Chapter Six

Chapter Six

A Chapter by Fenix Flight

Acting and weakness

         Banging on the door alerted the Avengers that someone was at the door. Tony races to the door and flings it open with no hesitation. Standing there was a very confused very scared looking Fenix. Her Clothes were grungy and messed up her hair frizzy, her face showing signs of bewilderment. 
"Fenix, Finally! Thor was getting worried about your whereabouts." Tony says relief filling his face. He pulls her into a huge hug making her slightly flinch. 
"When I couldn't find you on Asgard I was afraid something happened to you." Thor says walking over to them. He takes in her appearance and sighs. " I can see my fears were accurate". 
        Tony lets go of his little sister and studies her for a few.
"What happened Fenix?" he says leading her to the living room area. To her surprise four pairs of concerned eyes turn around to look at her from their spot on the over sized black leather couch. Black widow, Hawkeye, Banner, and Captain America were all sitting around the fire. It was Black widow who breaks the stillness and comes rushing over to Fenix and gives her a hug. Then before she knows it Hawk eye is by her side giving her an awkward one arm hug. 
"We were all so worried about you. Tony called the team and we were just about to go looking for you." Hawk eye said in his serious voice. Fenix looked at him and gave him a weak smile. she looked at each of the members and in return gave them all a reassuring smile. 
"I was sleeping in my room when this loud Gong like noise woke me up. I got curious so I opened the door to see what the hell was going on and saw all these guards rushing around. I tried asking them what was going on but no one was paying any attention so I tried to find Thor. People kept bumping into me and pushing me around and the next thing I know I was was outside and whirling around in this weird tunnel vortex thing kind of like the bi-frost thing. It dropped me off half a mile here so I walked home." Fenix says flopping down on the couch trying to fix her hair. Tony sits down next to her and the rest of the team find whatever room they can and sit. "What happened anyway?" She asks turning her dark brown gaze to Thor who was standing by the fire. 
"Loki Escaped." He says sternly, and unreadable expression crossing his face as he stares into the fire. "He escaped around 1 am earth time, we found four guardsrendered unconscious."
"WHAT you mean that Psycho is Loose? Where is he?" Fenix exclaims momentarily forgetting her hair. 
"We don't know his exact whereabouts but I can only assume he came back here to Earth. Fenix tell me did you show him any indication of your Fire?" Thor asks walking over to her. When she puts her head down and nods his face falls. " I thought so, he made it seem like you were involved, we found burn marks covering the guards."
"I'm so sorry Thor this is all my fault, If I hadn't gone to see him, if I hadn't riled him up maybe he wouldn't have made an escape." Fenix whispers still looking at the ground.
"Nonsense Fenix! You didn't know he was planning this. It's Loki we are talking about the man is Insane." Banner says making the rest of them turn to look at him in surprise. Looking at them he blushes at his sudden outburst. He takes his glasses off and cleans an imaginary spot off them to avoid the others gaze. Tony snickers knowing full well Bruce had a slight interest in his younger sister. Clapping his hands he startles the team and jumps off the couch. 
"Right well that's settled, Fenix this is not your fault end of discussion. I think the best thing to do now is for you to go rest. The rest of us will deal with Loki." Tony says looking around the room to see everyone nodding their agreement. Fenix shrugs and after more hugs then she preferred she headed up the one flights of stairs to the top floor and slammed the door to her room. 
"F*****g Idiots!" She exclaims flopping on her bed and putting her arm over her eyes. An evil snicker from the corner makes her jump off the bed her fire burning. Sitting in her bean bag chair was Loki holding an old year book of hers. "God D****t Loki you scared the s**t out of me!" She hisses. 
" Sorry my love," He stands up and before Fenix knows whats happening he has her on the bed beneath him. "Now why are they f*****g idiots? besides for the normal reasons." Fenix tells him about their reactions to her arrival, Thor's explanation for the guards and Banner's strange outburst to defend Fenix. Loki takes all this in and Laughs quietly. "Those Imbeciles." he says and Kisses her deeply, their tongues dancing around one another. 
"Take me away, Take me home." She whispers in between kisses. Loki breaks the kiss and turns his eyes to her, Blue to Dark brown. 
"Not yet my love, not quite yet. As much as I would love to whisk you away its to dangerous to reveal you just yet." At Fenix's confused look he sighs and reveals to her his deepest secret. 
        "You are my Only weakness. If anything were to happen to you I would be lost."

© 2014 Fenix Flight

Author's Note

Fenix Flight
isnt she just evil teehee.

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GAH. STILL SHIPPING. Loooookiiiii O______O

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Fenix Flight

10 Years Ago

Hehehehe Just WAIT I have so much in store for them hehehehehe

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1 Review
Added on June 16, 2014
Last Updated on June 16, 2014


Fenix Flight
Fenix Flight

Kingdom Of Amythest, ME

Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..
