You've Captured Me

You've Captured Me

A Poem by that-little-green-monster

Inspired by a few songs by Dear Reader.

The tape has already sealed my mouth,
 My words are no longer my own.
 It seems my apologies are never enough, 
I can't find my way out of the hole I dug. 

The water is already tainted, 
Can't bring back the purity. 
The flower is already wilted, 
And starting to lose it's petals.

 I can't say what's right or wrong, 
It's all just a puzzle. 
I'm through with the games, 
I'm done being another player,
 Another pawn. 

Nothing's black and white anymore, 
The colors have dripped and swirled together. 
Nothing is clear anymore,
 I don't know what to believe. 

You treat me like a ghost, 
Never quite there. 
You talk about me like I'm a monster, 
Some disgusting creature. 
You act as if I'm not human, 
I don't have feelings.

© 2012 that-little-green-monster

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Featured Review

Ah. I love your poetry. So clear and precise but in such a well spun and intricate way. This poem is like crystal. Complex, yet simple. It reflects perfectly in each line exactly what you want to say. Inspired and concise.

Love it. You nailed it with this one. "Ghost" is spelled wrong, but nothing else to add. It stands on its own.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A captivating piece I must say

Posted 2 Years Ago

This was excellent. Beautiful. Breathtaking. I really, really, really enjoyed it. The only thing is that I find it ends abruptly. I want more and the way you end it leaves it open for something else. I'm not say you have to change, I just think it might be more powerful if you add another stanza. I'm also not saying end it with something stupid like, "happily ever after". I'm also not saying let the ending drift. I'm saying make the ending sharp, but not abrupt.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is good
Yet again I like the flow of the poem

Posted 12 Years Ago

Ah. I love your poetry. So clear and precise but in such a well spun and intricate way. This poem is like crystal. Complex, yet simple. It reflects perfectly in each line exactly what you want to say. Inspired and concise.

Love it. You nailed it with this one. "Ghost" is spelled wrong, but nothing else to add. It stands on its own.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nice poem.Owlgirl did a nice job by that suggestion and spelling correction.Anyways,great poem context.

Posted 12 Years Ago

it is very tragic to be treated like you're not a human. people are all playing games with one another. it is unavoidable. great poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the descriptions you put into the poem! You may want to work on the format and flow of the poem, but hey, it's pretty awesome. In the first line of the last stanza you misspell the word "ghost", but that's a quick fix. Beautifully written! Nice imagery.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Very nicely written!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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9 Reviews
Added on June 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 7, 2012
Tags: Dear, reader, capture



Hello! I am a high school student. I am a thespian and a writer. I hope to pursue a career in a creative field. I believe that words can have affect on people more than we could ever imagine. I don't .. more..


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