

A Poem by Fairy Khan

There's a lovely distant place
somewhere only I know,
where the sun shines bright
through the winter's snow.

The birds there sing songs
of sweet serenity,
the winds dance and
the rain pours tranquility.

The brooks flow and
the grasses stand and gaze,
the stars peep through the clouds
and wait for the dreams to chase.

The flowers there never wither
and the leaves are ever so green,
the fairies sprinkle their magic around
and I sit on the throne like a queen.

There's a lovely distant place
somewhere we all know,
where the sun shines bright
through the winter's snow.

The twilight there is as divine
as you appraise,
and the nights
are as heavenly as the days.

© 2020 Fairy Khan

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A wonderful poem shared dear poet.
"The flowers there never wither
and the leaves are ever so green,
the fairies sprinkle their magic around
and I sit on the throne like a queen."
I need a tropical place near the sea. I would write the great novel. Thank you my dear friend for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 3 Years Ago

I had to google your title word & thank you for turning me on to a popping new word! Wow! I could use some apricity on these frosty mornings lately (I'm a wimp -- we usually have mild autumn weather here!) Your rhyme & rhythm is light & bouncy to convey the optimism this poem suggests . . . that we are all capable of finding a place like you describe . . . this place is within our grasp . . . and I love how you're not specific about how to access this place, since it can be so very different for each person. It's enuf to make sure a person can believe it's possible! Nicely inspiring, especially with so much dreariness impacting people's lives. It's all about what we focus on! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 3 Years Ago

If that doesn't describe paradise, it certainly comes awfully close
as long as there are no endless streams of oversized 4x4 pick-ups and there is a quiet spot to drink it all in, send me a map and I'll begin my journey.
That is true about the rain isn't it??

Posted 3 Years Ago

Everyone needs such a place.. somewhere special... I have such a place.. and would not swap it for anything... a delightful poem my friend and very much enjoyed...


Posted 3 Years Ago

Delightful piece Fary. Lovely rhyme and flow. We all need a place like that to go in thought flight when the going gets tough. Very visually pleasing.


Posted 3 Years Ago

Fairy Khan

3 Years Ago

I am glad you liked it. Thank you, Chris.
Chris Shaw

3 Years Ago

You are very welcome Fairy.
This was a lovely poem and an absolute pleasure to read!

Posted 3 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Fairy Khan

3 Years Ago

Thanks, dear friend.
One gets transported to a place of much beauty and serenity by your words. A very calming and dreamy effect they have. This is a place where poetry would never cease.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Fairy Khan

3 Years Ago

Thank you for stopping by.
Indeed my place too as I love the sun. In this descriptive poem you transport the reader to what sounds like a heavenly and peaceful oasis.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Fairy Khan

3 Years Ago

Thank you, John.
this put me in an absolutely great mood....a much needed read this morning...

and i love the line "the rain pours tranquility"----

I wish I had written that.

Posted 3 Years Ago

Fairy Khan

3 Years Ago

Thank you for your kind words, Jacob. It really means a lot coming from you.

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9 Reviews
Added on October 26, 2020
Last Updated on October 26, 2020


Fairy Khan
Fairy Khan

Srinagar, Kashmir, India

Pursuing individualism to the point of isolation. more..


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