the mysterious guy i fell for

the mysterious guy i fell for

A Chapter by jade

teen romance


I was tired. The really long flight has really drained all my energy.I just wish i could reach my new home asap and sleep.sleep like a bear..! Me and my friend,suzzane had come all the way from spain to ireland to complete our education in national university of ireland. We were very excited as completing our education here meant living here,in our own home,without our parents. I know i will become homesick after some time, but for now, i am just enjoying. This is truly a beautiful country.


Slowly,our cab came to a hault as our driver declared that we had reached our destination.I got out of the car to see the small and cosy house in front of me. The area was quite and not many people were out. suzzne and i unloaded our lugage and went it. the house was in a pretty good shape. there was a big hall with a kitchen next to it on the ground floor, while there were two rooms on the first floor. i decided to take the room on the right side while suzzane chose the left one. tired and weary,i took my suitcase to my room and opened the door.


To my surprise, i saw a young guy standing by the window with his back towards me. "uhm..uhm..", i said. But he didnt respond.didnt even move.perhaps he didnt heard me."umm.excuse me,may i know who are you and what are you doing in my room?",i asked,this time being delibrately louder.


he turned to see me. It was now that i noticed that he was drop dead gorgeous. he had nice height. i sould see feel that he had nice  toned body which he was hiding under his white shirt.he had black slightly wavy hair. his eyes were ice blue,and were so sexy.his cheekbones,strong and fine. I couldnt turnmy gaze away.


"can you see me?" he said,utterly surprised.


"ofcourse i can. who are you,an invisible man?" i said with a bit of sarcasm.i immediately hated what i just said. what if he starts hating me for being rude?


"oh well..haha.. sorry. i just come here often because the view from this window is quite nice.",he said,smiling. wow.his smile. his lips arched perfectly when he smiled.


"do you live nearby? we are new here.",i said trying to sound as polite as possible.


" can say that. anyways, i will see you later, i have to some work to do.",he said.


i didnt want him to go. i wanted him to stay. but before i could say anything, he just jumped out of the window. i ran towards the window to see if he was alright,though i knew the window wasnt at a great height from the ground.Bt when i reached there,i saw no one. perhaps he ran away really fast..


i was tired so i decided to just sleep and i can arrange my clothes,etc later. i lied down on the bed,thinking about that guy. i have to be really stupid to not have asked his name...i just hope i meet him again. i dont know why,but i feel like some connection. I hope we meet again...

© 2012 jade

Author's Note

PLOT SUMMARY:Ruth came along with a friend to Ireland to complete her education. but here she meets a mysterious guy.she soon realizes that she is the only one who can see him and talk to him.does he really exist,or is it all in her head? and the worst, why does he seem so attractive to her? why does she feel a connection with him? why is she falling for him?

please comment and let me know all that you feel about my writting. i will upload the next chapter asap..:)

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Added on September 3, 2012
Last Updated on September 3, 2012
Tags: teen, romance, love, mystery



new delhi, new delhi, India

i am a fun loving, happy-go-lucky girl who loves life and lives every second. i love litreature and music. more..