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A Poem by jacob erin-cilberto

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sorry there is no poem here,

"Gone fishing" for words

if they strike 

I will angle them into some verse

that will take the bait of metaphorical insanity

the catch might be worth it


if the meaning is properly


I will be back from day

and write into night


if you inhale the scent

of the poems frying

after being critically panned


maybe it will drive you insane as well

so just take a small bite at first


let it digest

and watch out for the hook

the barbs might be enlightening.




© 2024 jacob erin-cilberto

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Well, actually there is a poem here. The fishing metaphors for aspects of the creative process are unique. I've had a number of poems panned and decided they would only serve as fertilizer anyway.

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

fertilizer for the brain's thought process...that is good and necessary...thank you, John,
They say every great song has a hook. I don't see why poems can't reel in a reader or two. Love the extended metaphor you handle so masterfully. Always a pleasure to read your words, F.

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

Thank you, Fabian,
Love this Jacob
The metaphors just went on and on so clever

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

thank you, dear Julie,
Yes! That is exactly how it is. Everytime. If its any good.

When my daughter was a very little girl at a nature camp she climbed into the car complaning that the frogs would not jump into her net. I had to tell her that life was often like that.

Thank you so mych!

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

I think we jump into life's net. Little kids are so curious...I think adults lose that.
thank.. read more
dear Jacob... your metaphors are enlightening like thunder in the summer showers. You are in our Prayers as Seeds are scattered for the Cardinals and Doves... with Love and wishes for Recovery. softly, Pat

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

Thank you, comes up on the 24th.
Just preparing now.
LOL my problem is I keep forgetting to put bait on my hook but as i sit in the boat and float I kinda don't care anymore LOL if i catch anything cause its so pleasant I just keep casting empty lines:/ and I never know what the proper sort of bait is anyway is it a noun, a verb, a preposition or a proposition? I once caught a lunker with a photograph of an old clunker what's your favorite bait?

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

Try a conjunction, brother Bunny.
I like the good old, dependable, night crawler.
jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

but sometimes a split=infinitive will fool them.
This is so cleverly crafted…what a great metaphor……gone fishing…if you catch one ( a great poem) you will love the meat of it, and the meaning…. Especially the filet part, but still beware of the bones…… and the hook….a fishy love story that is so good….. how do you think of these amazing metaphors??👍
Warmly, B

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

You are very kind, Betty...thanks for your thoughts.
Betty Hermelee

1 Month Ago

You’re very welcome J.
Warmly, B
Most clever Jacob. I too find I have to go fishing from time to time and it is bad enough when the pond has been fished out and needs to be restocked. Worse still are the times of draught when the pond is dry. Great write friend.

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

Thank you for your words, Soren.
we must restock.
You, sir, can make poetry out of the air - as you would the flight of the line! Interesting analogy here, sparks from the bbq perhaps or -- more likely, dark corners where little beasties hide!

'if you inhale the scent
of the poems frying
after being critically panned

maybe it will drive you insane as well
so just take a small bite at first,

let it digest
and watch out for the hook
the barbs might be enlightening.'

So very true. Many thanks for sharing, as always.

Posted 1 Month Ago

jacob erin-cilberto

1 Month Ago

Yes, the barbs may be enlightening and they may hurt.

1 Month Ago

They can indeed be enlightening, especially if noticed by those who are learning a dangerous lesson... read more
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23 Reviews
Added on May 26, 2024
Last Updated on May 26, 2024


jacob erin-cilberto
jacob erin-cilberto

Carbondale, IL

Originally from Bronx, NY, I live in Carbondale, Illinois...teach English at a community college and have been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. I am here to read for inspiration from other po.. more..


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