So Not Over You

So Not Over You

A Poem by Riley Bray

Even when you know you should be, sometimes you can't help it.


Your texts were my alarm clock each morning,
Buzzing to our tune to alert me
And saying, "Morning, sweetie. How are you feeling?"

I would lay in my bed, grasping my heart
And smiling ridiculously as we poked fun at each other
Preparing for the day to start.

And it was wonderful, for a while
But we began to notice the imperfections in each other
And our irritations made for quite the pile.

And you started making me cry
Early in the morning
And very late at night.

Curled up with the teddy bear you gave me last Valentines
Tightly against my chest
And dying slowly inside.

I began not to get a, "Sweet dreams, my love,"
And instead I got squat
And we had nothing to speak of.

And we separated, shortly thereafter,
It was mutual, really,
But still I was haunted by the lack of my laughter.

I was hollow for the longest while,
A case for someone who gave her heart away
And every centimeter step I took, without you, it was a mile.

And then you came back to me,
Begging, honestly,
And for a short time, we were again happy.

But we should have known that those imperfections
Can't be fixed so easily
Because, for the second time, someone else had your affections.

And again, we separated,
I wanted to be the only one you wanted,
But again I felt heavily sedated and saturated.

The next time you wanted me back though,
The hole you made in me by leaving opened wider,
And I had to say no.

I cant allow myself to be a doormat,
Even for the one I loved so deeply,
Because if you truly loved me, our life wouldn't just be a news broadcast.

I saw the hurt in your eyes, or, it was probably actually surprise,
Because I don't think you expected me 
To be the reason for our relationships ultimate demise.

And I still cry myself to sleep at night, sometimes,
Cuddling with the teddy bear you gave me whose stuffed heart was ripped long ago
And I think of what we could have been had you not been full of lies.

And though I know I said I had no more feelings, that we were totally through,
And that you could, "find business elsewhere,"
The truth is, I'm still so not over you.

© 2013 Riley Bray

Author's Note

Riley Bray
This got me on the top writers list. x) Thanks to everyone. xP

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Such a heart breaking read, You expressed well
Like how you sat this up.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thanks. :)
this is sad, the way the poem is written is beautiful yet emotional
very nice poem :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Thank you. :)
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Not sure if I need to ask "Whats wrong?"
Or you just felt like writing a good-depressing poem

Posted 11 Years Ago

Riley Bray

11 Years Ago

Second one. I don't usually write from experience but how I think the person would feel. Then I put .. read more

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13 Reviews
Added on April 25, 2013
Last Updated on August 22, 2013


Riley Bray
Riley Bray

"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."---Maya Angelou "I'm not even going to get mad anymore...I'm just gonna start expecting the lowest from the people I thought h.. more..

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