They Never Asked

They Never Asked

A Poem by Flow




Asking Questions


I have never felt comfortable in my own skin

For more than a moment


How many times

Was I told that being black meant

That I had to fit into

This perfect box

That wasn’t me?


I wonder if they know

How it feels to be told

By the woman you feel

Is the most beautiful creature

Who ever lived

that your not black

Because you talk white

and you use complete sentences

you pronounce your words

and You don’t have that dip in you're hip

Or that glide in you're stride

So you can’t be a black man


You See….


You listen to rock music

And you know classical artist


Your deep into red wines

And fine dining


You wear khakis

And polo shirts


No my brother

You are more white

Than any thing else


I didn’t realize

That my ethnicity

Was measured by stereo types

Originated from my own people

Who seem to believe that being black

Is outside of ourselves

Like a skin we can put on

And then take off at will


No one ever asked me

About my experiences while growing up


The fear I had as a child

At that beach where

I was the only one

who looked like me


The way they looked at me

Their eyes were so mean


The way their spit felt

hitting my face


The way the family

Who brought me there acted

As they sided with them

And not with me


The anger I felt

from feeling helpless and worthless


It was the first time

That I experienced hate

face to face


They never asked me

About the time in college

When I marched with my school

For equal housing for all people

In colonial heights, VA


They never ask about the white man

Who marched side by side with me

Holding the same peace sign

That he held 

while marching with Dr. Martin Luther King


They never asked how that white man

lost his fingers while being attacked by police


They never asked how it felt

To turn that corner during the march

To only see a line of police

Dressed in full riot gear

And behind them the Klan

With stuffed monkeys on strings

All yelling and telling us

That when they catch us at night

We will be hung


They never asked why Opra Winfrey

Didn’t show up to give her speech to us


They never asked about the mentorship program

I participated in to show little boys

That men who looked like me

Actually worked a full time job


They never asked about the training classes

I taught to the homeless

Or the work I did with welfare recipients

Who wanted a career


They never asked me about any of that


instead all they wanted to know was

Why I talked and dressed white


Like that was the only thing

That made me



© 2008 Flow

My Review

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I didn't realize
That my ethnicity
Was measured by stereo types
Originated from my own people
Who seem to believe that being black
Is outside of ourselves
Like a skin we can put on
And then take off at will

You have touched here on one of my most hated topics, stereotypes... I hate them, all of them, people who try to fit others into perfect boxes with perfect labels, in their perfectly segregated bullshit world... This rant, that's what it is to me, is perfect. It heats my blood and gets the b***h in me going. I loved it.


Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


Wow this is deep and so full of raw emotion that I wanted to cry while reading it. Different is better not a bad thing. I admire you for writing this my dear friend, I really do.

Posted 16 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

As a well spoken Black man with a Well spoken White wife I can completely relate I avoid association with people of my own race because of there never ending questions regarding why I talk the way I do,and why i chose to marry my if i had some control over who i fell in love with......
I have been waiting for a long time for someone to put to words how this felt and I was beginning to lose confidence that there were others like me but you have given me new hope

Thank you

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Well done, this was a powerful piece hat i find to be one of my favorites. I can picture this being a get out your seat and clap performance if done as a spoken word. There was so much truth, mixed with well thought out emotion that gave the piece such a perfect vibe. I loved it, it is one of my favorites.

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

This was one of the best pieces of read in a while. I'm so happy you said something about it, and I feel like everyone should read this.

"I didn't realize
That my ethnicity
Was measured by stereo types"

I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that too. Excellent job with this one!

Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

I am fluent in Spanish, speak with a perfectionist's accent, and work with Hispanic youth--and my daughter is half Hispanic-- so I am forever, in this little town (overheard in the teacher's lounge at the school where I work) "That damned blond who thinks she's a Mexican". So I get you completely. I'm not white enough for white folks, not Hispanic enough for Hispanics, so where the heck do I fit? With open minded people of every race, that's where.
I read one of your erotic writes earlier, and didn't care much for it. I like subtlety, to let my mind play with the ideas.
On this piece, however, you are blunt, honest, to the point, and with good reason. It just works. Bravo.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Very well done! :) I like the structure of the piece -- beginning with the stereotypes and ending with them, but placing this amazing past in the middle. You created great visuals in many places. Fantastic.

A couple of spelling notes that might be helpful (you probably already know and just made a typo; I do that all the time!):

your = possessive (your car is red), you're = you are (you are driving a red car). Also were = past tense of are (We were walking), where = location (The beach where I lived).

Hope that helps! :) Lovely and inspiring poem.

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Probably the most courgeous piece I've read in a long while. I'd be willing to bet you know more about black culture than 99% of those who demean. I have two bi-racial grand children. I love them with all my heart. There will be war if anyone tells either one of them they must be a certain kind of black. They are 4.0 students. The speak proper english. They are respectful to ALL people. Your piece gives me hope. You are the TRUE warrior. You have an inner strength that it takes to make change. Black people do not all live in the inner-city...they do not all think alike...walk alike. You bring a courage; a self pride...a self confidence that is refreshing. You remind me of my niece, and she is going to make a difference in this world. I loved this piece. Rain..

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

I didn't realize
That my ethnicity
Was measured by stereo types
Originated from my own people
Who seem to believe that being black
Is outside of ourselves
Like a skin we can put on
And then take off at will

You have touched here on one of my most hated topics, stereotypes... I hate them, all of them, people who try to fit others into perfect boxes with perfect labels, in their perfectly segregated bullshit world... This rant, that's what it is to me, is perfect. It heats my blood and gets the b***h in me going. I loved it.


Posted 16 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

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18 Reviews
Shelved in 6 Libraries
Added on April 5, 2008
Last Updated on April 5, 2008



Memphis, TN

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