Smile, Silly

Smile, Silly

A Poem by jmt8921

Smile, Silly

Hold on tight, this is gonna be intense,

Set the mood, light some incense,

Because this one,

Well girl, it’s for you.

I may not be that smooth,

I most def lack cool moves,

I can’t dance, at least not well,

But I can DDR, and boy that’s swell.

I can do other cool stuff,

Like hum, and look kinda buff.

I try to sing, but beware,

My voice is somewhat obscene.

But I can play love ballads,

And I can make fruit salad,

With avocados and pears,

Oh my!

You may ask why,

Why would one person have such skills?

For one very simple reason.

To bring you smiles,

When flowers are out of season.

To make you laugh, and giggle. (pickle)

When you’re lonely, or you’re bored. (sword)

With senseless rhymes,

And promises of happier times.

So don’t be down,

Wipe off that Frown,

Or stand on your head,

So it will be a smile instead.

© 2008 jmt8921

My Review

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this is charming and witty and i like your closing lines here

So don't be down,
Wipe off that Frown,
Or stand on your head,
So it will be a smile instead.

this is very well written and put a smile on my face

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

:) smiling! Lovely!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on October 11, 2008



Front Royal, VA

My name is Justin and I am a freshman at JMUl. I am a theater dork. I spend most of my time reading and writing, and my favorite book is The Princess Bride. I want to be an English teacher and maybe e.. more..

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