To Hygeia

To Hygeia

A Poem by Hypnos

I call to Hygeia, daughter of wisdom-loving
Asklepios whose shining temples you share,
ever-watchful sister of dear Panakeia
who knows all remedies. Bright-eyed Hygeia,
foe of the Nosoi who lurk in the unclean corners,
rich-robed goddess, mild and gentle one whose soft touch
and soothing voice give ease to the suffering.
In Athens and in Corinth were you well honored;
in fair Sikyonia did you receive long locks
of the hair of women, did you receive the gifts
of the grateful. Hygeia, holder of the serpent
and the chalice, friend of the honest physician,
granter of the most precious of blessings, who gifts
us with a hale and robust form, with vigor
and vitality, blessed one, I call to you.

© 2014 Hypnos

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i am inspired by your dedication in each and every poem. this one in specific captures the essence of the subject as well as the speaker in a mysterious but gentle manner. thank you for sharing :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 20, 2014
Last Updated on May 20, 2014




I am a humble servant of the Greek gods and an avid hunter. I enjoy being out in nature and nothing solidifies the feeling of being one with nature more for me than when I hunt. The reason I became a .. more..

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