mud cats

mud cats

A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

mud cats



blood is thicker than water,

so they say

but there is a Mississippi river

of bad blood

separating us from each other


sand bars of aggression forming petrified strains

that forever impede the flow

and cause current affection

to become a quicksand mirror 

of the past.






© 2016 jacob erin-cilberto

My Review

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The quicksand of emotions can seldom be navigated and those who try are destined to drown in it. Excellent metaphor. Lydi**

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

yes, true... and i am sure you know where this one came from..

thanks Lydi
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Lydia Shutter

7 Years Ago

Yup, I's a shame.
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Family eh Jacob, many a time I've wished that I was an orphan or even a test tube least when fed up you could recycle the family. Loved the title, have got to get the knack of perfecting title picking as many a time it is this that draws in the odd reader. Enjoyed the visit, cheers

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

thank you for your words, Gee.

It's sad when family members can't get along - it puts such a strain on everyone. Great play on words to depict the sadness of it.

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

yes, it is sad...thank you for your words, Carolynn.

We choose our friends, but not our family, and sometimes, no matter the ties, some things cannot be undone, and must be severed, lest we break our teeth untying those knots.

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

my teeth have been broken too many times....thank you for the understanding.

Sly and cunning! You won't catch me paddling this river.


Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

good idea...thank you, Al.

i don't like this particular river myself.

.. read more
Hey, I've got family like that.

"A quicksand Mirror" It's easy to get stuck in the past. Some old grievences will never be resolved and that is such a shame, but such is life I guess.

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

yes, that is life...and is the way it will stay, i am afraid.

there are only so many .. read more
Gritty imagery.
Really like this phrase: "...a quicksand mirror of the past."
Being separated by "a Mississippi river of bad blood," puts these mud cats--literally and figuratively--miles apart.
Intriguing read!

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

thank you for your words, Jimmy...

A very creative and vivid take on "blood is thicker than water", and a very original interpretation indeed. Ah, how quickly sweet water can turn into mud in your mouth and choke you.

Strong imagery and I love the rawness in this. Well done indeed. It has left me inspired, so I thank you :)

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

thank you for your kind words, Alice.

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There's unease in your words, radiating from them and through your images though in a poetic and likable way, the title made me curious, very original.

Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

thank you for your kind review, Vanessa.
damn that quicksand Jacob, I can hear the sinking and glub glub in the poem... the use of the Mississippi (at places a mile wide) as a divide between two people is a wonderful metaphor and image needing even more than a "bridge" to span...

funny where my mind goes while reading one of your poems Jacob... I though of the "divides" this country has (physical as well as political), the Mississippi being one of them (east and west).. but there is also the Rocky Mts and the San Andreas fault... red and blue states and the Mason Dixon line... the political ones very active today...

I know you were not referencing any of these the way I am but I always enjoy these side trips.. poetry should be this way I think and your metaphors and poetry are always inspiring Jacob..


Posted 7 Years Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

7 Years Ago

i like what you referenced, and always like hearing the different places a poem can take the reader... read more

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14 Reviews
Added on September 20, 2016
Last Updated on September 20, 2016


jacob erin-cilberto
jacob erin-cilberto

Carbondale, IL

Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..


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