2) Pretty Girl

2) Pretty Girl

A Chapter by Kelly M.

Chapter Two: Pretty Girl

I took a deep breath before my pink ballet flats hit against the concrete towards the doors of Knoxville High School. My friends waved at me as I walked passed them. I was so ready for this year to start because I got my permit this summer, Nicki was in most of my classes, and I was on the dance team. 

The hallways were filled up when I walked through them to find my locker. I could hear my name being called by Nicki, "Lavenly! Lavenly!" My head turned all around the hallway, but I couldn't see where she was standing. 

I would have to catch up with her later, I thought to myself as I continued my journey through the hallway. The students pushed and shoved me as I squeezed myself through the tight spaces. It wasn't this crazy last year as a freshmen.

Somehow, I was able to squeeze through the students well enough to end up right at my locker for this year. One good luck point for today! I thought as my hand turned the lock to the right numbers. The numbers worked perfectly as I pulled the lock open and stuffed my books that I was carrying in my backpack into the locker. 

While I was getting my locker all organized, someone slammed into my back and made me bang against the lockers. I fell to the ground as a pair of muscular hands helped me up and a melodic voice sounded through my ears. "Oh my goodness! Are you okay? I'm so sorry, the hallways are just so clumped." 

I looked up at my old guy best friend I hadn't seen since third grade. His brown hair swooshed to the left side of his face. He didn't have his glasses anymore, so you could see his hazel-green eyes clearer. The muscles on his arms and chest were easily seen, along with his muscular facial features. He wore a checkered black and red shirt with a black undershirt underneath. His denim jeans and red converse finished up his outfit.

"Kynle! Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you since like third grade!" I squealed as I hugged him tightly. My heart jumped as I thought about the memories we had in kindergarten to third grade. "What's been up?"

Kynle didn't really hug me back, but once I pulled away from the hug and looked at him, his eyes shined brightly. His dimples were easily seen on each side of his lips as he gleamed at me, showing a pearly white set of teeth. "You're still a hugger I see. I moved back from Chicago this summer with my parents. We decided that I should have my Senior year in Knoxville. I know it's two more years away, but it's better to be back earlier than later." He chuckled slightly as me fixed his backpack that was falling off his shoulders. 

"You've always been the weird talker since kindergarten. I'm glad you moved back! Do you remember Nicki? She had that huge crush on you all through third grade, remember?" I chatted smiling at him. I closed my locker and slung my backpack over my right shoulder just as Nicki came into eye-sight through the hallway of kids.

My attention snapped back to Kynle as he replied laughing, "Yeah, I remember her. Isn't she like your new BFF or something?" He raised his left eyebrow and looked over to where Nicki appeared. "Hey Nicki. Remember me?" He held out his hand towards her, waiting for her to take the gesture.

I motioned Nicki to do something as she stood there just confused at who this guy was talking to her. "Hi... um... who are you?" she questioned as her hand gripped his. They shook hands and she still was oblivious as to whom this boy was.

Kynle laughed as he ran his hand through his silky hair. "It's me, Kynle Johanson. I was the guy you had a crush on in the third grade," he smiled at her when she finally got the message.

"Oh yeah!" she said when her eyes lit up as the guy we ran into in the woods yesterday passed by. "I'll see ya'll later." Nicki disappeared after the guy through the chaos of student still swarming in the hallway.

Kynle turned back to me and I just shrugged my shoulders as we walked side by side down the hallway. We talked about our years up to this year and our families. His mom is working in a bakery shop on the main road, while his dad is working at the Hancock bank just down the road from school. It was great to catch up with things as I talked to Kynle. Oh how I've missed him so much!

© 2011 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.
WRITTEN by Lizzard.

Hoped you liked this second chapter! :)

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I really liked the chapter. Kinda sad that theres not another chapter :(


Posted 12 Years Ago

like kinle ! nice chapter liz !:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 23, 2011
Last Updated on May 24, 2011


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


"The Spirit of God made me; the breath of the Almighty God gives me life." Job 33:4 more..

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