What do you think?

What do you think?

A Poem by Jack...


What do you think?



What do you think when you look out the window

forgetting the snow that does cover the ground

do you see posies and butterflies floating

hearing the rush of a zephyr's sweet sound?




how can it be that the trees are all barren

where are the leaves that my eyes used to find

lost are the smiles that fade during dreaming

nightmares in green force their way in my mind?




sun softened beaches are waiting for summer

blue ocean scenes I will truly adore

hurry, I’m waiting, it’s taking forever

I need some warmth and a day at the shore?





chilled to the bone with the temperature dropping

why can’t you be here, I do miss you so

how could you leave when you knew that I loved you

tell me please tell me oh why did you go?




what do you think when you look out the window

staring a blank at the edge of the view

cupping your hands in a fit of frustration

why don’t you know that I’m always with you?



© 2014 Jack...

Author's Note

Thank you for reading

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Those looks through the windowpane can tell a lot within of your muse. Only if she knows how much you love her,adore he and how time can bring frustrastions...Bravo...............

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Yep my friend..if only. That sounds like a poem too. Thanks so much Sami.
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

Yep. You are welcome...:)....................
So many thoughts enter my mind...first I wish it were snowing, because I am at school and I feel like doing is writing poetry and being on this website! Jack, I love the choices! And my Mr. Lee (creative writing teacher) from so long ago would have said: "Perfect meter, no breakdown." I always wanted to please him and sometimes, it is refreshing to read a poem of the more old-fashioned sense where meter and rhythm and rhyme exist.And those last two stanzas...oh how I can feel that...and I feel so alone as if I am the only one who feels that...and then I read you and I know I am not alone.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Mollie, thank you so much for your kind words this day. I know the feeling and I know it well. I can.. read more
I liked this a lot. However, I am having a difficult time imagining grass under the 6 foot high snow banks in my yard. Uggh. I would say one minor thing sun softened? beaches maybe? just a suggestion ...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much KL. You are correct, my error. Thanks for pointing that out, it has been remedied.
Lyn Anderson

10 Years Ago

Okay. at least you know I actually read it:)
Difficult to reply after reading the banter between you and Red ;-) ha....you two, *rolling my eyes*

I look for inspiration usually, as I suppose you did for this breathtaking poem Jack, always an outstanding read from your pen.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much my friend. My inspiration always comes from such a beautiful source.
Beautifully contemplative..I liked :) x

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much. for you kindness.
What I think when I look out the window is:

I should be enjoying the world outside the confines of my quiet room but my literary friends won't let me go. Haha.

Thanks for this beautiful poem, Jack. You ended it very well, too.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much my friend. I am happy you enjoyed this...now go outside!!!! :)
This was outstanding. You really surprised me with this one. It was a million times better than any I have read of yours before. I can't explain how much I wanted to keep reading. very well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much. I appreciate your kind words today. Happy you enjoyed this one.
What do I think?? Dangerous question to ask me...as many can attest to. But let's give it a go. What do I think when I look out my window? Depends on the day and whos walking by...sometimes I want to get my shotgun and blow their heads off.....but thats a very small list of people. Most of the time I just enjoy the view...humming a tune...letting my brain process all the crap of the day. Ha...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Now come on Red, you never see me walking past your window...you can put the shotgun away. :)
.. read more

10 Years Ago

Why jack...who would want to shoot you?? Silly really....

10 Years Ago

Hell I'm not sure, but I can tell you there is a reason I don't shop at Target.
how could you leave when you knew that I loved you ,tell me please tell oh why did you go? is it part of the whining you been having? I liked how you whine though, have a whine free weekend

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Cassie. I always appreciate that you find my poerty and leave such kind words for me... read more

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 7, 2014
Last Updated on February 8, 2014



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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