

A Poem by J.M. Barrett

This is me.


I'm afraid to see the doctor

I'm afraid of what he'll say

I woke up with the sniffles

And a slight headache today

I think it's a tumor 

But I also have strep throat

Could it be, I'm getting sicker?

Is it cancer, AIDS, or both!?

There's a tingle in my fingers

I think It might be diabetes

But I'm also two days late

Am I carrying a dead fetus!?

I think I might go blind

I have not taken my B12

Things have seemed a little blurry

It's neurological, I can tell!

I googled all my symptoms

I clicked on Web MD

It brought me to this list

Of everything that it can be

So much I've not considered

Now I'm really getting worried

Please don't be ALS!

Before I'm 30 I'll be buried!

Are my words a little slurred?

I had a stroke last night

There was a twitch in my left arm

And my heart did not feel right

I'm really worried 'bout this cough

I've had it for a day

It could be chronic bronchitis 

If it does not go away

Is it normal feeling dizzy?

I've been somewhat fatigued

I've narrowed all my symptoms

To these possibilities:



Asthma, Sleep Apnea

and Parkinson's Disease

I'm afraid to see a doctor

Though I know just what he'll say

He'll tell me nothings wrong

I won't believe him anyway

© 2011 J.M. Barrett

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this is absolutely funny and well written, I enjoyed the original concept and poetical play on idea, you're an awsome writer, keep it up.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Excellent poem. I love the flow and movement of the poem all leading to the fact that you just won't believe the doctor. There are a couple of spots where the rhythm falters a bit.

I think it's a tumor - It might just be a tumor (flows better with, I'm afraid to see the doctor)
I think It might be diabetes - And it might be diabetes (flows better with,There's a tingle in my fingers)

There are others but I'm sure you can hear them. You get the idea. I've gotten the same criticism on my rhyming poems so I understand how hard it is to make the patter work.

Nice write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Love it! Nice rhythm, funny, and it reminds me of a few people I know.

Posted 14 Years Ago

funny! and very well written...i like the rhymes and structure..you must have put some time into it!

i agree with Jenna it does seem playful!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Witty read. I enjoyed the rhymes and the playful tone. This could lighten anyone's mood. Great poem and a good laugh. ;]

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very cute and witty if meant to be that way, but if not, yes, this is a serious problem that people deal with all the time, in varying levels. If this was tongue in cheek, then lol it was a hoot, if it was serious, then, I wish you well, and I hope things improve for you Jaxsterr :)

Blessings to you, either way.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Pretty funny. You write about many topics. That is something I strive to do:) Well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I reaallly like the words here. lol. I think it's so funny to me because sometimes I'm a hypochondriac. I think we just watch to much news and Discovery Health Channel. Nice flow, rhyme scheme, and a cool, witty tone.

Posted 14 Years Ago

ha ha. this is very good. great rhyming and rhythm, and you are probably right about that doctor. Also, that date we had for next week, I am sorry but I have to cancel, slight cough you know.

Posted 14 Years Ago

I love this! You definitely made me smile. Excellent rhythm. Only one comment: In your second stanza "Is cancer, aids, or both!?" I think you need a "IT" in there. --> "Is it cancer, aids, or both!?"

Nice work. I love this.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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37 Reviews
Shelved in 7 Libraries
Added on May 18, 2010
Last Updated on June 9, 2011


J.M. Barrett
J.M. Barrett

Spring Hill, FL

"...for every mile the feet go, the heart goes nine." - ee cummings more..


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