![]() Sunrise Through a Chainlink FenceA Poem by Jonathan Wa man seated on a paint chipped wooden bench behind a seldom
used backstop drags the tip of his shoe in the exposed mud to create the shapes silhouetted in his mind by hours spent tracing lines with his palm on the back of her neck. sunrise, an event he could only seem to recall in his memory with her messy hair obstructing his view of the color oozing through the window as he laid beside in the early morning. his attempts to sit up to see the gold wash through the thin
curtains used to be met with light groans and feeble grasps as she pulled him back against her, and down from the window. now in unobstructed view on a cold morning seated on a paint chipped wooden bench
behind a seldom used backstop, the colors seem washed. he groans as he leans forward to hold himself on the rusting chain link, pulling a leaf, stuck in between grates into the corner of his vision as if to simulate her head resting softly against the pillow. he reaches out his palm to trace the lines on the back of her neck, but scrapes his hand on the backstop instead. © 2016 Jonathan WReviews