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The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...


A Chapter by Matt Stewart

Tomorrow's the day. I've got a lot of mixed feelings; mostly great sadness and joy at once. I hear from all the people back home and it brings joy to my heart and soul, and yet I'm leaving a place that has been such a blessing for me. From the genuine love and fellowship of the people, to the excitement and hugs and kisses from the kids, God's presence is so alive here.
My time here has been so blessed and enriched. I've made strong bonds with the people, preached, taught, learned a new language, loved, encouraged, have been loved and encouraged, gained tremendous wisdom from the people here, and most importantly have stayed in prayer and in God's word continuously, drawing closer to Him.
I have my flaws; I can be restless, prideful, conceited, overly sensitive, and a lot of times my "brain to mouth filter" doesn't work as well as I would prefer, but by the Grace of God I stand before the Father, washed of my iniquities  by my Lord and Savior. This experience has made an impact on my heart as to what the body of Christ should look like, and I will continue to pray for this place, and it's people.

© 2011 Matt Stewart

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Added on June 30, 2011
Last Updated on June 30, 2011


Matt Stewart
Matt Stewart

Irondale, AL

My name is Matt Stewart, I'm 26, and have been writing, for atleast 12 years now. Overtime my writings gotten alot better over the years. Writing to me is meditation, and letting my heart and mind go .. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Matt Stewart