Journal Entry 1-----When Do You Know Someone?

Journal Entry 1-----When Do You Know Someone?

A Story by Riley Bray

If you ever do...

Constantly, words dribble out of the mouths of people around me, saying, "You don't understand me, don't know me, don't want to. You're too happy a person to know how I feel." Well maybe I don't know you, but how will I if you never let me try? On the other hand, maybe you don't know me. Just because I smile, does that mean I'm happy? Because I laugh, does that automatically make me joyous? Maybe I don't let you know me. Honestly though, it doesn't matter who...The fact is that where do we intend to go if we don't first try to understand each other? One thing I always make it a point to say when I make a friend is, "If you're sad, confused with your life, or just want to chat when you have nothing to do, come to me and I will drop whatever I'm doing for you," and its true. I want to know you and vice versa, but first both people must want it and the effort has to be met equally.

Something I notice is that so often, people choose to place words of self pity upon themselves, arguing that their life is more difficult than your own, but let me just stop you right there. Reason one: It could ALWAYS be worse. Reason two: There is ALWAYS something you can do. Reason three: Someone is ALWAYS there. Reason four: Learn to cope. ...Now let me justify that. No matter what you think, how sad or angry you are, there is someone, somewhere in a worse scenario then you. Whether it be a starving, malnourished child roaming the streets of some rundown city, or an old man with cancer in his body, stolen from the lives of his children and grandchildren knowing his days are numbered, there is someone dealing with something worse. Some people say that there isn't always an option, I think that's a lie. Is there honestly not one thing in your life that you can express yourself in? Possibly artwork or, say, poetry? And is there really no one in your life you can talk to? There must be someone you know. And then there is learning to cope.

Coping methods, sometimes the only reason someone can grasp what little sanity they have or even find a higher sense of self. While some people secrete into themselves, others may become more overt. Frankly, it doesn't really matter, as long as it works, though in my experience its easier to become more outspoken and gain happiness than becoming quieter. I'd say this is because people need people. Its that simple. The more friends you have surrounding you the more secure and hopeful you will become. Although, you need to want to be happy before you can be. Don't go for people who are just as sad as you, even if you want to help them because the truth is that no matter how badly you want to improve their life, you yourself won't make any progress and they can't either. A youtube vlogger going by the name Swoozie06 once said that, "You have to be happy when you get into a relationship. If you're sad, then nothing good will come out of it in the end." While that was meant to be specific to romance, I think its true for friends as well. Keep that in mind as I continue.

You know, I was thinking back today, of times when things were easy, if you could ever call something truly easy. Maybe we didn't know each other back then, but did it matter? No. Time comes and it stops for no one, but that only means one must try harder to keep a friendship going...Meaning you must also learn to trust those friends. What I think is that we as humans need to learn to converse. If only we could do that, I think things could better in many different ways, don't you?

*~*...Batten down the hatches, because its not over yet...*~*

© 2013 Riley Bray

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Added on April 17, 2013
Last Updated on April 19, 2013


Riley Bray
Riley Bray

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."---Maya Angelou "I'm not even going to get mad anymore...I'm just gonna start expecting the lowest from the people I thought h.. more..

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