Alice in Love

Alice in Love

A Poem by Monica Garcia

Only for the Alice in Wonderland fans...just a fun, silly, love piece I did at a slam. ;)


I live in this Wonderland

where I am Alice,

and you…

are my Red Queen.

I am going mad

taking foreign paths

deciding which way I ought to go

to find you.

Falling down dark tunnels

and rabbit holes

where I am anxiously anticipating

the fall that might lead me

to you.

It’s curious this

feeling of bliss

that I get every time you are

near me.

And I pray to God that

someday I may

have the courage

to tell you how I feel.

But…then again…

I am not the Lion

and this is not

The Wizard of Oz.

I am Alice…

and you are my Red Queen.

And in our Wonderland

nothing makes sense


what it is, it isn’t,

and most often

what it isn’t, it is…

and this, My Darling Queen,

is our love story

that fights all clichés,

and rises above every

pick up line and

nervous sweaty palm.

I will ask you to my tea party

and celebrate your un-birthday,

where I invite all of your friends

but tell them all the wrong time

so that it will just be me and you…

you and I…

defying all time

like the White Rabbit.

But unlike him,

I will not be late for our date


I will be early.

Probablly far too early

that I will have more than enough time

to go over every line

that I wish I could say

but probablly won’t say

because if I did say

it might not sound


My Queen,

I want to swoon you with

spontaneity and secrets.

I want to play croquet

until you get so tired of me letting you win,

that you want nothing more than to

“Off with my head!”…or cuddle.

Maybe I’ll choose the latter.

But in our Wonderland

even a beheading by you

would drive me mad


make me melt

like butter on tea biscuits with the Mad Hatter.

And oooh, My Queen,

that Cheshire Cat doesn’t have s**t

on that smile of yours.

Your smile is far less creepy,

and a little more crooked,

which highlights your enchanting flaws

like flowers:

crooked, beautiful,

and all mine.

Here in our Wonderland, oh, Queen,

I will paint your roses red

or green

or blue

or any other color you might fancy.

I will drink all of the potion

that makes me BIG

for all of the times

you need me to protect you.

And I will eat all of the cakes

that make me small

for all of the times

you feel insecure…

I want to make you feel so big,

that you’ll know you are

the only girl in the world…

for me.

I will be your Alice,

and you will be my Red Queen…

and we shall live

curiously ever after…


in our Wonderland.


© 2016 Monica Garcia

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"even a beheading by you would drive me mad/wild"

now that is the figurative sense...if only this Wonderland could exist forever after.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Beautiful. I love the part where you invite the friends, but tell them all the wrong time so that it will just be the two of you. I am so stealing that idea for real life btw :)
A wondrous journey through a wondrous land. Perfect.

Posted 8 Years Ago

A well crafted piece of love and the analogy with "Alice" is very nice. Good work.

Posted 8 Years Ago

A finely penned and imaginative parody of Carroll's famous story, were despite the obstacles, twists and turns, love shines through and wins the day !

A playful paradox of emotion and alluring coyness ! 😀

Posted 8 Years Ago

Great use of the Alice in Wonderland story line. You made it into a wonderful love story with all the right twists and turns! It was very enjoyable to read :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

I LOVE this! I love the Alice references and overall, I think this is a very sweet poem!

Posted 8 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on January 12, 2016
Last Updated on January 12, 2016


Monica Garcia
Monica Garcia


I am a poser of many trades. But after all, aren't we all? You inspire me. more..


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