1. Bumblebee Westcott: What I Want to Bee (Unedited)

1. Bumblebee Westcott: What I Want to Bee (Unedited)

A Story by Haley Lynn Thomas

Jamie 'Bumblebee' Westcott is 14 and can't standsuffering through another career day at school. So she decides to break herself and her two best friends Rae Annabelle and Kurt Lanahan out!


 My name is Jamie Westcott. I'm fourteen and in the eighth grade at Stockman Middle School. Almost no one calls me Jamie. I'm known by my fellow students as Bumblebee. It's a nickname I picked up when I was in kindergarten. My parents run a honey bee farm which, by the way, are not the same as bumble bees, but in kindergarten a bee is a bee. My father grew up on a honey bee farm and took over the farm when my grandfather grew too old to care for the bees. My kindergarten teacher thought it would be an education experience to visit the farm and after the other students found out it was my family's farm they dubbed me Bumblebee.

I've never been into the whole bee farm thing. After being stung multiple times we found out I was allergic to bees. My father was devastated and my mother begged him to get rid of the bees. He refused. The bees were his life.

I have two best friends; Raeleigh 'Rae' Annabelle and Kurtis 'Kurt' Lanahan. I met Rae in preschool. She was a shy and quiet girl but I learned in the second grade that she expressed herself through her music. She excelled in music class and our teacher recommended her to join our school's orchestra which was strictly for fifth graders. She played the bass, an odd choice for a girl as small as her, but proved to be a prodigy. It wasn't long before she dropped out of orchestra and began private piano lessons.

Kurt moved into town during our third grade year. He was a classic nerd and wasn't quick to make friends. That's why Rae and I befriended him. It was out of pity. By fifth grade though Kurt had become a whole different person. He took care of his bad skin, ditched his glasses for contacts, and updated his wardrobe. He was still just as smart and sweet as he'd been before only now he was a hunk that all the girls were crushing on. Rae always jokes about us being in love. I always pretend to get mad at her and deny it when, really, I like Kurt as much more than a friend. I've never told him because I'm afraid he'll reject me and it will hurt our friendship.

Today is career day at Stockman Middle School. It's a day that every student dreads. We have to take an online quiz in class to determine our aptitude and then the quiz determines what future career suites us best. Then we have to spend the entire day with a professional in that field while they blab on and on about how great their jobs are when most of us really don't care. The only good part is that we get a whole day without any classes. Although the careers are usually not ones that we have interest in. This year is our third career day. The last two they just threw us in random rooms. This is the first year we will take the quiz. Almost everyone is nervous about finding out about their results.

Rae is one of the few people who is confident. “I know I'll get something that has to do with music. Maybe a conductor or a music teacher.” She said. I had to laugh at this. “You really want to be a teacher? Once I get out of school I never want to go back.” I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I knew that I didn't want anything to do with bee farming or a future in education but I had no real passion like Rae with her music and Kurt with his brains. I was just me. Plain boring me.

They handed us our results in homeroom. Rae and Kurt ripped into their envelopes as if they expected to find a million dollars inside. Instead they found sheets of computer paper with their assigned positions printed on them. By the looks on their faces the news wasn't good.

“How did I end up with firefighter?” Kurt cried in horror. I snatched his sheet of paper. Sure enough he was assigned to the firefighter workshop. It made no sense to me either. Kurt was a genius who was comfortable with his nose in a book or fixing a computer. He was not physically fit and didn't participate in any sports. “Maybe they mixed you up with someone else.” I said. Kurt shook his head. “I can't believe this! I thought I'd get college professor or something with technology.”

“You think that's bad?” Rae screeched. “I got fashion designer! I'm a classy musician. I couldn't care less about fashion. I don't even think there's a future in that. This is the worst thing that could have ever happened to me!”

“I think you're being a little dramatic Rae. It's just career day. It's not like after today you're going to be forced into the fashion industry. It's still your choice. The school can't make you have a career that you don't want. You just have to suffer through today and then you can go back to your love of music and never have to think of fashion again if you don't want to.” I reassured her. She stuck her tongue out at me. “What's your assignment Bumblebee?” she asked me. I braced myself and opened the envelope that held my assignment.

Jamie Westcott, English Teacher, Room 226. That's what my paper read. I dropped the sheet onto my desk and Rae grabbed it. She burst out laughing when she saw it. “A teacher! Bumblebee Westcott a teacher!” She cried. “As if that would ever happen!” She passed the sheet to Kurt who joined in her laughter.

“There must be something wrong with this quiz.” I mumbled. “No way are you ever going to be a firefighter.” I said to Kurt. “No way are you ever going to be a fashion designer.” I said to Rae. “And there is absolutely no possibility that I will ever, ever, be a teacher of any kind.”

“I think you're being a little dramatic Bumblebee.” Rae said, stealing my words to her. I snorted. “I was looking forward to a day where I didn't have to deal with teachers.” I complained. “At least you guys get a chance to escape for a little while. This day has hardly started and it's already a disaster.” I buried my face in my notebook on my desk. How had this happened? Why me?

“I can't believe how lucky you are Bumble.” Kurt said. I looked up at him in shock. “Lucky? How am I lucky?” I demanded. Kurt had obviously lost his mind if he thought spending the afternoon one on one with a teacher was lucky. “I think it would be so cool to be a teacher.” He said. Rae rolled her eyes. “Kurt you don't know the first thing about cool.” She said. I nodded my head in agreement. Anything was cooler than this.

Mrs. Murray, one of the seventh grade English teachers, was the one who would be informing me all about the fabulous career that was teaching middle schoolers. When I entered Room 226, the room she taught in, all of the desks were empty. Mrs. Murray sat at her desk grading papers. She looked up when I entered the room and gave me a warm smile that seemed to be sincere. I smiled back in what was a very insincere smile. I wasn't going to pretend for anyone's sake that I was happy about being here.

“Hello Bumblebee.” Mrs. Murray said in her high voice. I was a little surprised that she knew my nickname and that she was using it. Most of my teachers called me Jamie. Mrs. Murray stood and walked around to the front of her desk. “Why don't you have a seat?” She suggested. I gazed around the empty classroom, tempted to take a seat in the back but decide against it. I really don't want to hurt her feelings too much. It's not her fault I got stuck here.

“Where is everybody else?” I asked. “Shouldn't there be at least a few other students here?” Mrs. Murray shook her head. “You're the only one. I must say I was quite shocked when they told me you'd been assigned to this workshop. It's not that you're a bad student.” she added qucikly. I could tell she didn't want to hurt my feelings. That wasn't likely. I wasn't going to deny anything she'd just said because it was the truth. “You do well enough.” She continued. “It's just...you never seemed interested in school.”

“That's because I'm not. I could really care less about school. I mean I know it's important for our futures and everything but I don't want to be a teacher.” I said. Honesty is the best policy after all. Mrs. Murray didn't appear hurt. She only shrugged at my response. “You're young Bumblebee. You may change your mind. Do you have any idea what you want to do when you're older?” She asked me. I sighed. I hated this question. I'm only fourteen. How should I know what I want to do with my life? I don't even know what I want for breakfast half the time let alone what I want as my career.

“No. I don't know what I want to do.” I told her. She nodded. “Then perhaps teaching is something to consider.” Mrs. Murray said. I wanted to laugh but I stopped myself. Instead I said “Can I go to the bathroom?”

“Is it an emergency?” Mrs. Murray asked. “Yes, my bladder's about to explode.” I said. She sighed. “Go, but make it quick.” She said. “Of course, I'll just be a minute.” I promise her. I stand up and dart out of the room. I don't really have to go to the bathroom, I just can't stand sitting in this room with Mrs. Murray discussing my future plans. As I walked I made my plans. I'm going to save Rae and Kurt from career day and tell Kurt how I feel about him. I might get expelled and I'll certainly get into some kind of trouble. but nothing could be worse than what I'm escaping. It was a risk I was willing to take.

I had just turned the corner, walking fast but not running, when I slipped and fell on my back. “Ow!” I cried. I sat up, rubbing my back, and saw the wet floor sign a little too late. I groaned and got slowly to my feet. The janitor was a few feet away mopping. He was staring at me. “What are you doing in the hallways miss? Shouldn't you be in your assigned room for career day?” He asked me. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him but I didn't.

“That's none of your business.” I told him. This seemed to anger him. “It is my business young lady. If you are not where you are supposed to be then I have to report you to the principle.” He said. I took a deep breath and tried to come up with a good response. “I'm going to the bathroom.” I said. My voice shook a little. “Do you have a hall pass?” He asked. I stiffened for a moment. Dang it! I'd forgotten to ask for a hall pass and Mrs. Murray hadn't given one to me.

I opened my mouth as if to answer and then took off in the opposite direction. “Stop!” the janitor cried behind me. I glanced back just in time to see him slip. I entered the nearest room which was the biology lab. Sitting on the counter was a cage filled with frogs that the class was going to study. Thinking quickly I unlatched the cage and the frogs all hopped out onto the floor. They leaped into the hallway and when I exited the room I saw the janitor's eyes practically bug out of his head. “Oh you're in trouble now miss!”

“You have to catch him first.” I taunted. I started running down the hall but stopped dead in my tracks when I caught a glimpse of Rae through a door's window. She was sitting in between two other girls with a bored expression on her face. I knocked on the door and opened it. “Excuse me I don't meet to interrupt. The principle wants to see Rae Annabelle right away. He didn't say why.” I lied. Rae's eyes lit up. She knew that I was bluffing. I was here to rescue her.

“You may go Rae.” The fashion designer said. Rae was out the door in seconds. “Thank you so much!” She cried. “I was dying in there.” She looked down the hall where the janitor was frantic as he attempted to catch the lose frogs. “What did you do?” she gasped. I laughed nervously and said, “Let's just say we'd better run because I'm in so much trouble.”

As we raced down the hallways I told her off my plan to rescue Kurt. “You can't pull the fire alarm! You think you're in trouble now you're going to be in ten times the trouble if you pull that alarm!” She warned me. I giggled nervously. “Of course I am but I haven't had this much fun in school since...ever.” After all I was already in this deep.

The nearest fire alarm was conveniently located next to the room where the firefighting workshop was in progress. I hesitated slightly but then pull the lever that sets off the alarm. The firefighters rush out of the room. “Who pulled the alarm?” One of them asked. “Where's the fire?” The other demanded. Kurt pushed through the firefighters. “What are you guys doing?” He cried. Rae and I looked at each other. Rae spoke up. “I pulled the alarm.” She said. What?! “No,” I start to say. She shushes me. “I saw a flame the biology classroom.” Rae continued. At that very moment the school erupted into chaos. Students and teachers poured out the classrooms.

“Let's get out of here.” I said. I grabbed Rae and Kurt's hands and we merged with the crowd. Once we were outside we collapsed onto the grass. I was exhilarated. Kurt stared at us. “What did you two do?” He asked. “Rae didn't do anything.” I said quickly. “I sort of let loose frogs in the biology lab and pulled the fire alarm even though there isn't a fire.”

“Why would you do that?” He demanded. I frowned. “I was so bored. I couldn't stand to stay in that room. Also, I wanted to tell you something.” I said. He laughed. “You couldn't just tell me?” He said. I shook my head. “Not really. It's kind of important.”

“Then just tell me now.” He said. I took a deep breath and then told him. “Kurt, I like you...as more than a friend.” I held my breath waiting for a response. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. “I know.” He said. That was it. I know. “If you knew then why didn't you say anything?” I demanded. He shrugged. “You're one of my best friends Bumblebee. I like you but not in the way you like me. I'm sorry.” My heart broke in two. I tried not to show the hurt on my face. “It's okay.” I lied softly. “It most certainly is not.” The voice came from above us. It was the principle. “Can one of you explain what happened here today?” he asked harshly. “Rae and Kurt didn't do anything. It was me.” I said. They looked relieved that I was taking all the blame. They waved as the principle led me back inside to his office. I didn't bother to wave back.

I got two weeks of detention. One was for letting the frogs lose and the second was for pulling the fire alarm. I happily accepted the punishment. I was expecting much worse. Much, much worse. Of course they did call my parents. I was grounded for a month.

After that day students started calling me the Killer Bumblebee. I started attracting attention from the troublemakers at school. One of whom was Jesse Crabbs. He was known for pulling pranks on substitute teachers and ditching class to go make out under the stairwell. When he heard of my frog freeing, fire alarm pulling shenanigans he asked me out.

“I'm kind of grounded right now.” I told him. “If you're willing to wait a month for my freedom then...” I trailed off. What was I doing? Jesse was not the kind of boy that I should even be talking to. Then again...he would be perfect to make Kurt jealous. I'd never been asked out before; I was flattered. Even if I knew that Jesse didn't like me for the right reasons and I didn't like him for the right reason either, what could it hurt to go on one date with him?

“I'll pick you up at your house at five...in a month.” Jesse said. “Okay.” I agreed. “I'll see you in a month.” He leaned forward and kissed me quickly and gently on the mouth. My first kiss! I'd never dreamed it would be with Jesse Crabbs. He pulled away. “That's all I can give you for now. Until we meet again.” He whispered. Then he left. Rae was never going to believe this!

After everything settled down I apologized to Mrs. Murray. “You know Jamie,” she said. “When I was your age I wasn't all that into school either. It had to grow on me.” She wasn't angry with me for ditching her, she just wanted to help me. Maybe teachers aren't so bad after all. I thought. “When did you decide you wanted to be a teacher?” I asked her. She smiled. “I had a teacher who told me that she loved what she did because of the feeling she got when she helped a student who was having trouble with a subject to understand. That's when I decided to be a teacher.”

“Really? Wow, that's actually really cool.” I said. “I mean not cool, cool, but cool as in I never thought of it like that. I still don't think I want to be a teacher.” I added. Mrs. Murray laughed. “I've always thought those quizzes that make you take are ridiculous. I took one when I was your age and it told me I should be a nurse. Let me tell you I am the most squeamish person you will ever meet! Oh, Bumblebee, don't listen to those stupid things. Follow your heart. That's the best advice I could give any student.”

“I don't know what my heart is telling me but I'm sure I'll figure it out. If anything you've changed my mind about teachers.” I told her. “From now on I'm going to work a lot harder in school.” I vowed. Mrs. Murray looked skeptical. “Just don't pull anymore stunts.” she said. “I won't.” I said. “That was a one time thing, I promise.” I shake her hand and she hugs me. “You've got a bright future ahead of you Bumblebee.” she told me. “Whatever it is you choose to do.”

© 2011 Haley Lynn Thomas

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Added on September 16, 2011
Last Updated on September 17, 2011


Haley Lynn Thomas
Haley Lynn Thomas

Columbus, OH

I write poetry, short stories, and novellas. Most of my poetry is inspired by real people and events in my life. more..
