

A Chapter by Jade Slee

A glimpse into how the story started, set the year before, on Halloween.


A boy walks down the darkened corridor; he can barely see anything but relies on his other senses. 

“Hello?” he calls, hoping the person he’s looking for is well enough to reply. “Hello? Savannah, are you okay?” He hears a reply, a familiar voice call his name. She sounds safe but something tells him it’s not right, that she may be in danger. He smells something wafting through the corridors, ugh it’s horrible.

Savannah, where are you?” he calls again, and pauses at a fork. He can go left or right, but he feels there is only one chance of him coming back, and that’s if he picks the right one. He needs Savannah to call, he needs her voice to guide him.

"Savannah!" he yells, waiting for her response. He soon gets it.

"I'm here!" using that, he follows the voice to take him to the right, then down a few more corridors, until the "I'm here!" becomes loud enough to lead him towards a door. He hesitates for a bit, then puts his hand up his t-shirt. He pulls out a stake and turns the door handle very carefully.

 He pushes the door open and enters. The sight is not what he wanted. Savannah wasn't there.

"Oh, help me, help me!" one person in the room imitates Savannah's voice and the others laugh. The boy realises he is surrounded and the weapons useless, he can't fight this one.

 He sighs. "What do you want?" the imitator smiles.

 "I want you."

© 2010 Jade Slee

Author's Note

Jade Slee
hope you like it!

My Review

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Incredibly interesting, definitely a good method of capturing a reader. The suspense built and the desire for a following chapter is quite effective. Can't wait to see where this is going.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 6, 2010
Last Updated on January 6, 2010
Tags: missing, AWOL, vampire, kidnap, jamie, savannah


Jade Slee
Jade Slee

the closest is london, South East, United Kingdom

Ok...well I'm fourteen and I'm currently in year 9, doing a fast-track GCSE in science and english. I have brown hair and blue eyes and I love writing stories about the supernatural, mainly vampires t.. more..
