A New Love

A New Love

A Poem by The Watcher

Back on the road to finding happiness...

I never really knew the meaning of friendship...

Like a lost soul, I searched and searched.
Only to realize that friends were hard to find.
Very quickly did I learn the error of my ways.
Even now I regret my foolishness...

You could say that I was lonely.
Overly desperate to rediscover happiness.
Under the impression that I had a purpose...

Just as things seemed to be lost,
Eyes of sapphire caught my attention.
No doubt within my heart...
No doubt within my soul...
I found an angel... An angel of love.
Forever shall I stay by her side.
Even as we pass to the promised land.
Roaming together for all eternity...

© 2014 The Watcher

Author's Note

The Watcher
Just a little something I thought up with heartfelt feelings... Sorry if the wording seems a little corny.

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This is amazing, I love how it links together perfectly!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is so beautiful!!!! You wrote with passion! Great write!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is so beautiful and I like how it spells out (literally and figuratively) your love for this person. The structure is very precise and flows without flaw.

"Eyes of sapphire caught my attention.
No doubt within my heart...
No doubt within my soul.."

Perfectly phrased.

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Eyes of sapphire caught my attention.
No doubt within my heart...
No doubt within my soul...
I found an angel... An angel of love."

A well written poem...:)...............

Posted 10 Years Ago

Finding someone special is always a blessing. Keep writing.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Very pretty. I'm sure she must be very special....

Posted 10 Years Ago

well, if love is tough to be found , I bet the principle is to await, what I mean just wait till your known, or interior written love by accidential and adventitious fate comes to you. hard to believe it , but this love is exeptional, it is magical, and lasting for ever. good work well done.

Posted 10 Years Ago

love is never corny...always endearing ...always worth sharing:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Love can find us when we least expect it, and sometimes it comes when we are not even looking. A warm, and enjoyable piece. ~ Robert.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on October 22, 2012
Last Updated on August 9, 2014

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