"The Poet"

"The Poet"

A Poem by E. Renard Jackson

Meet "The Poet." He just wants to be remembered, so he prays that for all of his doubt, pain and sacrifice, his words will grant him the ultimate reward--immortality.


"The Poet"


He sits alone in his room

with pencil in hand.

Trying to describe a world

that he barely understands.


He uses metaphors and rhyme,

personification and prose,

to add meaning to his life--

the only life that he knows.


He stands uneasy before the crowd,

yet, he seeks their validation.

He uses words to describe

his fears and frustrations.

To walk in his shoes

is such a lonely cross to bear.

Still, he doesn't need your pity--

only to know that you care.


To understand "The Poet"

you'll have to read between the lines.

There you'll find the beauty

and the complexities of his mind.


He wants to live forever,

but he's afraid he'll die in vain.

So he prays that through his words...

you'll always remember his name.


Such is the life, and the hope, and the dream...

of "The Poet."




© 2011 E. Renard Jackson

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Added on May 17, 2011
Last Updated on May 17, 2011
Tags: Poet, Pain, Sacrifice, Words, Immortality, Dreamer