My story part one

My story part one

A Story by Krista

    I figure I mind as well write my life story as people hear don't know me. It won't be all happy so you know. In fact it is mostly sad.

    I don't know why hospitals affect me this way but yesterday I went to visit my adoptive fathers dad or my papa in the hospital and got really lightheaded. Maybe it was because it reminded me of being born and then given up for adoption. I don't mind the blood or wires as much as I do the memories.

   The memories aren't always happy ones. It is memorable though as it was the last time I saw my biological parents. I had to be told my 2 brothers Jonathan, two years old at the time and Daniel one at the time and my sister Jessica who was 4 at the time were there. And that my other sister Velvet, 5 years old was already put up for adoption. A decesion that my birthfather regrets as of today. The reason he regrets it is that she was molested by her adoptive father. But I am jumping ahead of myself. Befoere I bring that up I need to tell you how I came about finding everyone I have so far.

I started searching when I turned 18 which was on November 15 of last year. I found my birthmother Lisa first. The date was January 6th. It was really late or really just turned midnight and I was on MSN messenger talking to someone from a group I joined that would help and support me through it. The group is called Chosen Babies. The person I will leave her name anynonomous as I don't want her to regret helping me told me she had found my birthmother Lisa. I was shocked. I had only given the her the information about an hour ago and she had done what I wasn't able to. I kept asking if she was sure that it was her. She said "yes I am sure. I have her on the phone right now and am talking to her. Do you want her number?" Of course I did but I was scared and I said as much. I said" I would prefer your number and I can call you and could you flash me in perhaps?It would make me more comfortable." She said" Sure I can do that" and gave me her number. I called the number after and she flashed me in for atleast 2 minutes I just said nothing  I was shocked that bad. Then lady that found my mom asked me"Are you still there?" I said" I am here still. Just shocked that you found her." Strangely I was suddenly wide awake. I was really tired before and didn't feel good much like now but everything left me in that short time.



© 2009 Krista

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Added on March 29, 2009




My name is Krista. I'm 27 years old. I have an eating disorder and am a cutter. I'm also depressed most of the time a very negative out look on life. more..

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