Walk Through

Walk Through

A Poem by kingfugazi

Theres a lot going on in the world, but outta sight outta mind doesn't help.

Walk through Los Angeles to breathe in the smog
Walk through London to get lost in the fog
Walk through Seattle to get drenched by the rain
Walk through Gaza to feel the pain
Walk through New York to remember the towers
Walk through D.C. to feel the power
Walk through Cairo to travel time
Walk through Athens to follow the line
Walk through Jerusalem to weep with the walls
Walk through Detroit to watch as it falls
Walk through New Orleans as the waters recede
Walk through Mogadishu to experience need
Walk through Bagdad to see the war
Then Walk through Kandahar to see some more

© 2011 kingfugazi

Author's Note

Thank you for taking the time to read my poem.

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Amazing poem. I love how you got a lot of the famous cities in there. Most of the statments are true as well, and I like that in a poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

A beautiful write... very intense and powerful imagery

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on October 15, 2011
Last Updated on October 15, 2011
Tags: Mogadishu, New Orleans, Athens, London, Detroit, Cairo, New York, Kandahar, Jerusalem, poverty, war, smog, pollution, Katrina, 9/11, Twin Towers



Reseda, CA

Just doing my best to write what I need to express. more..

She She

A Poem by kingfugazi