Shimmers of Beauty

Shimmers of Beauty

A Poem by Sara

I was inspired by a Smashing Pumpkins song, luna. Which this happens to be about the moon and my love for her beauty.

I watch her, she shines just for me
So bright, almost blindingly
The essence of a smile
That lasts for too little a time
I wanna reach up and make her mine
Hidden from me, high up in a cloud
I'll draw her the same, make her proud

The next night, I see her again
Always returning, that's a true friend
She's smiling, that smile illuminates the sky
I'm transfixed by the beauty, don't ask, I don't know why
I go to sleep watching her glow
Why she doesn't stay I'll never be privileged to know
The rays shine upon my body
Making my skin seem to shimmer
I'll never be as bright as her though, she always has a glimmer
I'm in love with you
And if I had a heart to give I would
But to the moon, I shouldn't yet I should
Will I see you again tonight?
Tomorrow, and the days to come soon
I stare in wonder at her beauty, beauty of my moon

© 2010 Sara

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its nice, however to me on the first paragraph " the lasts for too little a time " does not make any sense, maybe you can re-word to be time away from us is awhile. or something a little bit more clearer.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

moon at its best.....

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 16, 2010
Last Updated on September 16, 2010
Tags: moon, love, luna, song, smashing pumpkins, beauty, sara, kiksrules, solonely, poetry



wagoner, OK

Well for starts, "Hi! I'm Sara!!", and I'm in love!! With writing, anything pertaining to literature really. I also love music, mushrooms, origami, cooking, being loved (that's always something to lik.. more..

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