Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Ruby

Just another cheesy short stories that I secretly love. It's a fantasy/adventure/romance stories about the one and only female werewolf.





            I lie awake staring at the stars overhead. In New York you can never see the stars. Why do I live in New York? Why don’t I just move to Canada and stay out in these woods for the rest of my life? To achieve such a goal I would need to suffer most of my life. Work at Frank’s Hunting Goods till age sixty fife. Then I would have enough money to live my life on nothing. Or I could face the trials of everyday life. I live to live through the boring monotone of my existence. Everyday I wake up to face another mind-numbing day. Week by week I live to work so I can live a life that I hate. I’m going to work my meaningless job until I can retire and when I retire I will be too old to enjoy the existence I lived to achieve. Why do I do it? Why do I do live this life that I hate? It all started the day I sat in Mrs. McKenzie’s orange striped chair.

            Her room smelt of rotting books on child psychology. She watched me as if I were a test subject. I sat staring at her eyes and chewing my gum irately. She had shoulder length hair and wore her clothes too tight. Her brown circular glasses made her look ten years older. She wore her makeup wrong and had no friends. For such a hated person she thought a lot of herself. I wondered why she was qualified to be a guidance counselor. Did I really want to be guided by such a person? She worked at the same school she wasted four years of her life at. Returning to high school to work seemed like it would be such a drag. Mrs. McKenzie’s husband was fat and old. She wasn’t paid much and her kids were druggies. I knew this because I bought from them. I wasn’t a total druggie but sometimes I wanted to blow of some steam.

            “What do you want to do for a living Hannah?” She studied my records and began to type in her computer. She already had an opinion about me without ever hearing me speak.

            “Do I have to decide? I’m only in ninth grade.” I asked her casually while playing with the tassels on this ugly chair.  I thought that this school would have nicer furniture considering how much my father was paying for me to go here.

            “If you want to go anywhere in life you have to start at a young age. Now’s the ideal time.” She watched my finger slowly pick away at the chair’s arm.

            “You know, I think I need a little more time to think about it.” I saw her grimace.

            “So you don’t have a career picked out?”

            “The only thing I know for sure is I’m not going to be a guidance counselor.” I smiled politely at her. “But thank you for caring, I’m missing Mr. Vanderbuckle’s lecture on French trade policies so I must be going. I hope we can do this again.” I walked out of the room and closed the door with a louder than necessary bang.

            I blame my dysfunctional family on my childhood rudeness. I had a mother and father and everyone was alive, unfortunately. My mom and dad had the “love at first sight” syndrome, someone who believes that s**t has serious problems. So they got married in Vegas and had one kid. Then my dad got mixed in with the wrong crowd, the Holly Wood riches. He became one of them. He had it all rich, good looking, rich, a family. My mother caught him cheating and in an instant she became an old lady. She also realized how she didn’t love him at all. She grew wrinkles and a bitter attitude. They were divorced and I didn’t see my father except for when his picture was on a magazine cover. My mother turned instantly verbally abusive and shipped me off to an expensive boarding school. As soon as I graduated I ran off to New York City and never spoke to my mother or father again. Now I live in a small Brooklyn apartment and everyday I walk over to Frank’s Hunting Supplies and work as a cashier. I’m one of that people who is cynical of everyone and doesn’t believe in love. I think love is an illusion that wears off once you realize whom you fell in love with. Why waste my life with one person anyway?

            So my big mistake was not listening to Mrs. McKenzie. I should have picked a career on the spot and set my life on the right path. I still would be working at a job I hate, have a dysfunctional family, and be single but I would in turn be making decent money. But here I am lying in a sleeping bag in the middle of winter in Canada. The manager is letting me take a week off before Christmas so I can work during the holidays since I have no family. I of course resent my life and family but I’m not a hateful person. I do enjoy myself occasionally, taking a road trip to a camping trip is my love. The feel of absolute solitude makes me smile. I can read, think, or say whatever I want without an opinion. No one is here to tell me anything.


 I spread out my orange sleeping bag on the ground. It’s convenient working at a camping store, there’s always a discount on sleeping bags. I slip into the sleeping bag, wearing my flannel pajamas, and lie on my back watching the stars. The moon isn’t as white as supposed to be. It’s yellow and full. I can clearly see the tiny craters and I long to be able to be there. Out of this world, it sounds amazing. If only I had done something interesting as a career, like an astronaut or maybe a CIA member, locking up the bad guys. I could never do a job like those; all that pressure if something went wrong. I could shoot a gun though.


            I hear a soft rustle in the bushes next to my tent. Again I hear the sound but it is accompanied with a heavy breathing. My hands crawl along the dirt and reach into my backpack. I feel the cold metal rubbing against my hand. I grab my shotgun and stand up. I’m not sure what to do. In horror movies it’s always so obvious what the main character shouldn’t do. Don’t walk into the room don’t do it! Don’t go, the bad guys in there! But now I don’t have a spectators view. Just me, and I can only see things through my eyes. I step towards the sound and then back to where I am. Okay okay what’s the worst that can happen?  I take another step forward. A lot of things could happen. Serial killers, bears, mountain lions, and wolves all seem very Canadian.

            A large black wolf jumps into the air and lands next to me. I shoot at him and begin to run. I don’t even make it out of the clearing before it tackles me. It gnaws into my neck and I feel a shredding pain. Blood oozes down my pale white shoulders illuminated from the moon’s light. I close my eyes and try to block out the pain. I can’t feel the wolf anymore, its weight isn’t on top of me, but a strong burning has taken its place. Hotter hotter hotter the burn spread around my body. I begin to tremble and start to scream. I open my eyes and see the face of a man. He holds me in his arms as we run. I look at my arms and see hair growing in the place of the blood. I see my bare shoulders and notice the red streaming down the side of my body.

            We are in a cave and the hotness isn’t gone. I’m still yelling out in anger. I can’t die now! I just can’t! The heat is replaced by an extreme cold. I still shake and I can see my whole body. I am covered in short hairs. My feet begin to painfully grow twice their size. My legs and arms become thicker with muscle. The man sets me down onto a bed. I continuously scream as I feel my body grow twice its size. I feel my nose bleeding and my face begins to mutate. As if someone grabbed my skin and were stretching it as far as possible, I can feel my bones developing. Then the coldness stops. The pain stops. I feel a long sharp needle inject into my skin.

                         I open my eyes to see darkness above me. I’m dead. I have to be dead it’s the logical answer. The wolf attacked me and ate me. My entire life is over. My life really sucked. I wish I could rewind the past few days and not go camping. I should have stayed home. I wonder if anyone will realize I’m gone. Maybe I’ll just disappear. My family won’t know and I don’t think my boss will look into me being missing so maybe I’ll just be gone. Not dead, gone from everyone’s mind. They’ll think I’m alive and living somewhere nicer. Or maybe they won’t think on the subject at all.

            This is certainly hell. I’ve gone to hell. It explains the burning before but not the hair. Maybe when you go to hell you transform into a beast. What do you do in hell?

            “She’s awake.” I feel my hands and legs being chained into the bed. I try to sit up and hands keep pushing me down. I pull away at the chains. Why am I chained? Is this part of hell? I try to shake the chains off and I can feel my wrists bleeding. I calm down. This is normal they always do this when you go to hell. I look at myself. I’m hairy, brown thick coarse hair covers my body. My nose seems longer and my feet, they’re strangely deformed.

            “What’s happening to me?” I whisper quietly. My hands are longer and I have sharp nails. I have a strong desire to eat something, to taste blood. Meat. Human. Human? I’m not a cannibal. Just the thought of sinking my teeth into the shoulder of a person and slowly eating him away makes my mouth water. I must be a cannibal now. Why would I have this desire?

            “Get her some meat.” I see a hand hanging a piece of meat over my face. I lunge forward at it and start to tear away at it. Not the taste I was going for but it’s good enough. I can feel my teeth. They’re not the same. They’re pointer and sharper. Fangs. I begin to put two together. Being attacked and my sudden wolf characteristics. No that’s ridiculous I can’t be a wolf!

            “Am I a wolf?” I ask out loud but I can’t hear my voice, just a loud whining sound. I feel the prick of the needle again. I watch the hairs slowly shrink away. My feet return to normal but I still have more muscular legs. I’m naked but I’m human. I see the chains around me. I begin to rattle them. Let me out let me out! This can’t be hell it’s too horrible. I can see the shadow of a man on the wall. I don’t know what to say. “What’s happening?” I ask him. He doesn’t reply. I can see the shadows of two other. “Please, please. Tell me.” I plead with them. I hear a voice.

            “She seems harmless enough.” The shadows come closer. I watch them take off the chains. I turn to face them. They look like normal men. One’s older; he has short gray hair. The one next to him is blonde and tall. There’s another one but I can only see the faintest outline of him in the shadows. He doesn’t come near me. The blonde man reaches over to a stack of clothes and hands me a t-shirt and jeans. Embarrassed, I slip the clothes on and sit on the bed watching the men. They are watching me.

            “What’s going on?” I ask them quietly. They glance at each other. The gray haired one comes closer as the other two remain in the shadows.

            “You’ve been bitten.” He says calmly. I watch his face. Bitten. Bitten. Bitten?

            “Bitten by what?” I regain my courage. I stand up to see him eye to eye.

            “By Patrick,” The old man says, “a werewolf.” The old man says to me.


            “A werewolf and when you are bitten by a werewolf and live you become a member of the species.”

            “I’m a werewolf?” I look at the man truly frightened. This is a joke. I’m in some sort of medical facility and since a wolf attacked me they are pulling a practical joke on me.

            “As are we all.” I stare strangely at him as he says these words. He’s a werewolf? They are werewolves? I look at them cowardly standing far away.

            “Then why did you chain me up?”

            “We didn’t know what to expect from you?”

            “Haven’t you dealt with this before?” I question him, I think near insanity.

            “Yes but this is a different circumstance. You’re a woman.”


            “There’s never been a female werewolf before.” He explains to me calmly.

            “Well why? Why is this happening? This can’t be happening!”

            “Granger, Sylus, you may leave.” He gestured towards the men. “Let me tell you a story. We sit on the bed. “1591. First werewolf was Peter Stubbe. It is said that he was the creator of werewolves, the father. He was some sort of sorcerer in a town. The details are very sketchy. Unfortunately for him he couldn’t control his thirst. He hid in the forest waiting to attack passer bys. All of his victims were found mangled and had torn up throats. He killed his own son due to his uncontrollable thirst for human blood. The town people caught him and brutally murdered him in the town’s square. All of his victims were found except for one, a teenage boy who escaped him with only a bite. Henry also became a werewolf but he didn’t have the direct affect Peter had. He could control his desire by eating humans rarely and mainly livestock. One day he found another boy, Alban, dying in the forest. He bit his neck and the boy also became immortal. They formed the first pack. Slowly the pack grew and Alban decided to form his own pack. Alban and Henry died a while ago in battle with the vampires. We do not know the origin of vampires. They live amongst humans as aristocrats, rich and civilized. Rumors say that they have dinner parties and end up having their guests for dinner. Vampires are territorial. If a vampire spots another mythical creature, the mythical creature will be killed. Werewolves can only be killed by silver meaning we are immune to most mythical animals except for vampires who fight like humans. They carry weapons and don’t use their fangs to kill, they use guns.”

            “Wait there are other mythical creatures?” I stare at him dumbfounded. This can’t be happening. How can our world be filled with these monsters?

            “There are only sixty six that I can think of but these are not monsters. We are just like regular animals but the human race hasn’t discovered us yet, making us scary to them.”

            “If there’s so many why don’t I see them all of the time?” This is it; I’m definitely insane.

            “We generally avoid humans and we live in undesirable places for humans to live.”

            “What, just, what am I going to do?” I ask him.

            “You have two options, live with us or return home.”

            “Well then I’ll go home.”

            “Watch out for vampires they’ll be able to smell you up to a mile away.”

            “I live in New York.”

            “Lots of Vampires there.”

            “Then I’ll stay here. So if you don’t attack humans how come I was attacked?”

            “Patrick was bitten very recently and he lacks the ability to control his thirst.”

            “Why are you so afraid of women werewolves.”

            “Because it’s never been done before. Our species has no use for reproduction through sex. We can continue our species by biting people. Of course we still have sexual desires from our human life but we have no need to put a woman through this transformation just for sex. There was a rumor once of a werewolf who got lonely enough to create a woman werewolf. She killed him. We also don’t know how the transformation will affect you.”

            “So I’m immortal now?” I ask.

            “Yes you will live until you are killed.”

            “So I could live forever.”

            “If you wish.”

            “What do you do forever?”

            “We do whatever we want. Mainly we work on surviving. Sometimes we meet other packs or will do business with other mythical creatures. We work like a government. I am the leader. Granger is second in command. We have rules and everyone has specific jobs in order to keep our home working.”

            “How many?”

            “Over fifty of us live in this cave system built into the mountain.”

            “And the Canadians never notice you.” I say suspiciously.

            “Oh they notice us, but are too afraid to do anything. Most of them are fine with us living here as long as no humans are hurt.”

            I am surprised. How could the people live knowing these monsters are living here? I am one of those monsters, I remind myself.

            “You’ll sleep in here for now. There is a door to keep others out.”

            I look around the room. On the wall hangs a tiny lantern providing a dim light. There is a bed and a dresser. The dresser has medical supplies in it.

            “I suppose you are still hungry.”

            I look at him and realize my appetite. I lick my lips as I imagine the taste of blood in my mouth. I lift my head into the air and smell a sweet scent of meat.

            “Uh, what’s your name?” I ask him.


            “Nathaniel can I have some of that food?”

            He smiles at me and leads the way through a maze of caves. The walls have candles tucked into their cracks to provide light. My feet don’t hurt as I walk barefooted on top of the sharp rocks but I can feel them bleeding. We enter a large room filled with men huddled around a fire. Above the fire hangs a deer that is slowly being cooked. The men stare at me strangely as I stand next to Nathaniel.

            “So you’ve decided to keep the girl?” The man named Granger accuses. He has long blonde hair tied into a ponytail. He has a short beard and is tall and strong looking. He stares at me with a threatening glare.

            “That’s against the code!” A short man with red hair yells out. The other men looked angered and start to call out complaints. They yell about a code. Nathaniel continues to watch the fire as Granger steps closer to him.

            “We’ll have you exiled for this.” He threatens.

             “Granger of all the people you should understand that this girl has no where else to go. Forcing her out will put the humans in danger. She won’t learn how to control herself.”

            “Keeping her here is a threat to us!” The red haired man yells.

            “Exiling an innocent werewolf is more of a crime that keeping a woman.” Nathaniel says.

            The red haired man starts to complain but Granger interrupts him. “You may keep the girl but if it threatens our existence, both you and her shall be exiled.” The man called Granger glares at Nathaniel and marches out of the cave. The room clears out and as the men leave they give us intimidating looks. Nathaniel tears a piece of deer flesh and hands it to me. I eat it quietly. I still don’t understand why they all hated me so much and why I don’t hate them.

            “Did that go well or not so well?” I ask Nathaniel.

            He laughs. “It could have gone better.”

            “How come you are so much older than the others?”

            “I was bitten at this age. My brother was a werewolf and he couldn’t stand to see me die so he finally decided to bite me when I got cancer.”

            “Were you married?”

            “Yes, I was but my wife aged while I did not.” He says solemnly.

            “When did you get bitten?”

            “17th century.”




            “I’m the oldest werewolf in the tribe.” He boasts.

            “What happened to the werewolves who were bitten earlier than you?”

            “They are in packs they created. Some died in war. Some decided they didn’t want to live forever.”


            “Vampires were threatening our survival so several packs of wolves joined in the 19th century. We lost the war and most of our men.”

            “How come Vampires are so much more powerful?”

            “Their abilities are not more powerful only their resources. They have been around for centuries longer. There are more vampires and their vast amount of money gives them endless abilities.”

            “Can I fight?”

            “At the moment you are more powerful than any of us due to your newborn strength. That will soon wear off but you still will have fighting instincts.”

            “What am I to do?”

            “I’ll help you find a job you can do.”


            “Trying things out.”

            “What first?”

            “Let’s go hunting.” Nathaniel leads me out of the caves. I wonder, what are we going hunting for? I watch him mutate into a wolf. He is crouching on all fours. There is white fluffy hair spreading around his back. His nose grows into a dog shape. His legs look more like an animals and he grows fangs. I decide to try it. Think wolf. Think wolf. It doesn’t work. Wolf. Wolf. Fangs. Hair. Come one. And then I transform. It doesn’t hurt this time, it feels natural and I can barely feel it. He watches me and then takes off into a run. I run after him and then pass him. I can feel my legs lunging, jumping as they run. The trees around me are a blur. Run, run, and run. Faster, faster, faster. I feel wind blow through my hairs. I smell something. Not a good smell. It smells like rotting onions. I stop and let Nathaniel catch up.

            He looks at me confused as to ask why we stopped. I want to ask him what the smell is but all that comes out of my mouth is a bark. He barks back at me and I can tell what he is trying to tell me.

            No, I don’t smell anything. He looks at me strangely.

            Are you sure?

            What’s it smell like?

            Rotten vegetables.


            If that’s what a vampire smells like, then yes.

            I don’t smell anything.

            Follow me. I begin to run following the smell. We travel for over fifteen minutes in search of the scent. I can still smell it stronger now. I stop because I seem to have found where the smell is coming from, but what is it coming from. A pale person lunges at me. I growl and jump into them. Tearing away at their neck. I use my hands to push him onto the ground as he reaches for his gun. I bite his arm and hear a loud crack. I sink my teeth into his cold shoulder and begin to gnaw away at his cold skin. I watch the vampire’s eye turn black and slowly die. I look and see Nathaniel struggling with another Vampire. This one is a girl. I tackle her and hold her down while Nathaniel breaks her neck.

            We need to leave. Nathaniel tells me. We run back the way we came and reach the cave entrance. We transform as soon as we get inside. He looks at me with amazement. How did you smell them from over fifty miles away?

            Fifty miles? Is that not normal?

            Normally the longest distance we can smell a vampire is less than a mile.

            I quickly transform and put my clothes back on. I dare not look towards Nathan until he gives me an Ok; I have no desire to see a naked old man.

            “Could you really smell those vampires from that far away?” He asks me. I turn around to face him; thankfully he’s dressed.

            “Yeah, couldn’t you?” I ask. I don’t see anything wrong with the situation.

            “No,” He begins to walk into the caves. I follow him. “That’s extraordinary, I think I may have found a job for you.”

            “What’s that?” I say.

            “It’s along the lines of Bounty hunter; Vampire hunter.” He tells me. He hands me a large gun.

            I look at it strangely and then look at him. “Vampire hunter?”

            “You can find them better than any of us.” He takes the gun from my hands and puts it back on a shelf. “You catch Vampires for us to study or question.”

            “Why do you want to study Vampires?”

            “We need to figure out ways to kill them faster. It’s also helpful to find out what they’re up to.” He explains.

            “OK. I’ll be a Vampire hunter. What else do I have to do anyway?” I declare.


Too be continued if anyone rates or comments on it... Imight post the rest anyway... 

© 2008 Ruby

Author's Note

I'm having a hard time with description.

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 22, 2008
Last Updated on November 23, 2008



Grand Rapids, MI

Wow, I don't think I'm important enough or old enough to have a biography. By the way I tried to select genres but they wouldn't let me select more than one so here's what genres (plural) I like to wr.. more..
