indigo stained nowhere of serenity"!

You've got another great one hiding if you just knock out a single word: what do you think of "aspirations are touched without wish" (read it aloud!)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh! thats was fabulous write ... Just Overwhelmed :-)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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:) the simplicity of this piece makes it stand out.. the photo is also wonderful, it captures the feelings of the poem. :)
"Where my love flows to beyond its height
And aspirations are touched upon without wish" -- loved these lines!!
wonderfully crafted.. ^^

Posted 12 Years Ago

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You painted this in a very beautiful manner right from the heart.. A great write..!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very beautiful...I love how this poem has that simplicity yet the idea shows creativity...A well crafted short piece!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Well, tie me up, smother me in Angel Delight and let Michelle Pfieffer lose. Just a personal fantasy. Besides, she could use a good feed. Oh, and to save the guy who's going to complain about this review the time of tracking down my website to send abusive comments, it's www.emfaustus.com
Now, I know I reviewed this, seconds within it going on the screen, but, when I saw it arrive in my RR my first thought was, Great. I get to read it again. Why? Because it's bloody good (and the fella who's going to complain about my language, see the adress above and get something to really complain about).
Really. It may be the best thing you've written.
Beautifully plantive, sad and emotional, it does a rare thing. A marvelous work that makes me so glad I read it and it's part of my life.
And yeah. You're real good.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Hmmm... I think... well... Ok.. Got it!

Upon knees beneath thy place of wish
Alight under the heavens rippling shine
Granted wings of Angels, do take flight
Streaming endlessly from a day to night

I do so love reading poetry that inspires me to reply in poetic kind. =) Your ink was much enjoyed!


Posted 12 Years Ago

Love doesn't just mean holding on tight but also growing as individuals... we can love deeply and unconditionally.

Posted 12 Years Ago

it reminds me of creativity and allowing it to flow freely. Achieving those things you set out to do without out limits.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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60 Reviews
Added on January 26, 2012
Last Updated on March 28, 2012


Cassie Fraga
Cassie Fraga


I AM THE GIRL... 1. I am the girl who people say is a "dreamer" or "over imaginative"... they are correct... I am this way because I like the view from the clouds, my world looks more .. more..


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