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A Poem by E S Stevens

This poem is a sister piece to my short story, "Broken."


An arm extended, now moist and golden,

I sit and wait for time to tell.

Subdued nervousness fill the harshly lit bathroom �"

a fog of unknown futures and unplanned possibilities.

The ticking of an egg timer chants from the counter,

cold impersonal clicks �" it cares not for children.

© 2012 E S Stevens

My Review

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I like the words coined in this poem. Keep it up. I expect more from your poem especially on humanitary approach. You are having the capacity of word power also. My best wishes.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 30, 2012
Last Updated on May 30, 2012
Tags: Broken, urine, EPT, error proof test, pregnancy, pregnant, waiting, timer, bathroom, babies, children