Rainbow flag

Rainbow flag

A Poem by Imogen.E

Pink is for sexual persuasion we think
Red is for life and it follows from pink
Orange for healing and fixing the sore
Yellow for sunshine above daily war
Green is for nature we see every day
Blue is for art and our heart as we play
Indigo for harmony this world we live in
Violet for spirit some good and some sin

Support LGTB to help millions near
What they think and they feel is never so clear
Bullied by classmates and people alike
What's happening to gays will never be right

© 2014 Imogen.E

Author's Note

A boy in my local area took his life last week as he was bullied severely by other boys because he was gay. I wrote this for him using the colours of the LGTB rainbow flag, each colour representing a different meaning. I hope you like it.

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very strong message . with nice words make this poem very adorable . good job.

Posted 9 Years Ago

A very well constructed poem and an enjoyable read :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

that was very thoughtful and mature of you dear,i wish more people in the world were so cinsiderate and sympathetic...bless

Posted 9 Years Ago

What a special poem :) Very good job in writing it :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Wow...you have so much talent. This is wonderfully well-written and thank you so much for speaking out about such a worthy issue(: It's really meaningful to me; I have a best friend who is gay and I helped him get through coming out to his family and to the school. It was a difficult time for him but thankfully there are people in the world like you who will view them as people, and not as a sexuality.

Posted 10 Years Ago

That was a great gesture you did:)))))))))) and the poem is great Immy wow only 12? My goodness you have mad skills at hand:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you very much for reviewing. I'm glad you enjoyed this :)

10 Years Ago

Your very welcome:)
Bullying is a terrible thing in this world and I'm glad you wrote a piece to stand against it!


Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for reading and reviewing. Bullying is the worst thing for a child to go through in their sch.. read more
this needs to be read....prejudice is running rampant in our society...

and it is very sad.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

It is so very sad- I hate humanity for it. Thanks for reviewing this and I'm glad you agree with my .. read more
I lived when Martin Luther King Jr. stood and fought for equal rights for all people. The last 5 years we have fell backwards. This is sad. Time to relive the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. once again. Where everyone is treated the same and there is respect for religion, race and preference. I like your description and hope. I wish I had the cure. I believe each of us must do our part. What is right must be protected. Thank you for the outstanding poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thankyou, I hope that one day the world will have EVEN more understanding of how others are differen.. read more
A brilliant piece! An important message hun :) x

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks, I feel that your sexuality doesn't shape your personality, it's just a description. Like the.. read more

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20 Reviews
Added on March 10, 2014
Last Updated on March 10, 2014



Salisbury, United Kingdom

Hey, My name is Imogen, most call me Immy. I'm twelve years old and I live in England. I have one older sister who is fifteen and she means the world to me, I'd never wish for a another sister or b.. more..

Chapter 1. Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Imogen.E

Chapter 1. Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Imogen.E

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