

A Poem by Thomas Fitzgerald

A look at the pandemic that is threatening our existence as we know it.

This living power now takes us all,
Regardless of skin, mind, or thought,
You will not escape the wrath unfolding,
Be brave and keep a distance fraught.

Please be clean and wash those hands,
As condition moistening will hamper health,
The young the old will all come into focus,
Poor and rich alike the hand has been dealt.

Will quarantine help to stave the necessary,
Or merely halt the time when death lunges,
Although be weary of those that come out,
They hold no risk of further darkness plunges.

Some simple steps to adhere to and listen,
Washing, no touching and keep firmly away,
As a virus lurks we move it about,
Now stop and don't just kneel and pray.

Know the signs for they are known to all,
A shortness of breath, a cough that fever,
Take heed of travel and those that came back,
Be sensible and use your mind not a cleaver.

My fellows I hope that we can beat covid-19,
As life is resilient and gets back up to stand,
Again simple steps to be followed with fervor,
We wait for a day when we reclaim this land.

© 2020 Thomas Fitzgerald

Author's Note

Thomas Fitzgerald
Just a reminder of what to do.

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Yes Thomas, we all need to be reminded over and over again. I for one am sticking firmly behind our PM and his medical and scientific advisers. I am grateful for the additional tightening of measures communicated last night, after the fiasco of the weekend. People congregating like a Bank Holiday on the beaches and in the parks. Your fine words here emphasise that all of us are at risk. Covid 19 doesn't look at colour, creed or wealth. We need to wake up quick and smell the coffee and act in accordance with scientific research. Prayers now are a lost cause, there will be numerous deaths. I am hopeful this can be beaten, if we all do as we are advised, but I fear that life as we once knew it might have changed for good. On the other side of the curve, we may be different people. Maybe alot nicer.


Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Indeed Chris, we now, all live in hope, thank you.


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We are slap bang in the middle of a God almighty s**t storm Thomas and patience and adherence to what's asked seems to be the only way out.
Another very well written piece.
Hope you are safe and well.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

You too, thank you.
My heart murmurs ... my feet falter... my hands hold onto babies who slumber... the world will linger among the flowers that blush against my breast as we wait for the healing to take effect. gently, Pat

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.
A poem for the safety of people.Great work indeed.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.

4 Years Ago

You are welcome
I agree dear Thomas. I am still working as a overnight manager at a pharmacy. People need their medicine. Time for old world to be forgotten. We need to be kind to each other, help who we can. Be safe my friend.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you and stay safe
Coyote Poetry

4 Years Ago

You too my friend.
and reclaim it we shall Thomas ... its a virus and will be a thing of the past like all the rest ... people die of many things yet we don't live in dread of them .. we still drive ... take airplanes ... walk the streets tho violence and death are all around the next corner perhaps ... love your tips .. can't be shouted enough .. easy for those who have running water .. not so much for those who don't :( i am in your ranks Thomas ... 100% :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.
This is great and sensible advice on the current time of pestilence and all in awesome rhyming that reinforces the urgent message. I like the optimistic note on which you concluded. The use of the word ‘reclaim’
This poem underlines the need for patience, perseverance and wisdom in tackling the crisis. Well written!

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.
This is a powerful piece on the crisis we are living through now. It was beautifully structured with a great flow. It’s content is of the utmost importance, urging everyone to keep safe in the only ways we know how.
Right now, everyone is scared. Things are at a pivotal point in the world, all of us are united in this battle. Hope is easy to lose, when no one knows how to end the tragedies around them. For that reason, seeing this glimmer of positivity through the dark is appreciated. I enjoyed reading this, thank you.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.
And a clever way of communicating it. Let's hope all heed. The last verse is most important. Life is indeed resilient. It came back after 1348, it came back after 1918. It will do it again.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you John
fear aside we need to act
accordingly. with the guide
lines and advice given and
not overreact with anxiety
well penned advice in this

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you Fran.
thank you, Thomas...Yes we must heed what the scientists and doctors are telling us, not the damn politicians who still have their own gains foremost in their rhetoric and warped hearts and agendas.
Distance until we can strike this thing where it stands...knock it to the ground.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Thomas Fitzgerald

4 Years Ago

Thank you.

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15 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2020
Last Updated on March 24, 2020
Tags: Covid-19, Corona, Coronavirus, Disease, Sickness


Thomas Fitzgerald
Thomas Fitzgerald

Wexford, Leinster, Ireland

To all who know by now - I love you. For those that don't, I review a lot of work on here, and I expect the same in return, friend me but make sure to have conviction! I'm a horror writer mostly bu.. more..


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