

A Poem by junaid altaf

the more we try to run from the reality about truth the more we find ourselves wearing masks of satisfaction and happinessss..................

I have been saying this to myself, for so long
this despair won't be staying with me for long

but least did i know about the shadow always with me
whether it is day or night, it will always be with me

it has taught me the cost of a smile
it has made me think for a while
no matter how deep may be the silence of its company
it is not an element like bismuth or antimony

it is a question with a million answers
it is a garden with no flowers!

junaid altaf

© 2013 junaid altaf

Author's Note

junaid altaf
dont read it!
just simply try to read it with the true inner self.............

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The realm of which we choose to understand is at times right in front of you... or behind... depending where the light is hitting... of course... a shadow is limited in complete darkness... the issue of this... the shadow when there open to conversation...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

junaid altaf

10 Years Ago

you are right


The realm of which we choose to understand is at times right in front of you... or behind... depending where the light is hitting... of course... a shadow is limited in complete darkness... the issue of this... the shadow when there open to conversation...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

junaid altaf

10 Years Ago

you are right
We can cover our dissatisfaction over so that others see us as whole but there is that dark spot lingers behind our smile and covers our self worth and point of view. Nice one junaid.

Posted 11 Years Ago

junaid altaf

11 Years Ago

thanks friedda
"it is a question with a million answers
it is a garden with no flowers!" Loved this amazing write like always!!!

Posted 11 Years Ago

I think you have a good concept, and you've got a few good lines in here. Some of you word choices in places feels a little off and I think this might feel better if you dropped the exclamation point on the last line, but overall this is pleasant to read. Good work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

junaid altaf

11 Years Ago


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4 Reviews
Added on May 31, 2013
Last Updated on May 31, 2013
Tags: silence of its company


junaid altaf
junaid altaf

srinagar, north kashmir, India

a lot to be known very less to say but heaps to tell!!!!!!!!!!! more..

poet poet

A Poem by junaid altaf