Stone Stairs

Stone Stairs

A Poem by JD Jessop

Found some well built, solid stone stairs that led up through the woods to where a mansion must have been in the Ghost town of Mogollon, New Mexico. I explored the place and left with only questions.


Stone Stairs

Only Stone Stairs

Everyone’s gone

Not even a home

Pine needle lawn

Ghost Mogollon

Vanished and gone

Stone Stairs Remain

Time wanders on


Who built the stairs?

What was their song?

Where are they now?

Why are they gone?

Sad thing not knowing

Something went wrong

Stone Stairs remain

Time wanders on……………..

© 2014 JD Jessop

My Review

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I often find myself thinking the same things... How the universe rotated several years ago and such, what occurred? I revel in reading this piece.

Posted 9 Years Ago

JD Jessop

9 Years Ago

Thank you for your review
Love the feel of this piece JD. It's hard not to visit ruins and get caught up in the ghosts of those that once inhabited these places. It's fun to imagine their comings and goings.
Really enjoyed this one!

Posted 9 Years Ago

JD Jessop

9 Years Ago

Thank you so much Ana. :)
Matching Socks

9 Years Ago

You're welcome JD!
I like the thoughts and the wisdom in the words.
"Sad thing not knowing
Something went wrong
Stone Stairs remain
Time wanders on……"
Thank you for sharing the excellent poem. The above lines were my favorite.

Posted 9 Years Ago

JD Jessop

9 Years Ago

Thank you for the review and feedback!
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome.
I love how you captured the stone stairs existence and the wondering of the person that built them

Posted 9 Years Ago

JD Jessop

9 Years Ago

Thank you Layi
Layi Tate

9 Years Ago

;) Your welcome my friend .
And the stairs seem to climb from nothing to nothing...

That's what happens when time leaves a place behind.

Posted 9 Years Ago

JD Jessop

9 Years Ago

For sure. That was my thought too Marie

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5 Reviews
Added on December 5, 2014
Last Updated on December 5, 2014
Tags: Forest, Mogollon, Time


JD Jessop
JD Jessop

Kolkata, kolkata, India

Hi All! This is Kumar Rahul from Kolkata, india. I an a Finance Graduate and Love to write about Finance, health Insurance, travel Insurance etc. visit my blogs to read more. more..

Time Time

A Poem by JD Jessop

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