Prayer to Zeus, Gaia and Helios for the Witnessing of an Oath

Prayer to Zeus, Gaia and Helios for the Witnessing of an Oath

A Poem by Hypnos

I call to Zeus, great lord of Olympus,
upholder of order, upholder of truth,
to hear the words I speak on this day,
to witness the oath I make before you.

I call to broad-bosomed Gaia, mother
of all that is, who knows of all her children,
to hear the words I speak on this day,
to witness the oath I make before you.

I call to all-seeing Helios, driver
of the chariot of the sun, bright-haired god,
to hear the words I speak on this day,
to witness the oath I make before you.

Hear me, O deathless ones; mark my words
on this day, in this place. Hold me to my vow,
I pray to you, for I bind myself
freely and willingly with this pledge.

© 2014 Hypnos

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A very lovely and wonderfully wrote poem. I greatly respect Gaia and because most of the people in my community (including my family) are christian I am hated for not choosing the same path as they did. Thank you for sharing your work.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

I am glad to see another person who respects the earth. If you so wish please seek more of these pra.. read more

10 Years Ago

I will read more and yes, others can be horribly judgmental and there is no need for it.
Nicely done. I love the topic so off the beaten path. Has a good draw pulling the reader through as well.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you kindly
There are no words for how much I love this.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is interesting... Why do you use two Greek gods though? Or rather Greko-Roman gods.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Because they are two of the most important gods. King of the gods and Mother Earth. Who better to wi.. read more
Eryn ♪

10 Years Ago

I'm just curious. I would have used many different religions personally, but I can see you are a fan.. read more

10 Years Ago

Indeed I am.
May the wishes be granted. Always enjoy reading you, Hypnos.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 3, 2014
Last Updated on January 3, 2014




I am a humble servant of the Greek gods and an avid hunter. I enjoy being out in nature and nothing solidifies the feeling of being one with nature more for me than when I hunt. The reason I became a .. more..

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