Season's Warmth

Season's Warmth

A Story by Everwise

Dann turned on the lights as they came to a well-secluded basement level and showed her the area, the sight of which exhibited retro modest simplicity and was sparsely decorated for the festive occasion, with a bit of evergreen garlands and dangling jingle bells taped onto the walls.  Elene was rather amazed as she scanned around the place with a small elevated stage near the stairs where they came from and surrounded by a couple of chairs on a further lowered floor, impressing her like a little performing musical lounge.

She then turned to him, "Is this your secret hideout?"

He nodded lightly and smiled despite the nostalgia, "Yes, we used to do our songwriting here..."

Elene turned curious, "You said 'we'?"

He warmly affirmed and slowly went over to one of seats before the drum instruments back on the stage, "During my highschool days, some friends and I rented this place together to set up our own band regardless how much our parents are against this idea. Each one of us specialised in our own talents in a particular instrument...For the love of music, we came up with our group hits and performed for our schoolmate audience..."

Elene went up to him and beamed with pride, "That's awesome! You all had your gifted dreams and accomplishments, unlike me...It's so adventurous of you guys, bet those times must have been extremely exciting!"

He was assured by her encouragement, yet obvious wistfulness was displayed in his contrite gaze at her.

She could sense something was not right, "Dann, I don't see anyone else here today...Your bandmates...?"

His eyes sort of glistened as he answered her, "Those were the days...After graduating, we all went separate ways...Me aside, they had all either immigrated or ventured overseas for different careers or education...We have never met again ever since..."

Upon hearing so, Elene felt deeply for his yearning and looked around the empty basement. She sat down beside him, "Dann, I understand...Now, you're solely the only one who carried on the band's musical endeavor...You have a faithful and pure devoted heart..."

He turned to her and managed a relieved smile, taking her hand, "Now, I know that I am finally not alone, caused I mastered up the courage to share our story with you..."

She was glad that his mood got uplifted, "Hey, it's time to show off our belated Christmas gifts we had so painstakingly brought along!" She eagerly pulled him along over to a wide table by the end.

Taking her big and heavy bag of stuff, Elene quickly dug out a small one first to not dampen the atmosphere. "Here, guess what it is?" she teased.

He felt the neatly-wrapped thing inquisitively, but it did not take more than two seconds before its strong aroma already reached his senses. He chuckled, "It must be something baked, am I right?"

The face of the expectant Elene fell right away, "Not a fun game...You're too smart!"

He requested, "Then, can we have it opened?"

She simply shrugged. Dann went ahead with her permission and found out there were inside really adorable heart-shaped chocolate cookies.

He playfully remarked, "Wow, it's like having Valentine's at the end of the year...Another season of love..."

Elene pouted, "Is that a joke or a compliment?"

He caught her uneasiness and set down the bag of cookies before closing their distance to draw her near to himself, "Thank you, for all that you've done...I am really touched and love them all..."

Being so close against his firm chest and awareness of the rhythm of his heartbeat, Elene wrapped her arms around his waist to connect with his warmth. "Sorry and you're welcome..."

As they revelled in each other's embrace, Elene was being reminded of yet another item halfway and pulled apart instantly. "I nearly forgot!" She exclaimed in flustered mode and hurried to take out another last bigger piece of stuff from the huge stocking-like bag.

Dann could not help but bemused at her quick change of haste. He joined her in helping to unwrap that more mysterious gift.

"How's that?" Elene folded her arms together in brimming confidence.

As for Dann, he almost could not believe his eyes. There on the table was presented an astoundingly creative design and delicately decorated in dazzling colours and outlines, a fascinating cake shaped and made realistically like a mini keyboard.

On it and above the keys were written, "To Dann, Merry Christmas with Love, Elene..."

As he read, she was elated. Looking up at her, he appeared somewhat stirred ardently.

His quietness and ambiguous response momentarily bothered Elene. She gradually went over to his side hesitantly.

Just before she could uttered a word, he reached out to hug her tight and kissed her affectionately, sending Elene's heart pace racing like crazy.

When at last they pulled apart, Dann was nearly close to tears, "Thank you, so much, Elene...for everything...your love is a most precious gift from God..."

She smiled at him, "Come on, your love is just the same...You won't want a girl to wipe your tears, would you?"

He looked at her and then to the side, in an attempt to rub his moistened eyes. However, Elene took his hand and tenderly dried his tears together. As she locked gaze with his still deeply emotional ones, she raised her heels and kissed his soggy eyelashes lovingly.

He hugged her passionately again. Later, he revealed to her also another considerably-sized gift in a case he had brought along.

Elene gasped, ""

He smiled, "A double 'two-in-one' guitar..."

Elene touched it cautiously, "But, why...are you sure it's for me?"

He nodded, "Sorry, I am a bit stingy this time...This guitar is meant for two persons to play together...They're joined together as one piece..."

She was still blurred, "Huh? I can't play..."

He took her hand and led them to sit down together on the stage, "I saw one of your wishes on the Christmas candle tree...You wrote that you would like to learn music through the most easiest way..."

Turning to him seated right behind her, with their faces barely an inch apart, Elene blushed upon realisation.

He smiled at her innocence and grabbed a coat by the side to drap over them both, shielding against the poorly-heated basement. He then fondly placed Elene's hands and positioned them on the lower guitar, despite her watching on cluelessly.

He turned to her and promised, "I'll teach you...just trust in me..."

Looking at him a little uncertain at first, she soon found irresistible determination in his eyes. "Yes, I will," she agreed and let him guide her, dedicating her reliance on his offer.

© 2012 Everwise

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Added on December 20, 2012
Last Updated on December 20, 2012



Inner Light Inner Light

A Story by Everwise