Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Chris Willits

Leon arrives in a different world. One that is very different from his own.

The only thing left to do was open his eyes. The pain had engulfed him to the point that it felt like it was the only thing that he knew. But in a single moment the pain was gone and a gentle breeze blew into his face. And a sigh of relief escaped his lips. He dropped to his knees as the light pierced his eyes and he looked over an endless maze of trees. It seemed as if it had no end. In the distance at the very edge of the landscape was a large mountain its top covered in brilliant white. A rainbow crested above the forest as if he had just missed an incredible storm. His eyes adjusted to the brightness. In one moment he had been under cloudy skies the streets covered in rain. And now he was alone in a grass field surrounded by a huge forest. The noise of everyday life in the city was gone. No car was driving by. Nothing. Then it registered in his mind that she was no longer with him. He had been talking with Kiara before it happened. Now she was nowhere to be seen.
        What was that he had experienced. How could he even describe it? Explain it? It was like he had just died and teleported in the same moment. Maybe he was in heaven. But then surely Kiara would be here as well. Maybe if I went over what happened again I might be able to figure it out Leon thought to himself. He had been in the park near his home listening to his headphones while he went for a walk. Leon did this from time to time and then he had seen Kiara from a distance. They didn’t really know each other but she knew that he liked her. He worked up the courage to talk to her and put away his headphones. At first she didn’t seem like she wanted to talk but she walked with him. Then as they were walking a man in a black robe had appeared. Not much could be surmised of the figure in the robe the robe was long and tight enough to show that he was not female. He was tall but Leon was not sure if he was muscular or skinny. He had a hood over his face and even in broad daylight his face could not be seen. But long gray hair could be seen hanging out of his hood. Leon saw the glint of his eyes as they stared at each other.
        Then the man outstretched his hands and Leon arms shot up in the air. Iron bracelets clamped around his wrists and then suddenly he was being pulled through the air towards the man in the black robe. Kiara was pulled with him and then suddenly when he thought he would crash into the man in the black robes all was darkness and pain. Leon blinked at the memory he was afraid and lonely. He wished now that he had a friend with him or even his brother or sister just for the company. But Leon grabbed onto the resolve that he had and sucked it up. He must find out what to do and where to go. Because he couldn’t stay where he was forever. Should he go for the mountain or behind him which for all he knew was more forest?
        Just when Leon finally decided where to go he heard rustling in the trees nearby. Leon paused and held his footing listening hard. The rustling came again and closer.
        “Hello is someone out there?”
        No response. Nothing.
        “Kiara is that you?”
        Again there was no response. Leon waited another moment and resumed his course towards the mountain. When he was about to cross over into the forest he heard a cacophony of noise from the trees close by. Leon turned to his left and two figures burst from the trees rushing in his direction. Leon hesitated he was more startled than anything. After a few moments Leon came to his senses. They wore strange clothing, things you saw people wearing in medieval movies like King Arthur and Kingdom of Heaven. One was female the other was male. Leon became scared for his life, he saw the woman pulling an arrow to her bow getting to ready to aim it at him. Leon instantly reacted and burst off in a run into the trees in front of him. He ran for a little while jumping over logs and avoiding large areas of thick bushes and then he looked behind him. And then he ran into a log and that sent him sprawling down a small hill. He hit a couple of trees and rocks as he tumbled down. The fall seemed to take forever but he eventually collided into a large tree. Leon gasped as his vision reeled and coughed out a mouthful of blood. Leon spat out the blood and tried to rise. Leon groaned in pain and realized that he must have broken some ribs. 
        Leon was determined to rise and keep running and as he was trying to pull himself up a spearhead shot forward inches away from his face. And Leon stopped and sat back down. He looked back up into the face of the man staring back at him. The man had long black hair his brown eyes were full of anger as he stared Leon down. The man was taut with muscle and he wore very strange clothing as if he were in battle, most of it was made of leather but his tunic was made out of cotton. Leon looked at the woman standing behind him. Leon realized that she was strikingly beautiful she had beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. Also her eyes contained the same anger and determination as the man. But she also had a look of confidence maybe even arrogance. It made her even more attractive. She was also very fit she wore similar clothing to the man but it showed more skin more of her figure. Leon looked back at the man before he got himself in a worse situation than the one he was already in.
        “What do you want?” Leon exclaimed struggling to speak he coughed up blood as he spoke and tried to spit it out without getting it in the other man’s face.
        At first the man didn’t say anything then his stance relaxed and pulled up the spear and held it at his side.
        “We were watching you. You appeared out of nowhere. We thought you were a danger to our village. But it seems you are more of a danger to yourself than any of us.”
        “You have a weird accent. Where am I?”
        “We are in Trist.”
        “Where is Trist?”
        “It is in the kingdom of Yuris.”
        Leon was about to ask what Yuris was when he realized that the man had said it was a kingdom. Leon was confused something was wrong it was like he had gone back in time or into another dimension. Everything was wrong.
        “Where are you from?” The man asked patiently the anger no longer spread across his face.
        “I am from a place called Washington. Do you know of it?”
        “I am sorry I haven’t traveled very far in my lifetime so I couldn’t say.”
        “That’s alright oh by the way I am Leon.”
        “I am Vurgis.”
        “Nice to meet you Vurgis I just wish it hadn’t been under such conditions. What is her name?” Leon asked weakly pointing to her. She still had a look of anger but it could have just been irritation.
        “Her name is Lena. She is my sister.”
        “It is a pleasure to meet you Lena.”
        There was a pause after Leon said this but he kept his eyes locked on hers and waited for a response.
        “You are a fool Leon. You could have died from the fall. But it seems your foolishness saved your life for if you had not fallen we would have run you through.”
        She was all confidence. Leon couldn’t help finding her attractive. She noticed it too for after she spoke Leon kept his eyes on her and eventually she looked away to her brother Vurgis.
        “Well I am relieved for that. I would not have liked to have been run through. So what do you plan to do with me?”
        The question seemed to catch them by surprise it seemed they no longer had any purpose for them. Leon waited a few moments for a response.
        “If you have nothing planned for me I was hoping you would take me to your village…Trist”
        “How would that benefit us?”
        “Well I’m not exactly sure. I can work once I get in a better condition. I just thought people took care of injured people.”
        Leon wasn’t too sure about the two of them, they certainly didn’t trust him. There must be a reason why. Something must be going on around in the area or they wouldn’t be so tense. Leon wasn’t going to ask he didn’t want to pry too much into their business and he had the feeling that they didn’t want to share their troubles anyway. Leon had enough to worry about anyway.
        “We will take you to our village and then we will see what we do with you from there, agreed?”
        “Brace yourself I have no other way of carrying you other than carrying you on my back and it will hurt.”
        “I’m ready.”
        Vurgis walked over to Leon and helped him up to his feet. Vurgis lowered down allowing Leon to climb onto his back. Then Leon was lifted and a lot of pressure was put on his chest and his broken ribs. Then they were on their way. They were heading towards the mountain except in a more northeastern direction. Leon felt useless as he was being carried through the woods. He felt he should be doing more than making another grown man carry him such a long distance. But in no time they crested into a small area clear of trees. The area they walked into was a large area overlooking a small village with a couple of dozen houses or so next to a small river. They had a path that went through the village both ends disappearing into the woods.
        There was a commotion down below in the village. Several of the villagers were gathered together at this point and Leon realized they were pointing at him. They must be just as cautious of outsiders as Vurgis and Lena were. Leon found himself looking at Lena very often and every once and awhile she would catch him looking at her. He tried to hide it at first during the trip to the village but he knew it didn’t change much. They started climbing down the hill towards the village a young man walked in their direction. Either he was going to greet his friends or warn Leon. 
         “What has happened Vurgis?” The young man said as he came and shook hands with Vurgis. The young man was not tall or short he was lean and had the look of a working man. But he had a scar across his right neck as if he had been battle years ago.
        “We found this man in the woods alone and frightened he ran when we came to him. Then he fell down a hill several miles back cracked several of his ribs. We brought him here because he requested our hospitality.”
        “He was frightened of what?”
        “Of us. We perceived him as a threat and were about to attack him.”
        “Such recklessness. We will treat him, take him to Flarian.”
        “Yes Deternand.”
        Deternand walked away from Vurgis. Vurgis let out a sigh gave Lena a bewildered look and began to walk once more down to the village. As they walked through the village Leon got many strange looks. Leon expected it because he dressed very different compared to everyone he had seen. He even still had his Ipod if that made any difference. They eventually came to a small house next to the river and where the main path in town ran back into the forest. This must be where Flarian lived.
        “This is where Flarian lives he is an experienced and respected man around here. So show respect when speaking to him.” Vurgis exclaimed before walking through the gate in front of the house.
        “I will try my best.” 
        Vurgis came to a halt before the tan door and knocked hard. There was some quick shuffling behind the door and then it swung open and an angry face pushed its way inches away from Vurgis.
        “What do you want Vurgis?”
        “I have an injured traveler with me and he needs assistance I was told to bring him to you.”
        “Why me? I have nothing to offer the man.”
        Deternand told me to bring him to you. There must have been a purpose to his request. I assure you I know not why but I will do as he says.”
        Flarian looked as if he was going to argue. But for some reason something held him back. Leon thought it had something to do with the Deternand fellow. He must be someone important in the village.
        “Alright if Deternand told you to do so then I must comply. Take him to my back room I have an extra bed back there.”
        Vurgis passed by Flarian and took him to the back room. Vurgis set him down gently and then offered his hand. Leon paused for a moment and then grasped his hand.
        “I apologize for the trouble I may have caused you. I offer my friendship to you while you stay in my village.”
        “Good, at least I have a friend now. That’s a comforting thought. I in turn offer my friendship to you and Lena.”
        “I am your friend but to have Lena as your friend it will take much more to earn it. But she might like you she is usually not so soft-spoken to outsiders.” Vurgis said with a wide grin before turning and leaving.
        “So how are you young man?”
        Leon looked back up to the doorway to look up into the middle-aged man who lived in this house. He must have been in his thirties. He was lean and fit and he had an unmistakable feeling of confidence in him. He had long brown hair and sharp green eyes as if he was looking into and past you. As if he could see everything that you are and were. He had a long scar across his face from his nose to his left ear. He had been in battle some years ago.
        “I’m doing as well as I can sir.”
        “We have not properly met I am Flarian. I am originally from Yetgal.”
        “I am Leon I am from Washington.”
        Instantly an expression of confusion crossed Flarians face. He changed his expression back to the soft welcoming grin as if to hide a moment’s weakness.
        “Where is it? I have never heard of Washington”
        “I’m not exactly sure where we are right now but I would say north.”
        “Is it in the kingdom of Thren? I haven‘t really traveled much there.”
        Leon didn’t really know what to say. At first he was hoping he was dreaming. And then he was hoping maybe he had somehow gone back in time and had maybe never heard of this kingdom called Yuris even with all his classes in school about history. But he thought maybe it just wasn’t that important with history so he hadn’t heard it too much. But now there was another kingdom or country that he had never even heard of. Leon knew instantly he wasn’t in the same world he had once lived in. But that which was a shock to him would be a shock to others. He had to lie. He couldn’t tell Flarian who he was or where he was really from.
        “Yes it is in Thren in the very most northern regions.”
        “Yes I thought so. I have heard they have strange clothing of the likes I have never seen before.”
        They way he was talking it felt like he knew exactly what Leon were. But he couldn’t know. But Leon knew just as he was hiding something from Flarian. Flarian was hiding something from as well. 
        “We will talk more tomorrow. For now rest you are injured and need to heal.”
        He was alone in the dark. He had been alone for years trapped in an endless prison of darkness. The queen had sent him here. She was in control of this place, this eternity. She had talked to him once since his arrival. To tell him that there was a purpose in every decision she made. That he would see in time what he was meant to do. For some reason he believed her. Even though he knew he shouldn’t and that she knew much more than she told. But in this moment he was more than one person. He was the man who had been caged in the dark prison and he was also Leon. And that was what brought about the queen to speak to the man once again.
        “Who are you?”
        The man was confused at first but then he realized that in his heart and in his body another soul was searching for a way out. The man succumbed to the will of Leon’s spirit.
        Leon was incredibly confused he was in someone else’s body and it felt as if he was being smothered from the inside out. But he told himself that this was a dream and willed himself to wake up. But something some force held him in place. Something was stopping him.
        “Who are you?”
        It was the voice of a woman. She sounded strong and full of confidence.
        “Who are you?”
        “I am Leon.”
        “Leon why are you here?”
        “I do not know. I am dreaming.”
        “Ah you are from Gaia.”
        Leon paused. He knew what Gaia meant she was referring to earth but how could she have known that.
        “How do you know that?”
        “I can read you. The way you talk, your memories, your thoughts, your heart. It’s all there.”
        “Who are you and where am I?”
        “Good question. I am the Queen. This is the Keep of Time. All time ceases here. The man whose body you now possess was a mighty soldier and a scholar. He sought the secrets of our world and of all creation and came across the Keep of Time. He forfeited his life to the pursuit of knowledge. But first he must face trials and forget who he once was. He does not realize this but he will soon learn what he has been chosen to do.”
        “What is his name?”
        “He was once known as Garr. He was a legendary warrior in Eden.”
        “Why am I here?”
        “I sense something about you. It is hard to tell for sure. But either through your actions or how they affect others it will cause a great change in both of our worlds”
        “That is for you to find out and decide.”
        “No hint then”
        “You are not the first man or woman to come to the world of Eden.”
        “Will I come here again?”
        “Yes and you will be in your own body next time.”
        “Well I will be grateful of that.”
        “I look forward to our next talk Leon. It is always nice to have a good talk. Because of Garr’s trials I am required not to speak. But it has been a pleasure having you here.”
        “It was a little strange but I feel the better for experiencing this.”
        “You must go now. Garr must regain control of his body.”
        Then Leon woke.
        The sun was shining brightly through the window and Leon could here the birds chirping outside the house. Leon had been dreaming but he knew that it had been more than a dream and somehow he had traveled to such an unbelievable place. There had to have been a reason. But Leon had no answers. It was all riddles. How did he get here? Why had he come here? Had the man in the black robe taken him here? What happened to Kiara? Why was he traveling to places in his dreams? Why was this Queen so interested in him?
        There were so many questions and no answers. Leon was beginning to get angry with himself. Just then Flarian came into the room.
        “I talked to an old friend of mine this morning. He has traveled in many places and was in Thren for many years. He says there is no Washington in Thren.”
        Flarian set down a plate of eggs and fried tomatoes. Leon hesitated he had no good answer for the man.
        “Well I have no excuse for my lie. It is an island far to the north past Thren.”
        “No reason to apologize for keeping your identity to yourself. But I have been telling you lies as well. I have traveled many places and was in Thren for many years and north of it as well. I have been to an island called Refersa but didn’t see much other than that.”
        “Yes Washington is much farther than that.”
        “You must have traveled very far then.”
        “Yes but I don’t remember very much of it I was sick throughout most of my travel.”
        “That’s too bad it’s good to go out and see the world and its people.”
        Leon was getting a stronger and stronger impression that Flarian knew he was lying about all of what he was saying.  But he was still going on with the charade.
        “Enough about where you’re from. What do you plan to do from here?
        “Well how long would you say it would take for my ribs to heal?
        “Well I would at least say a month to six weeks.”
        “I don’t know maybe learn a little bit about the area. Maybe learn a little bit about its history, who knows.”
        “That’s good.” Flarian turned as if to leave.
        “Could you teach me about this place and its history?”
        “Yes that would be fine.”
        “Have you been in battle?”
        “Yes an axe gave me this scar.”
        Leon didn’t know where he was or what was going on. But so far everyone wielded medieval weapons.  It might be useful to learn how to fight and use them. Leon had always been interested in the dark ages.
        “Can you teach me to fight? To use the sword?”
        “You don’t know how to fight?
        “No not really. Never had to learn.”
        “Yes I will teach you. Survival is important and being able to fight is key to survival in Eden.”
        “I look forward to it then.”
        “Relax you have a while before we can train.”
        Leon stayed in Flarians house for a quite a while before he went outside. He stayed in the bed trying to let his ribs heal. Boredom quickly set in but there wasn’t much to do about that. Leon had grown up around TV and videogames but there was none of that around here. At first Leon thought he just Flarian might not like having a TV. But that idea quickly changed when he slowly let himself realize that there was nothing advanced about this place. No electricity, no phones, no sinks, no showers. Not anything that resembled his won world. Leon decided he was somewhere else entirely or he had gone back very far into the past.
        Leon pushed back his worry and tried to learn more about the place where he was. He asked about Thren, its towns, its kings. Nothing particularly helped him out. He still had no idea how he had gotten there or what had happened to Kiara. Flarian talked mostly about war and battles he had fought in. He talked highly of past soldiers he had fought alongside and against. How some he had looked up to and some that he hated. But all of them he respected. Most of them had died while fighting on his side or to his blade. They were interesting to listen to but they neither taught him to fight or what to expect if he should be in a battle.
        Vurgis would come by and talk to him every once and awhile. Talk to him about what was going out in town. Again it wasn’t useful and most of the time uninteresting. Sometimes about something he had hunted and how he might have narrowly missed and not taken back what he had killed. Other times what was going on with people Leon did not know and trivial things that they were doing. But Leon remained polite because he was being fed and given shelter in a place he did not know.
        Soon it was a month and Leon gave walking around a try. It was painful to move at times. But for the most part it was healed. And after another week. Leon was walking all around talking to Flarian and Vurgis. He would talk to other people rarely but they were uncomfortable around Leon and would cut the conversations short. He noticed that they were afraid of him. They were scared that he might do something to him. To be so distrustful of people was such a strange thing.
        Leon rarely ever saw Lena around the town. Every once and awhile he would see her with Vurgis and would say hello to her. But she like most of the villagers did not trust Leon and would say very little.
        Then Leon asked Flarian if they could start training. Flarian agreed and said they would start the next day. Leon was beginning to feel like he was a burden to Flarian and the villagers. So he began to help. He would tend to the fields and the crops when a villager would agree that he could help and he fell fast asleep when he hit the bed that night.
        Leon had been left a short sword on the dresser in the room. He sat at the old wooden chair next to the bed and stared at the sword. It wasn’t the nicest looking sword. It hadn’t been cleaned and polished every day. But Leon held it and it wasn’t heavy. He pushed his finger along the edge and it cut his skin easily. But now Leon was sitting staring at the sword thinking about what was about to happen. Why did Flarian trust him so much compared to the other villagers? How many people had Flarian possibly killed? 
Leon felt like something was going to happen in village very soon. The sun was out and shinning brightly which Leon was glad to know.
        Leon decided he was ready. And he rose from his feet and grabbed the sword and turned towards the door. Flarian stood in the doorway his arms crossed and a sword in its sheath tied to his belt.
        “How long have you been there?”
        “Not very long. I was waiting to see if you would make the decision to actually  begin training. Here put this on your belt as I have done.”
        Flarian tossed another sheath at Leon. Leon took his time tying the sheath to his belt and then he slid the sword into its sheath. Leon looked up to Flarian but he turned around and was beginning to leave the room.
        “What do you trust me so easily?
        Flarian turned back around and came back into the room.
        “What do you mean?”
        “All the people in the village treat me like a plague. They distrust me so much.”
        “Most people in Eden know how to fight. Some are spectacular at killing. Some are just plain cruel. Men have been known to kill on mere whim. You will learn this.”
        Leon knew instantly that Flarian knew that he wasn’t from this world.
        “How do you know that I am not from this world?”
        “Because I have come across men like you before in your strange clothing. I have even seen your guns.”
        “Then why do you share my secret?”
        “Most people would not believe it if I told them.”
        “That doesn’t exactly explain why you trust me.”
        “True but there are several reasons why I should teach you to fight.”
        “Why would I possibly need to learn to kill?”
        “I did not say to kill. I need to teach you how to fight so you can defend yourself.”
        “Defend against what?”
        “War is a common thing in this world. Killers roam the streets in every town across Eden. People are often hired to kill.”
        “Okay but is there anyone like that in this village?”
        “No, some may not like you but in this village things are different. We do not solve problems with killing. But even then staying here will not be safe for you.
        “I have met two other people like you in my life that I know for certain. Both were several years younger. And both were being hunted. I do not know if it is common for people to come from your world to ours. But it is not a coincidence someone or something brings you to this world for a reason. And something will be coming for you.”
        Leon had to stop and take in this last information Flarian had given him. His life was in danger much more than he had realized. Someone was hunting him for some reason maybe to just kill him and maybe something even worse. Leon felt truly scared for the first time in his life. And then something else hit him. Kiara was out there somewhere. Maybe they already had her or maybe she was on the run. Leon couldn’t let them kill her. It wasn’t Kiara the man in the black robe had wanted. Who was the man in the black robe? Was he the one who was hunting him? He knew he had no answers to his questions.
        “I can’t stay here. I will put the villagers’ lives in danger.”
        “They know how to fight and fend for themselves so don’t worry for them.”
        “I still must leave I didn’t come here alone. Someone I know is out there on there own and could be dead right now.”
        “I’m sorry to hear that but as you said most likely that person is already dead. And on your own you couldn’t do much to save the person anyway. You need to learn to fight. You need to do this in order to survive in Eden.”
        “But what if Kiara isn’t dead!?”
        “Calm down. Like I said if she is alive there is not much you can do to help her at this point if you had the choice. Listen to what I say really think about it. Do you love this girl?”
        “No, at least I don’t think so.”
        “Good, love would be much harder to stop.”
        “I shouldn’t just give up on her because I don’t know if I love her.”
        “True but you are not going to help her as you are. Right now you are as worthless as a maggot.”
        Leon collapsed on his bed as Flarians words finally sank in. His thoughts began to revolve around the idea of Kiara running in the forests and an arrow hitting her back.
        “I will be in the yard. Take a couple of minutes and then come to spar with me. Fighting can be a good way to relieve some anger and stress.”
        Leon decided that Flarian was right and it was essential that he learn to fight and to adapt to this new world. He knew that it was the only way for him to survive so that he could find Kiara and then go back home. Leon found that he was no longer depressed as he had been when he was in hometown. But that depression was now replaced with fear. He was no longer in his world and he had no idea on how to return to his family and friends. Everything was alien to how he had lived. The people here did not have electricity which he had become so used to and relied on his daily life. The battery on his Ipod was now depleted and he no longer had any way to recharge it. He was so used to listening to music to almost everything he ever did and now he couldn’t listen to it at all. Leon realized that he was more distressed over not being able to listen to music than his own personal safety. He needed to focus on the tasks at hand and put his Ipod problems aside he could deal with them when he returned to his home.
        Leon suddenly wondered if there was magic in this world like in the fairy tales he would read late at night when there was nothing else to do. Leon walked out into Flarians yard where he stood facing his white fence. The grass was dark green which Leon found unusual it was much darker than the grass in his home world. Maybe that was how it looked in Eden he hadn’t paid much attention to the grass earlier.
        “Is there magic in Eden?”
        Flarian didn’t turn around immediately but when he did there was a medallion in his hand and all his attention was centered on it.
        “Flarian did you hear me?”
        Flarian suddenly looked up at Leon and a fierce gaze stared back at him and then suddenly Flarian smiled and was back to his old self and slipped the medallion into his pocket.
        “I’m sorry what did you say?”
        What was that about Leon thought to himself.
        “I was wondering if there was magic in Eden.”
        “Why of course isn’t there any in your world?”
        “No none at all.”
        “Well that’s something I didn’t know. Yes there is magic in our world but few people can master it nowadays. Many wizards and sorcerers were killed a hundred years ago and now few carry on their practices and hold their powers. Most people now use their innate powers to cure the weak and injured.”
        “I hope to see it while I am here. It will be a sight to see.”
        “For now I would be more worried about your safety. There are many people and creatures to be wary of in Eden.”
        “I understand.”
        “Now let’s get this over with show me what you can do.”
        Leon nodded his head and reached down for the pommel of his sword. He looked into Flarian’s eyes and decided that he would give his all into learning the things of this world. So he could survive and be aware of the dangers surrounding him. Leon pulled the blade out from its sheath and held it in front of him grasping it in both hands. He began to slowly advance one foot in front of the other towards Flarian. He did not have his sword out yet but did have the pommel in his right hand ready for Leon’s attack. Leon watched Flarian’s eyes for a moment and lashed forward swinging his sword towards Flarian’s abdomen. Flarian instantly pulled his blade halfway out if it sheath blocking Leon’s attack and pushing him back and then pulled his blade completely out of the sheath. He held it one-handed awaiting Leon’s next attack. Leon regained balance over his body and thought about how to next attack his opponent. Leon moved forward lunging forward without putting all of his weight into that attack. Flarian eyes lit up in surprise but of what Leon had no idea because he side-stepped and hit Leon’s blade aside and swept his blade upwards to the edge of Leon’s neck. Flarian paused for a moment and then pulled his blade away and backed away.
        Leon was getting angry now Flarian was just playing with him and could easily win. Leon wasn’t going to just give up though. Leon rushed forward this time swinging the sword from above his head with both hands hoping to bring all his force and weight down into his opponent in an attempt to cleave through his body. Flarian easily overcame this and grabbed the top of Leon’s hilt holding the blade above Leon so he couldn’t bring the blade down to finish the attack. With Flarian’s free hand pushed the very edge of his blade into Leon’s chest just enough so that he could it feel it piercing the skin.
        “That is enough for today. You did well, much better than I expected for someone who has never fought with a sword before.” Flarian said this as he pushed Leon away and sheathed his sword.
        “You are very good Flarian.”
        “First I suggest never having to be the one attacking first. It is always better to be on the defense in a swordfight that is. Secondly you’re lunge was almost perfect except that it was a little slow and ill-advised. But you did not put all of your weight into that attack which is good for if you had I could have easily sent you to the dirt. And for your last attempt to attack my defenses: Never attack in anger like that rushing in sword raised high above your body. It is an easy way to get killed. If you must attack from above do so without raising it so high, that way you could change from any form of attack to a parry if need be. We need to work on your speed and your technique. Other than that you will just need to learn what to do and not to do.”
        “When we will have our next match Flarian?”
        “Soon I have much to think about.”
        “Are you going to talk with the other villagers?”
        “Yes I must the villagers as you said are very distrustful and would like to know what I know.”
        “I hope then that you will still teach me to fight regardless what they may decide for I will need to learn if I plan to find Kiara. Her life rests in my hands.”
        “I know Leon. I will consider that. For now rest and sleep, goodnight Leon”
        Leon felt much better the next morning as if everything was about to straighten out and everything would make since once again. Leon tried to think it through. He had been pulled into another world or another dimension he did not know for sure by a man in a black robe. He did not know who the man in the black robe was or who he might work for. But he had to have had a reason for bringing him to Eden. Upon reaching Eden Leon had been transported to an entire different environment and no where near where he had been or lived. He was transported to Eden with a girl that he had known from school called Kiara but when he had arrived in Eden she had been nowhere near him.
        The next thing he had known he was being chased by two people into the forest nearby. He might have been killed if he had not tripped and fell. The chasers had assumed that he was of no threat to their village nearby. They had introduced themselves as Vurgis and Lena they were brother and sister and lived in the village of Trist that was part of a kingdom called Yuris. Leon felt like he must have been dreaming or hallucinating how could he be in a kingdom? Especially one he had never heard before. Since Leon had been injured to the point that he couldn’t walk Vurgis and Lena escorted him to their village. He met Deternand there who advised Vurgis to bring him to a man named Flarian’s house. Leon did not know Flarian’s position in the town or Deternand’s for that matter but Leon was certain they bore him no ill will. Upon arriving in Flarian’s home he was given a bed to sleep in and Vurgis offered his friendship.
Flarian healed quickly and Flarian insisted on seeing what Leon was able to do. The more they talked it seemed Flarian knew what Leon was. 
        Then came the day where Flarian began training Leon and then the truth came out. Flarian did know what he was and in his lifetime had met a couple of people from earth. None of them had survived for long for each one Flarian had met were being hunted by some person or people. Immediately Leon worried over Kiara and intended on leaving that moment to find her and insure she would meet the same end. But Flarian knew that Leon could nothing to save her how he was untrained and inexperienced to the new world he was now in. That day he sparred with Flarian and began his training. Leon would not leave Trist until he learned to fight and understand the evils of Eden. Today they would decide Leon’s future.
        Leon couldn’t help but be a little nervous he was surrounded by a number of people he did not know or really trusted. They could decide to anything with him really when he thought about it and he wouldn’t be able to do much to alter their decision. But Leon remained hopeful and optimistic and awaited Flarian’s return.
        Leon walked around Flarian’s house while he was waiting and looked at all of his possessions. Most of the things he owned were weaponry or trinkets from and old life and an old family that may have died to some illness or war several years ago. Leon felt sorry for Flarian. Leon began to get even more impatient and walked outside the house. The sun was shining brightly across the town. The town was surrounded by forests which put Leon to peace and he found it understandable that all these people would want to live and stay here. Leon felt himself become envious.
        Leon began to walk along the main path of the village that followed the path of the small river until it branched off and went three in all directions allowing you to continue following the river or cross it. Leon looked at the simple houses and the people gardening and farming nearby. Most did not give notice of him and if they did it was just for a passing moment. Leon thought of leaving but he tossed the idea away and was resigned to the fact that he must learn to fight. Leon circled around the village pausing for a moment before a large house that was slightly higher than the rest of the houses in the village. The large house had been built at the beginning of a small hill and could be easily recognized as a town hall or meeting place. Leon pondered to if this was where Flarian was now. He left the house after a couple of minutes heading back to Flarian’s house. His thoughts went to Vurgis and Lena.
        They had been a peculiar pair. Leon had gotten used to them even in the short time he had known them or at least he thought he had got the gist of them. But Leon had been surprised before. Leon did not let it get to his head. He began to think of Kiara once again and began to get angry with himself and his situation. Leon needed to cool off but in his hometown he would use music and a walk to do that. But he wasn’t able to do that now and that irritated him even more. 
        Leon sat down in an oak chair. That creaked softly when he sat down in it and began thumping his fingers on the table nearby. Leon didn’t realize how many minutes had gone by as he got lost in his thoughts but in what seemed a minute’s time Flarian came through the door.
        “So what’s the news?”
        Flarian didn’t answer immediately but instead took his time filling a pitcher with some juice and filled two cups up and placed one in front of Leon and one across the table where Flarian plopped himself in the chair and let out an aggravated sigh.
        “They are still unsure what to do with you. Everyone has their own ideas and agendas and willing to speak their minds. But all agreed on one thing. That you continue your training.”
        “Well that’s good that’s really I need to know.”
        “I don’t feel like continuing with the training today I hate town meetings so we will start once more tomorrow.”
        The next couple of days had been all training and mostly with the sword. After awhile Leon had become more comfortable and confident with the blade but was still not good enough to best Flarian. He also filled him in on some of things to expect in Eden. He talked about Kobolds the things you would hear in fairy tales. Leon had asked him about Elves and Dwarves but Flarian had said he had no idea they had myths about them like earth did. He said that dragons were almost extinct and that many were killed in past wars. Flarian said that Kobolds hated humans and lived in the Far East in the kingdom of Renada. And like he had said days earlier Wizards were almost non-existent for the same reason that Dragons were now almost extinct. And he talked of another race that Leon had never heard of before a race called the Ults. The way that Flarian had described them made him think of a goblin, an ogre and a bear mixed in one. Flarian warned Leon to run if he ever encountered one. He told him of the past war called the Lions War between Renada and Yuris. It had left many people dead. In the Lions War the king of Renada enlisted the help of the Kobolds and then left them to be slaughtered. The war had been over for twelve years now and Flarian insured Leon that there was nothing to worry about if he ever had to enter Renada. Leon appreciated the help he was getting from Flarian but was angry to find himself just as useless for he still had not mastered the art of sword fighting.
        “Flarian when was the last time you went to war?“ Leon asked one day when he felt inquisitive of the man who was training him.
        “About ten years ago.”
        “How many people have you killed?”
        “Why are you so interested in me or the fact that I have actually killed?”
        “I don’t know it’s just interesting. I’ve always been intrigued by sword fighting.” This was true even though Leon was used to watching movies every night and sitting in a bed and having electricity.
        “Well it’s good that you are interested but you don’t need to know anything about me so just drop it.”
        Leon did drop it even though he was still curious. Through the days of work and the teaching and training Leon began to respect Flarian even more and before he even knew it had been more than a month since he arrived in this world. He always thought about Kiara and the fact that she was in danger but knew he was not ready for the strange world he was now in. So Leon looked forward to each day as a way to get closer to saving Kiara and returning home.

© 2008 Chris Willits

Author's Note

Chris Willits
This doesn't exactly feel complete to me. So I am open to suggestions.

My Review

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Wow, Chris. Wow.

So... you play Everquest don't you? Or another MMORPG? You mentioned Kobolds.
I'm an Everquest dude. You can admit it! Name's like Deternand just ring
that familiar tune of RPGs. Great names by the way. Flarian, Vurgis, etc. Love it.

In any case, this is very interesting. You've taken the story to an entirely different realm.

I enjoyed the mental game of chess Leon and Flarian played with each other, both lying and feeling each other out. It's what we all humans
tend to do when in foreign situation with untrusting and unknown people.

The unfamiliarity with a new world, new missions and new people reminds me of the movie, "Wanted" - Have you seen it? If not, do so.

I read this entire chapter while listening to Common's track, "I Want You". You said you're into music. It's funny how while coincidentally
listening to this, the lyrics and vibe of the song actually paralleled the story of Leon and Kiara and what Leon was feeling for her. I recommend you
download the track. Tell me what you think! It serves as a sort of soundtrack to part of your story.

It's amazing how even in such a precarious position, Leon is still focused on Kiara. Us men are such suckers for love! Lol it's true though. It's the
nature of the beast.

So... I'm wondering if Lena is Kiara.

I guess we shall see.

Great imagination. Entertaining write, my friend.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I promise to finish this very soon! Is there a way to get those
extra long lines onto one page, without having to keep scrolling?

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 15, 2008


Chris Willits
Chris Willits

Portland, OR

I love fantasy books. I love the Final Fantasy series. I like Akira Kurosawa movies. I love rock and roll especially Led Zeppelin. I won't be on here very long if I am ever on it because I am in the m.. more..

Confusion Confusion

A Chapter by Chris Willits