

A Poem by Hypnos

this is a prayer thanking Apollo

Shining Apollo, bright-haired son of Zeus,
strong of arm and flawless of form, of all the gods
none are your equal in beauty or grace. Apollo,
of Leto were you born on well-favored Delos;
in Athens and in Sparta and in all the lands
were you honored. To you did men and women
offer prayers for health and healing in days of old;
to you did the poets call for inspiration,
O leader of the lovely Muses. Apollo,
driver of all ill and evil from the land,
in Delphi were you served by the faithful Pythia,
with whom you shared your prophecies.
Apollo, never has your glory been forgotten;
throughout the centuries have artists turned to you
for light and vision. Great god, I praise you and your gifts.

© 2013 Hypnos

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So, to be blunt, it lacks many things that make poetry... well, poetry. The rhythm is inconsistent, there is no apparent rhyme scheme, and the number of allusions you used makes it less of a poem and more of a report on the history of Apollo.

There were things I did enjoy about it though. First off, the entire theme of Apollo is unique, and not seen very often. In fact, your entire profile focuses on things like that and I think that is a great way to go, and to help distinguish your writing from other peoples. I really enjoyed the physical description of the god, no matter how short it was, and I think that if you want to make poetry out of gods than you could definitely elaborate on their "beauty" and "godlike presence". That would be really interesting, and I would love to see some of that writing from you.

Keep up the good work, and if you found my review helpful please thumbs it up! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

thank you for your opinion. i agree these aren't poems. i think of them as just prayers for the god.. read more


Enjoyed reading...nicely done...SyberRose

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

So, to be blunt, it lacks many things that make poetry... well, poetry. The rhythm is inconsistent, there is no apparent rhyme scheme, and the number of allusions you used makes it less of a poem and more of a report on the history of Apollo.

There were things I did enjoy about it though. First off, the entire theme of Apollo is unique, and not seen very often. In fact, your entire profile focuses on things like that and I think that is a great way to go, and to help distinguish your writing from other peoples. I really enjoyed the physical description of the god, no matter how short it was, and I think that if you want to make poetry out of gods than you could definitely elaborate on their "beauty" and "godlike presence". That would be really interesting, and I would love to see some of that writing from you.

Keep up the good work, and if you found my review helpful please thumbs it up! :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

thank you for your opinion. i agree these aren't poems. i think of them as just prayers for the god.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on April 29, 2013
Last Updated on April 30, 2013




I am a humble servant of the Greek gods and an avid hunter. I enjoy being out in nature and nothing solidifies the feeling of being one with nature more for me than when I hunt. The reason I became a .. more..

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A Poem by Hypnos