Falling In Love With...

Falling In Love With...

A Story by ape domenigoni

this about when I saw my favorite band in concert and fell completely in love...


  People were packed into the bar like eager sardines, electricity hummed through the air and you could almost see it snapping from person to person as they all waited in muted excitement for their favorite band. They were all joined together for only one purpose that night and I felt lucky to be part of it. I was with my brothers Joe and Anthony, Anthony's fiance Erin, and my cuz and best friend, Deb, all longtime fans of the band. I had no idea what I was in for but I was pulled in by the enthusiastic atmosphere.

  The lights dimmed and the first act came on. His sound was smooth and mellow, perfect to chill out to, but probably not someone I would choose to listen to on a regular basis. I looked away from him to survey the crowd. There was still room to move around but it was almost suffocatingly hot in the tiny bar. Already I felt beads of sweat snaking down my aching spine, but I was a perfectly pleasant mix of stoned and drunk so I wasn't complaining. The entire room was swaying to the music and I caught myself grinning like an idiot; like it was my first concert ever. I guess in a way it was, I just didn't realize it at that moment.

  All of a sudden I heard Deb gasp and pull on my arm excitedly. I looked over at her trying to figure out what she was freaking out about and she pointed, unable to say anything. I look behind me to see a guy who looked like Elton John with really long hair make his way through the crowd. I looked back at her with a confused look and mouthed, "who is that?"

"It's Pete!! The drummer!"

  Ok, not really a big deal, I thought. It's not like these guys were Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie or Tool, they were a small-time local band and she was acting crazy. Well then I see Anthony and Erin pointing and talking to each other as another guy made his way through. He was smaller with short dark hair and I would say he reminded me of Paul Reuben at first glance, but sexy..lol. I was informed that this was Dave, the guitarist for the same band. Ok people, really? You're acting like crazy stalker fans...keep it cool. I had just turned back to enjoy the last dying chords of the first act when Deb went really crazy. With a sigh, I turned back to see what it was now. Oh and he was tall, dark and absolutely gorgeous. Dark hair so thick and just begging to be tugged and fondled, intense eyes I just got a glimpse of as he moved past us, which wasn't an easy feat as I realized the room was getting more and more crowded. I followed him as he walked up to the stage where the other two waited patiently. They looked amused as if they were used to him being delayed by adoring fans. I watched as they set up and HE tested the microphone when I realized I didn't know this gorgeous creature's name. I turned to ask Deb and she grinned at me as if she knew they were starting to get in my skin. "Rob." she stated.

  Rob. Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, ROB!!! The name echoed through my head as I turned my gaze back to him. Up until this night I hadn't liked this band much. Deb made me listen to their cds but I never caught on. I had even been to a concert before this one on 4-20 of the same year, it was now November, but I had been smoking all day and drinking all night and by the time the concert had started I was pretty much just a puddle of drool, struggling to keep my eyes open. They were also equally drunk and stoned and played horribly that first night, so I just wasn't impressed by them. Plus I had never seen Rob up close and personal as I had tonight. The bar was intimate and he was only a few rows away from me this time.

  I noticed I was being pushed into people and saw that the bar was now completely packed, no room to move and the now familiar chant was starting...."Floa-ter...Floa-ter....Floa-ter...FLOA-TER!!!!!" On and on it went until Rob put down his beer and grabbed the microphone. I think I went deaf from the crowd alone that night. They went absolutely crazy, screaming, whistling and moshing...ya moshing at an acoustic show, weird I know. I was suddenly terrified and looked around for an escape route in case things got out of hand. I had never been at a concert of this intensity before and I have seen some big names in concert, but nothing compares to a Floater show. I felt like I was having an out of body experience as I tried to make sense of this affect Floater had on these seemingly normal college kids. I even saw the dazed gleam of anticipation in my companion's eyes as they stared straight ahead waiting for the magical lyrics to begin. I looked up as Rob began to sing....

  I fell hard during the first song and was obsessed by the second one. They were in my blood, infecting me with their deliciously haunting melodies as they had everyone else. I wanted more, I needed more, I knew I would never get enough of them. I could not go home that night without some of their music to listen to. I would never go another day in my life without hearing their music.

  I looked over at Deb and she grinned at me knowing I had finally caught the Floater virus. She saw it in my dazed, awestruck eyes and slightly drooping jaw as I tried to absorb more of the awesome power they emanated. My eyes were only for Rob as I watched him in his musical trance...yes trance, you can see he's in the music, everything else is lost to him as he pours his soul into the heartbreaking lyrics. When he chances to open his eyes he looks startled that there are people watching him. He is the most beautiful singer I have ever seen; his concentration, the emotion on his face and the lyrics together are so intimate that I felt like he was singing only to me.

  Then after a few songs he stopped, I was brought out of my trance abruptly and was surprised to feel anger. NO, they couldn't be finished already, I barely had a taste!! But they were just taking a break and I relaxed. I saw the three of them walking toward us again, obviously making their way to the bar for more drinks. Deb made comments to Pete and Dave as they passed and I had to laugh when Rob came through, it was like the crowd closed around him to stall him. Deb rubbed her hand over his chest and told him how awesome he was. I had to laugh, I loved him but I wasn't the type to fondle the poor guy, although now I wish I had..lol. He just smiled and made comments, I don't even remember what they were. I patted his shoulder and told him I loved him music as he walked past. He glanced at me and said thanks, it was a perfect moment. After they had passed Deb, Anthony, Erin and I obsessed over them for a few moments before they came back. I had been getting annoyed that we were standing in the only path there was to get from stage to bar, but now I was thrilled because the band had to keep passing by us. They came back through with shots and made their way back to the stage.

Ahhh...finally...more Rob. They tossed back their shots and made small talk with the crowd. I can't remember all of the details, but it was a fabulous night, one I will never forget. I spent the rest of the show just focused on Rob's face, feeling his lyrics and being completely mesmerized. I was completely hooked.

© 2008 ape domenigoni

My Review

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Lolz, this is how I felt when I saw a band live for the first time.^^ I know everyone said that, basically, but idc, that's what I think, so yeah.

Posted 15 Years Ago

I really love this. It reminded me of when I went to a concert last year. They're so awesome, and I think you captured that really well.
Keep up the great work,

Posted 15 Years Ago

Oh there is nothing like seeing a band live for the first time, the feeling in the air, the interacting and loud music... I enjoyed it emensely and it took me back to my first concert, Poison/Ratt... a memory I will always cherish. Rock on my friend.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 16, 2008
Last Updated on August 17, 2008


ape domenigoni
ape domenigoni


I love music, it inspires my creativity in everything I do. I look for bands I connect deeply with and right now those are Floater and Blue October; they are such a big part of my world, my writing, m.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by ape domenigoni