chapter 2

chapter 2

A Chapter by erica726

Blake, Nora, and Andy see someone unexpected...




Chapter 2

Andy had grown into a moody teenager and Nora hated it.  She hated that the sweet little boy everybody loved, had disappeared.  During the taxi ride, all he gave her was a nasty look.  Not having a father figure, had been very harsh on him, for he had no role model or anyone to look up to.  The one time their father had called, Andy refused to talk to them.  They’ve hadn’t heard from their mother in a year but they were granted a visit.  Nora was hesitant to tell Andy that they were going there first, so she didn’t tell him where they were going.

Blake said loudly, “Nora are we almost there?”

Not wanting to give anything away, Nora said, “I think that we’re almost there.  Andy, you should leave your phone and epod in the car though.”

            Confused, Andy said, “Why can’t I bring my phone and epod in our house.”  As soon as he said that, the figure of the prison emerged. 

Andy’s face turned cherry red and he said, “How could you do this Nora?  I told you that I never wanted to see either of them again!  I’M NOT GOING IN!”

Keeping her temper, Nora said, “I knew you would’ve never went Andy which is why I didn’t tell you.  By the way, the choice is not up to you because the cab will not wait outside.  Therefore, you have to go in.”  Andy shoved his headphones in his ears and turned the volume up all the way while Nora felt a major headache coming on. 

Nora said, to the cab driver, “Thank you very much.”  She motioned for Blake and Andy to get out but Andy wouldn’t. She yelled, “Andy, get out of the car!  I’m not dealing with this.”  Andy mumbled some nasty words but finally got out. 

Once they were in the lobby, they had to be patted down.  Nora and Blake proceeded without protest, but Andy gave the officer some issues.

The officer said, “Listen buddy, you want me to deny you access because I can do that very easily.”

Nora stepped in and said, “Officer, I’m very sorry; he is just in a bad mood this morning.”  The officer made a face but nodded his head.

They all sat down at a long, metal table while the officer explained the rules. 

Rule #1:  Hands have to be visible and on top of the table at all times.

Rule #2: Cell phones are forbidden in this room.

Rule #3: Giving the prisoner anything of any kind is not allowed and will result in an immediate exit.  Blake gave Nora a nervous smile while Andy gave her a nasty look.

            After the unbearable silence, an officer brought their mother in.  It took everything in Nora not to cry; her mother’s beautiful blonde hair was now gray, there were bruises all over her body, and noticeable bags under her eyes.

            Patty sat down and said, “My 3 beautiful children, you’ve grown up.  I can’t believe that you’re 18,Nora, and I can’t believe that you are in high school, Andy. 

            Andy cut her off and said, “You don’t have the right to have anything to do with us.  I hope you stay here and rot for the rest of your life.”  Before she could respond, Andy got up and left.  Nora wished for once that her moody brother could just have kept his mouth shut.

            With tears in her eyes, Patty said, “I’ve known for years that I deserved what your brother just said but that doesn’t mean it didn’t kill me on the inside.  I’m sorry that I let the 3 of you down.  When you were born Nora, your father and I stopped our criminal ways.  Your father, went to college and got a real job.  We tried to create a new and better future, but our horrifying past caught up with us.  No matter how many times I apologize, it won’t change the future.”  While handing Nora a letter, she said, “Nora, you need to read this letter as it is very important.  I need you to promise me that you’ll read it as soon as you’re alone.  After you read it, please know how sorry I am for not being truthful with you.”

Confused, Nora said, “Mom, I promise I’ll read it.  What is it about?”

Patty said, “When you read it, you’ll find out.”  Blake saw the officer come into the room and nudged Nora.

            Nora looked at the officer and said, “Can we please just have a few more minutes?”

            The Officer said, “I’m sorry, but visiting hours are over.  I need you to say your goodbyes.”  Finally allowed to hug, Patty took Nora and Blake into a bear hug.

            She said, with sadness in her voice, “Can you please tell your brother that I’m sorry and that I love him?”  Nora nodded and led Blake, who was sobbing, out of the room.

            Nora handed a tissue to Blake and said, “Blake, what’s wrong?”

Through the tears, He said, “I miss having parents around.  Why can’t she just come home with us?”

            Nora, pondering about what to say, delicately said, “Blake, she did some bad things in the past and now has consequences.  When we break a rule, we have consequences.” 

            Nora found Andy, absorbed in his music, and gently nudged him.

He looked up from his music and said, “Nora, I know you were trying to help me but you made it worse.  For the past 5 years, I’ve been resentful but also wishing that they’d come back.  When I saw her in there, all those mixed feelings that I’ve been pushing aside, came back.”

            Nora said apologetically, “Andy, I had no idea that you were going to react like that.  If I knew that was going to happen, I never would’ve brought you here.  I’m sorry for making you go in.”  Satisfied, Andy looked at his epod and nodded.

            Nora sat down and said, “Guys, the three of us are a family and have no one else.  From now on, we need to stay united and stick together.”

            Andy hesitantly said, “You’re right, Nora, but how will we survive?  How are three young kids able to provide for themselves?”

            Nora explained, ”Andy, I never want you to worry about money that is not your responsibility.  All you and Blake need to do is go to school while I take care of the finances.”  As soon as Nora said that, she wondered how she was going to be able to provide for the three of them.  She was so excited to get out of the group home that she didn’t even have a plan.  The group home gave them $1,000 which afforded them 2 months in a rent control apartment.  She didn’t think about how she was going to pay the rent, buy clothes, and afford food. 

            Andy saw her getting nervous and said, “Nora, you know that Blake and I will help you out if you need it.”
            She shook her head and said, “No, you guys need to stay in school and focus on getting good grades.  Having a good education is the key to your future.”  Before Andy could object anymore, she saw the taxi pull up outside.

            Letting out a sigh of relief, She said, “Let’s go home.”


© 2011 erica726

Author's Note

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Added on December 3, 2011
Last Updated on December 3, 2011
Tags: young adult, suspense