No More Writings

No More Writings

A Story by Sothe (White Princess)

This is just a note to let everyone know that I no longer will be posting on WC. I have officially moved to You can find me there as ilovesothe instead. I have very little works, but I hope I can post more in the future. Sorry I lost interest in WC and don't see a point in submitting works on here anymore. I am not deleting my account, and I will still answer any and all PMs. However I am done with writing on WC. I hope to review more stories in the future as well. I hope that you fans will continue to read my stuff on wattpad.

© 2013 Sothe (White Princess)

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Added on April 21, 2013
Last Updated on April 21, 2013


Sothe (White Princess)
Sothe (White Princess)

Daein - stalking Sothe >:D

RRS CLOSED Yep, so now I actually have a name you can call me by! Call me Sothe okay? I use to be White Princess to many people :D My new profile picture is of my now favorite game - Fire Emblem: A.. more..
