Autumn's Journey, Farewell

Autumn's Journey, Farewell

A Poem by Jeff

About a friend who lost her friend to suicide. Literally written minutes after seeing her find out for the first time. Only poem that ever truly flowed from me.



They had been friends since they first sprouted.

Never were they apart, always only yards away.

They carried each other through the tough seasons,

Twenty long years in fact.


So it happened, on the twenty first year of their time,

The winter began to get a little colder

And the summer just a little hotter.

The leaves would fall just a little bit earlier in the fall

And wait just a little longer to bud in the spring.


The two friends toughed it out,

As they always had before.

But this year, something changed.

One of the friends noticed that the other was different.


Her leaves seemed a little drier,

No longer permeating that beautiful aura of green and yellow.

For she was now brown, and her limbs grey.

With every passing day she fell closer to the ground

Until one day, the owner of these lands, a great woodsman,

Came and took her away.


Her friend didn't understand.

She was alone for the first time in her life.

Never had she been without her friend.


She cried for days, dewy drops piercing the ground below,

Staining the earth with her sadness.

Never before had she been so mournful

As she had been that twenty first year.


One day, she stretched her roots out

In search for the last of her friend.

To her surprise and dismay,

She found her.


But what she found was something

That died long before the hunter came to take her friend away.

It was her friend's roots,

The soul beneath had died.


Those cold winters and tough summers

Came too hard to her friend.

The hopeless spirit within finally extinguished.

Her friend never even said goodbye.


It had been five summers since that year.

She had seen many more hard winters,

But she still carried on strong.

Her buds bloomed in the spring

And her branches held strong in the winter.


She never forgot about her friend.

Perhaps she never will.

Maybe the spirit her friend had lost all those years ago,

Carries on now inside her.

Maybe she never really lost her friend.


© 2008 Jeff

My Review

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Excellent is always hard to loss a friend no matter if by suicide or by any other means.......suicide is a sad sad thing to happen because no one really knows what goes through the minds of those who take thier own lives.......even homcides are hard to phathom because you never know what goes through the mind of the killer..........even though we can guess to what goes on and the psychologist think they have it all figured out.........but they don't and I don't think anyone will ever truly understand to what goes on in someones mind that makes them snap and take away the most precious gift...LIFE.......but saying that they still live on in our memories, in our dreams and in our everyday thoughts.................

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 5, 2008
Last Updated on February 5, 2008



Groton, CT

Hi, my name is Jeff and I am 25 year old guy from CT. I'm a confused young adult, like many, looking for his place in life. I love movies, books, riding my bike, and I am very passionate over music. I.. more..

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