Broken Piano Keys

Broken Piano Keys

A Poem by Gaston Villanueva

A letter to my 4th grade self


When you find out Randi likes you, don’t get scared and actually ask her out. When you go to Border’s, read the first Harry Potter book first, not the fifth (Dumbledore isn’t Professor Quarrel). When you go to Baskin-Robin’s for the first time don’t get the cookie dough flavor. Every time you make popcorn check to make sure you didn’t put 20:00 minutes instead of 2:00 minutes. Don’t wear that itchy wool sweater. Study for you final math test in 5th grade so you don’t end up with a B+. Save all the writing you do even if you think it’s dumb. Freddy Krueger isn’t real. Don’t be afraid to do anything because the worst thing that will happen is that an adult will tell you to stop. If there are free samples, don’t worry about taking more than one. Don’t look down when you’re on the rock-climbing wall and make it to the top so Shelby can tell you that you did a good job. Be kind to everyone and Cody Davis isn’t as bad as you think he is. Don’t drink maple syrup from the bottle on your washing machine so you can enjoy it when the waitress spills it on your order at a soccer tournament. When you find out that you won your class election don’t resign. When you are offered snicker-doodles, eat them because you’ll like them. Macaroons are not crayons. When you are playing baseball, always wear a cup. Don’t sit on the chimney on Thanksgiving, you’ll burn your butt. Always do the cake walk at the carnival. Draw more and start playing the guitar. Hang out with your dogs. Pack snow boots for Calvin Crest or you’re going to have cold feet all week. Do the zip line more than once. Middle school isn’t like how it’s portrayed on television. Don’t be afraid to hang out with people you don’t know. Don’t eat the jalapeño in Mustang Madness. Listen to music. Take the computers elective so you can learn how to type (it’ll pay off). When you get a gamecube for Christmas, remember where you store your playstation. There is no giant shark in the swimming pool. Get to the movies earlier so you can watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire not sitting in the front row with Adam (your neck will hurt). Liking someone isn’t bad and girls are just humans. Don’t start playing Yu-Gi-Oh because you’ll think about it 24/7. The Academic Pentathlon is fun and expect to win 1st in the math team event and 3rd in the individual reading event. Don’t run away when a girl wants to hug you. Don’t fill you backpack up with meaningless stuff. High schoolers are not adults that have their lives in order. Talk to Courtney Woodel more in geometry. Don’t jump out of a moving car to tell James you found his ostrich unless you want to use crutches the first month of 9th grade. The shot hurts a lot too. Start working out. Get good grades. Don’t lose your inner child and don’t try to fit in with the crowd. Don’t walk behind McKenna unless you want to accidentally get hit in the face with a badminton racquet. Watch less television. Ask Alexis Moore to a dance. Don’t let your mom cut your hair (it’ll look bad). Don’t worry about having a phone. Hangout with Sydney in person more than over phone. Play soccer again. Do community service. You’ll never like Dr. Pepper. Don’t use social media. Don’t like Briidy even though she is gorgeous (trust me on this one). Do cross country senior year even though you’ll hate it. Take more pictures. Be in the talent show. Laugh more. Stay in touch with people after high school. Stay active. Don’t write yourself a letter when you’re 20 and have no idea what's going on.

© 2015 Gaston Villanueva

Author's Note

Gaston Villanueva
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Good was very interesting and amusing..(:

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

Thanks D.T.! I'm glad you liked it!

9 Years Ago

You're welcome!
Simple truths and words of wisdom to live and thrive by.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

Thanks for the review!
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This was extremely well written. It kept me entertained. Very well executed!

- Brittney

P.S. If you wouldn't mind checking out my novel, HIM, I'd truly appreciate it. I'm looking to have it published but won't do so until I get as much feedback as I feel necessary. (:

Posted 9 Years Ago

very well executed. many will undoubtedly relate. I wish I could step back in time and give my old self a piece of my mind for all the missed opportunities I foolishly squandered.
nice one, Gaston.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

Thanks for the review and I'm glad you liked it!
Wow, this was so cute I was smiling all through it. Did give me nostalgic vibes too. It's a witty little idea and see what came out of it, I think a lot of tiny realizations. I wonder what'll be in the letter written after another decade. Meanwhile, life is going to have to be lived via the hit and trial method. You've got here gems of snippets specially "save all the writing you do even if you think it's dumb" and "take more pictures" and "if there are free samples, don't worry about taking more than one" and oh, too many to quote. It's a real lovely piece of work, Gaston!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

I'm really happy you connected so well from it :)
Writing another letter 10 years from now wi.. read more
I wish your younger self could have read this. Would it have helped? Probably not. People do what they do.

I really liked this piece.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

Thanks for the review and I'm glad you liked it!
This was a great nostalgic piece. I didn't even realize it was a letter to yourself until after I finished, I read it as an intimate reverie. It was filled with great tidbits of information that only really you are familiar with ('nd me), ex: "Cody Davis isn't as bad as you think he is."

This was a departure from your experimental pieces, but it was still very cerebral and colorful

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

I felt like I needed to broaden my range of writing a little, but I'll be back haha
Thanks fo.. read more
Hindsight is 20/20. I could have benefited myself from such a letter.

Life isn't designed so we focus on what could have made us better, we grow from each experience and every one shapes us.

I'm not sure this should be a poem, but it's beautiful nonetheless.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Gaston Villanueva

9 Years Ago

Thanks Carrie, I appreciate the review!

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8 Reviews
Added on April 26, 2015
Last Updated on April 26, 2015

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