The Gallows

The Gallows

A Story by TheRaven

The end is near


The sun reached up high into the sky as the bells began to toll. For a 

moment the air was dead and no sound was made. The sunlight traversed 

through the land until it made its way through the window, washing over 

the cold, metallic bars of Jacobs cell. The rays warmed his pale skin 

causing a slight shine of sweat to come across his face. Though he knew 

that he would walk with death today Jacob was not scared, or even slightly affected. As his death stood before him he did not flinch. He was ready for 



A lone guard came form him several minutes after the final bells had died away. He was armed with only a small wooden club, and the keys to open 

the door. Although they always kept Jacob in his chains due to the nature of his crime, they were not needed. Jacob welcomed his future with open 

arms and he would not dare take a chance to ruin the moments that would 

soon come. After the guard had collected Jacob and began to bring him 

from the jail the sun had begun to make its way down to the horizon, 

ushering in the black night. Only the faintest rays of sunlight remained to 

them, giving them only the dullest light to light their way. After several 

moments of slow walking the darkness consumed the pair entirely until 

they could make out a small flame in the distance. The execution sight was near.


The site was bare expect for the torches that surrounded the parameter, and the gallows with its single noose swinging in the air. Those who had come 

to watch had taken over a small area in front of the gallows, standing by 

one another due to a lack of seating. Jacob was taken to the center of the 

area and presented to the crowd. The executioner proceeded to lay his 

crimes before them. 25 men, women and children dead, each mutilated 

beyond recognition. They had found him while he was finishing off a little girl who had been missing for several months. Jacob loved to draw out their pain and would often torture two or more at a time in order to give them 

time to recover before starting again. When he was asked if he felt remorse Jacob had responded with no, and that if given the chance he would have done it again. And so he stands, waiting to take his trip to the other world.


After the executioner finishes Jacob is dragged around to the back of the 

gallows and forced its wooden steps. He can see the outline on the wooden structure of the trap door that will act as his passage into death. He wished 

that they would have found a more creative way than a broken neck, or 

strangulation to kill him, but their minds were not as adept at taking life as he was. Jacob was pressed to the age of the gallows, the noose placed 

around his neck, and tightened, the rough rope digging into his skin. 

Already breathing began to get harder due to the rope, but it was still 

manageable. As he waited for the end to come he was trying to decide how the rope would kill him. He preferred strangulation so that those who came to see would be forced to watch his struggling body, and so that the image may forever be in their thoughts, and besides a broken neck was far to 

boring to Jacob. He looked around at the crowd one last time before looking to his left. He watched as the executioner made his way to the lever that 

would bring Jacob to his end. He looked away and closed his eyes, and 

began to count back from ten. At six the executioner pulled the lever and 

the rope became taught with Jacobs weight. Across the open sky birds flew from their trees by the thousands as the torches around the gallows went 

dark. In the moonlight a single child screamed, and in the black night red 

eyes burned unhindered.  

© 2015 TheRaven

Author's Note

Please give helpful feedback both for the story and any issues, as well as how to improve my writing.

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Featured Review

Now that was an interesting read, a short glimpse into a killer's mind. I found myself guessing why Jacob was looking forward to the execution and I guessed only just before you revealed the reason, so it stayed interesting and fresh until the end, great job!

Style was good, I'd only suggest replacing a few of the passive verbs with active ones, given Jacob's personality i think that actions fit him better than sufferance - but of course that is a matter of personal taste :-)

The formatting was a bit odd with line breaks in the middle of the words, so maybe you'd want to look into that.

It was a good story, an interesting theme and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Now that was an interesting read, a short glimpse into a killer's mind. I found myself guessing why Jacob was looking forward to the execution and I guessed only just before you revealed the reason, so it stayed interesting and fresh until the end, great job!

Style was good, I'd only suggest replacing a few of the passive verbs with active ones, given Jacob's personality i think that actions fit him better than sufferance - but of course that is a matter of personal taste :-)

The formatting was a bit odd with line breaks in the middle of the words, so maybe you'd want to look into that.

It was a good story, an interesting theme and I thoroughly enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing!

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on August 5, 2015
Last Updated on October 18, 2015



Flint, MI
