Mad World

Mad World

A Book by Tay Greenwall

Amyl's life revolves around her own mind. Her life IS her mind. Why is this? Is the culprit to be severe mental troubles? Or perhaps she is hiding away from the darker secrets of her past?


© 2010 Tay Greenwall

Author's Note

Tay Greenwall
A small warning: The dialogue in this story is completely and utterly random. Or is it? At first glance, Lewis Carrol's literature may appear the same. But that ingenious man had a story and a scientific explanation behind every word. Perhaps I do as well... Perhaps not a particularly scientific or ingenius story, but each word holds a story nonetheless.

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I love this one *dreamy sigh*

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 31, 2010
Last Updated on July 31, 2010